

Our favorite  MM authors a.k.a. castaways are asked, what books, songs and luxury item would they take to a desert island?

This is a monthly series inspired by LezReviewBooks.com’s ‘Desert Island Books’, which in turn is based on BBC’s ‘Desert Island Discs’.

The rules are fairly simple:

List up to ten books, a playlist and one luxury item that you couldn’t do without on a desert island.

Any type of book can be selected, but I ask that at least half are LGBT+ books. Choices should be justified in a paragraph or two. Any number of songs and any type of music is allowed. The luxury item must be inanimate and of no use in escaping the island or allowing communication from outside.

Let’s welcome our June castaway, Sam Burns!


1. The Marshals Series by Mary Calmes. Honestly, anything by Mary is a good bet; she’s my comfort read nine times out of ten.

2. The Last Sun by KD Edwards. I haven’t finished the series yet, but the first book was one of the freshest takes on mm urban fantasy I’ve ever seen, and his writing is excellent.

3. Nice Dragons Finish Last by Rachel Aaron. (The whole Heartstriker series, really) More fantasy than romance, but this entire series has one of the strongest casts of secondary characters I’ve ever found. Bob and Amelia are two of my favorite characters in any book series, ever.

4. The entire Widdershins series by Jordan L Hawk. This was my first favorite series when I started reading queer lit, and remains a staple for me. Rewriting the Lovecraft universe without his fundamental terror of all things unknown? Win.


For music, here’s a random playlist I listen to constantly as mood music for when I’m working on epic fantasy novels. (Anyone who wants to email me more suggestions to add to it is my new favorite person: [email protected] .)


I officially fail, because that’s already way more than ten books. As such, I think my one luxury item has to be my easy, obvious answer: my kindle. If I’m allowed another one since the kindle is implied by having the books at all, then my Unhide blanket. Books + comfort + music? Please, don’t ever rescue me.


Sam is an author of LGBTQIA+ fiction, mostly light-hearted fantasy romances. Most of her books include a little violence, a fair amount of swearing, and maybe a sex scene or two. Or four.

She is a full-time writer who lives in the Midwest with her husband and cat. Someday, she plans to be a full-time writer who lives near the ocean with her husband, cat.

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A big thank you to Sam Burns for joining us on this month’s Desert Island Castaways!

Check out our other Castaways:
Natalina Reis
V.L. Locey
 J.P. Jackson
A.E. Wasp
Elle Keaton.
Elouise East
J.K. Jones
Colette Davison
B.A. Tortuga
Casey Cox
Amanda Meuwissen
A.M. Johnson
Becca Seymour
Alexa Piper
Rick R. Reed
C.P. Harris
K.L. Hiers
A.E. Lister
S. Rodman
Kaje Harper
M.A. Church
Karenna Colcroft
Aiden Ainslie
J. Hali Steele
Kristian Parker
H.L. Day
D.K. Girl
Jackie Keswick
Crea Reitan
Beth Bolden
Chloe Archer
Paulina Ian-Kane

Hope you enjoyed this post. Don’t forget to check out next month’s Castaway.

What books would you take with you to a desert island?
What’s on your desert island playlist?
Who would you like to be the next Castaway?

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