

Our favorite MM authors a.k.a. castaways are asked, what books, songs and luxury item would they take to a desert island?

This is a monthly series inspired by LezReviewBooks.com’s ‘Desert Island Books’, which in turn is based on BBC’s ‘Desert Island Discs’.

The rules are fairly simple:

List up to ten books, a playlist and one luxury item that you couldn’t do without on a desert island.

Any type of book can be selected, but I ask that at least half are LGBT+ books. Choices should be justified in a paragraph or two. Any number of songs and any type of music is allowed. The luxury item must be inanimate and of no use in escaping the island or allowing communication from outside.

Let’s welcome our July castaway, Casey Cox


Okay, so not to get too technical here, but I’m going to go ahead and name a few series (and count them as ‘one’). Hey, there’s never any timeframe for getting rescued off a deserted island, I gotta have reading options, haha… I’ll also name a few standalone books as well, too!

Here are some of my favorite go to reads I would love to lose myself in for a few hours, with the sand between my toes, while enjoying a cocktail (or three). (Yes, in my mind, this is a luxury deserted island.)

Mia Monroe – Tattoos and Temptation series
These books are such a great read. Set in Miami, it follows a group of tattoo artists and bakers as they set about finding their happily ever afters. Low angst, steamy, and just such so damn enjoyable.

KM Neuhold – Heathens Ink
This is the series where I discovered (and fell in love with) KM Nuehold. And wow, mind blown. A well-written series that truly immerses you. A great read, and always a sure fire reread as well!

Briar Prescott – Better With You
This series needs to come with a warning – do not consume drinks while reading. Seriously, Briar’s writing is laugh out loud snort-worthy funny. This is a charming and delightful series.

Nora Phoenix – Perfect Hands
This is Daddy/boy MM romance done right. Nora has such a descriptive flair to her writing, you feel like you’re right there with the characters. So good!

NR Walker – Finders Keepers
There is so much to love about this sweet story about two guys who connect over a missing dog. It’s a charming story, so well written, and it’s set in my home state of Queensland, Australia – so yay for that!

Lily Morton – Merry Measure
I don’t normally like Christmasy books, but in this one, Lily creates a beautiful romance (set in Amsterdam), and it’s such a great, charming story that it’ll get even the grumpiest of grumps into the Christmas spirit!

Robbie Couch – The Sky Blues
A YA book that took me back to my high school years and reimagined them in a whole new way. Plus, who doesn’t love a gay promposal?


This is criminally hard, but, since Aaliyah’s music has FINALLY been released on Spotify, I could listen to her self-titled album on repeat. It’s a great mix of r’n’b and soul with that unmistakable Timbaland sound. Even now, twenty years after its release, it sounds so fresh. She was taken way too soon, but her legacy lives on with this brilliant album.


Aloe vera. I live in Australia, and I’ve been scorched by the sun more times than I care to remember. The feeling of aloe vera lotion (straight outta the fridge) on sunburnt skin is the best, most luxurious feeling in the world! Trust and believe.


Casey Cox is an Australian MM romance author whose work includes the hugely popular VET SHOP BOYS series.

Casey loves spending time at the beach and is the proud paw-rent to two utterly adorable French Bulldogs – Ralphie and Lilly.


A big thank you to Casey Cox for joining us on this month’s Desert Island Castaways!

Check out our other Castaways:
Natalina Reis
V.L. Locey
 J.P. Jackson
`A.E. Wasp
Elle Keaton.
Elouise East
J.K. Jones
Colette Davison
B.A. Tortuga

Hope you enjoyed this post. Don’t forget to check out next month’s Castaway.

What books would you take with you to a desert island?
What’s on your desert island playlist?
Who would you like to be the next Castaway?

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