Our favorite MM authors a.k.a. castaways are asked, what books, songs and luxury item would they take to a desert island?
RELEASE BLITZ: Buddy System by Ariella Talix
RELEASE BLITZ: Stolen Chances by Clio Evans
PROMO BLITZ: Moody’s Grumpy Holiday by Lane Hayes
MUSIC MONDAY: Seth Cohen by Beach Weather
Pick a song that you really like and share it on Monday.
BOOK TOUR: You Would Have Done It Too by Heather Chambers
COVER REVEAL: Accidentally Joining His Cult by Lexi Amber
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Fae-ry Tales by Mychael Black (Excerpt & Giveaway)
COVER REVEAL: Tucson Too Late by Sundae Leighton
COVER REVEAL: The Strings of Destiny by Sam Northman