PROMO BLITZ: Moody’s Grumpy Holiday by Lane Hayes
MUSIC MONDAY: Seth Cohen by Beach Weather
Pick a song that you really like and share it on Monday.
BOOK TOUR: You Would Have Done It Too by Heather Chambers
COVER REVEAL: Accidentally Joining His Cult by Lexi Amber
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Fae-ry Tales by Mychael Black (Excerpt & Giveaway)
COVER REVEAL: Tucson Too Late by Sundae Leighton
COVER REVEAL: The Strings of Destiny by Sam Northman
BLOG TOUR: Thunder Road by Morgan Brice (Excerpt & Giveaway + Q&A with Author)
FLICKer: Silver Lining
Featuring LGBT short films I found around the interwebz a.k.a Youtube. Okay sucky intro, but yeah, that’s it.
Just having graduated class of 2003, Quinn and Cyrus are a closeted gay couple fighting through the nature of their sweet teen fling turned drug-fuelled toxic relationship. Quinn wants a real boyfriend, but Cyrus neglects him in public, fearful of what may happen if he were caught. How much longer can the two of them last before they catch up to themselves?
NEW RELEASE: Noaz by Crea Reitan