COVER REVEAL: Ablaze by Elvira Bell
Ablaze by Elvira Bell
Cover created by Kim Killion
RELEASE DATE: December 8, 2019
Available to Pre-Order at Amazon
The final book in the Wavesongs series!
Nick Andrews has returned to the Caribbean—but the world he remembers has changed for the worse. Despite the dangers, he needs to find a way to get to Corona. All he can think of is to reunite there with the love of his life.
Meanwhile, Tom is watching his every move. Tom, who has turned cold and demanding, and is desperate for Nick to love him.
One night things get out of hand, and something happens between them. Something unforgivable.
Content note: This book contains non-gratuitous depictions of torture, slavery, and sexual abuse.
Please note that the books in the Wavesongs series should be read in chronological order!
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