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    REVIEW: Evolved by N.R. Walker

    Evolved – N.R. Walker

    In 2068, androids are an integrated part of human life. Big Brother no longer just watches from the shadows. It’s in every household.

    Lloyd Salter has OCD issues with noise and mess, and he’s uncomfortable with human interaction. When his ex claimed the only thing perfect enough to live up to his standards was an android, Lloyd dismissed it. But two years later, after much self-assessment, he thinks he may have been right.

    SATinc is the largest manufacturer of androids in Australia, including the Fully Compatible Units known as an A-Class 10. Their latest design is the Synthetic Human Android UNit, otherwise known as SHAUN.

    Shaun is compatible to Lloyd’s every need; the perfect fit on an intellectual and physical basis. But Lloyd soon realises Shaun’s not like other A-Class androids. He learns. He adapts. Sure that SATinc is aware Shaun functions outside of his programmed parameters, Lloyd must find a way to keep Shaun safe.

    This is the second time I try reading Evolved. The first time was in 2018, when it was first released. I struggled so much with the book that I DNF’ed. I still have the draft of my initial thoughts on it and already have a song for it. The review was pretty negative, and since I didn’t finish reading, I didn’t post it.

    I thought I try my luck again, and this time, I was determined to see it through. I would like to say second time’s the charm, but no. It was still a struggle. Though I could see the good parts, and they made it worth it.

    First, the plot is pretty standard for human/android romances.

    Philosophy professor and perpetual loner Lloyd Salter purchased a Class A Companion Android, Shaun, from SATInc. Shaun was programmed to be fully compatible with Lloyd’s personality and sexual preferences. Class A Androids are the most human-like of all the android classes, but Lloyd was starting to notice Shaun is evolving far beyond his Class A capabilities.

    My first reaction to this is, gay Absolute Boyfriend, anyone? Technosexual romances, or even just the usual sci fi story, almost always feature androids evolving or acting as human-like as possible. My Star Trek crush, Data, being an early example.

    I got pretty bored with how most of the plot revolves around Shaun’s androidness. It felt a lot like how older MM romances frequently revolved around the person’s sexuality. Maybe because I’ve seen it done a million times already, I would have preferred Lloyd be a bit cynical rather than being too star-struck by Shaun.

    Which brings us to the main character. The story is in Lloyd’s first person POV. This was a tough hurdle for me because I don’t like Lloyd at all. I don’t actively hate him. It’s just if we were boyfriends or roommates, we’ll probably end up killing each other. We’re the same and opposites in all the wrong ways.

    Lloyd has OCD and mysophobia. He is socially awkward and has only one friend. I could sympathize as a fellow loner, but I don’t like Lloyd’s sterile version of perfection. I want to introduce him to kintsugi so he could appreciate how flaws can make something perfect in an interesting way. He’d probably hate the discordant beauty of punk while I revel in it.

    And just like him, my lack of social skills and the scarcity of people who can tolerate my difficult personality, I wouldn’t be surprise if I settle for an android companion in the future.

    However, N.R. Walker is a master of her craft. The storytelling was engaging, the prose written in a way that makes it easy to read, even through some challenging scenes. The sci fi elements were well-conceived, and if Shaun got too technical in his droid-speak, it’s quickly translated into more understandable terminologies.

    At the heart of it all is the romance. And this is where the book outdid itself. Even with my dislike of Lloyd and even knowing Shaun is built to be the man of his dreams, the chemistry was still palpable, the romance sweet, and their connection soul-deep.

    Shaun was so charming he made Lloyd a hell of a lot more tolerable. I wished really hard that the story is written in his POV. It would be interesting to see Lloyd from a different perspective.

    Because say what I will about Lloyd, but the man has the kindest heart. The reason I don’t hate him entirely is because he treats Shaun with the utmost respect. I loved that he acknowledge his personhood because artificial though he is, Shaun can think, reason, learn, joke, and feel.

    The plot significantly picked up once Lloyd started worrying about Big Brother, a.k.a. SATinc, watching him. Things became more dynamic, and we see Lloyd’s friend, Jay, playing a key role. I really enjoyed this part because we see Lloyd and Shaun interacting with the outside world, and Shaun was having the time of his life. And charming people because this android is a ray of sunshine!

    Evolved is a mixed bag for me. The plot might be factory-settings basic and the MC is an acquired taste, but it is a story powered by a lot of heart. And that’s all that matters!

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Binary Love
    Artist: The Rakes
    Album: Capture/Release

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of Evolved. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

    EVOLVEDKindle | Audiobook

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    REVIEW: The Kite by N.R. Walker

    The Kite – N.R. Walker

    Ex-Australian Specialist Response Group, Tim “Harry” Harrigan, has been running covert ops for almost a decade. A lone wolf, he’s single-handedly taken down terrorists and national security threats, or so he thinks. He’s been in the game far too long, and when he sees a familiar threat, he knows his time is up.

    Asher Garin is a dangerous man. A man without loyalty, a man without a nationality, without a country, or a home. He’s also a mercenary for hire to the highest bidder. His next job is a face he recognises, and after a tip-off, he learns he too is a marked man.

    It’s a different game now, and Harry and Asher have a better chance at surviving if they stick together. But it’s not just the game or the rules that have changed. The stakes have too.

    Because on their own, they had nothing to lose. Together, they do.

    #EnemiesToLovers #GayAssassins #UsAgainstThem
    Caution: on-page physical and gun violence. Reader discretion advised.

    I am a sucker for assassin v. assassin turned assassin ♡ assassin romance, so I had to grab The Kite, N.R. Walker‘s standalone take on the trope.

    The book hits the ground running with bad guys hot on the trail of ex-Australian Special Response hitman Tim Harrigan who was scoping out his target. Unexpectedly, the notorious but elusive hired killer Asher Garin comes in to assist, then persuades the recalcitrant Harry to go with him. Later, Asher points out the suspicious activities of Harry’s handler and how it is related to why he was hired to kill the Australian.

    Most of the book is spent with the MCs on the run. Had they had different occupations, it would have been a picturesque tour across the Middle East. As such, the boys travel on roads best avoided, sometimes, no road at all. They make pitstops at the seediest motels or rooms procured by taciturn locals. All of which was orchestrated by Asher’s super mysterious and omniscient contact whom he refuses to name. Harry calls him Four, for lack of anything to call the voice on the phone.

    One of the most fun parts of enemies to lovers is the intensity of hate warring with the intensity of lust, a.k.a hatefucks, a.k.a Harry’s dilemma. Because Asher was the provocateur, mercilessly flirting and pushing buttons. The air between them was charged with tempers and USTs until it went nuclear. The sizzling heat was balanced by the softer moments, like when the perpetually grumpy and reluctantly worried Harry cuddled the freezing Asher to keep him warm.

    The suspense and the non-stop action kept the story fast-paced. While the writing wasn’t particularly detailed on the scenery, Harry and Asher’s adventure still had that cinematic quality, easily conjuring images of blistering deserts, mazelike alleys and majestic architectures that Asher oh so helpfully pointed out Harry should take time to appreciate. Add to that the edge-of-your seat fight scenes and high-stakes international scandal, and it’s a story made for Hollywood!

    Couple of niggles, though. The author excels at writing the fluffiest, most squee-tastic stories out there. Here, it felt like the story couldn’t make up its mind between gritty and fluffy. A book could be both, of course, but this time, the blending didn’t feel seamless.

    Also, Asher’s backstory wasn’t as fully explored as I wanted. All we know are barebones facts. He’s the best sharpshooter, has no country, was frequently moved around as a child, learned how to handle weapons early on, and he’s very protective of his friend, Four.

    There was still so much to learn about Asher’s character. Even that dream place he referred to generated more questions at the ending. It was also hinted that Asher has been following Harry’s career for years. I thought it was a crush. Too bad that little nugget wasn’t taken further. I’m not sure if there is a sequel, but I’ll gladly read more about Asher anytime. And I’m dying for Four’s book too!

    Harry’s backstory was known early on. However, his personality came across as flat in the beginning. As the story progressed, he was less scowly and more open. The man turned out to be a pretty protective of Asher. Harry was super bad ass with his super fast gunslinging skills. His specialty is close combat. He’s a grizzly bear alright, but definitely a care bear too!

    The Kite is a romantic suspense that did brilliantly on both fronts. It takes us on a grand tour of Middle Eastern cities and their underbelly via a thrilling chase and high-stakes mission. It takes a breather when two assassins go from purely physical to utterly tender in a soul-deep connection forged by danger and hard-won trust. All in all, intense, swoony, and totally spectacular as a movie!

    4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits

    Soundtrack: Villains of Circumstance
    Artist: Queens of the Stone Age
    Album: Villains

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of The Kite. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

    The Kite: US | UK

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    LAST YEAR I WAS READING…(July 20, 2022)

    Here are the rules:

    Take your current read and compare it to what you reading this exact time last year. Which one do you like better? What is different about the books? Any special facts/things you want to make note of or bring attention to?