It’s my favorite time of the year! Donning my imaginary Lord Beelzebub costume today for my imaginary trick or treat adventure. Who’s with me?
October came and went too fast. It’s a busy month at work. I’ve been doing overtime almost everyday. Still struggling with my tasks and barely coping. Argh! I got books to read and posts to write so I need to learn how to manage my time better. Anyway, on to more fun topics..
I’m finally fully vaxxed! I got my second jab last 25th. I could breathed a little easier now that my entire family’s vaccinated but we’re still wearing masks and even face shields because there are no guarantees. We got two very high risk seniors so we’re not taking any chances.
I attended the silent reading session for the third time. There were 15 of us. That’s the most number of attendees I’ve seen so far. There were some old faces and a lot of new ones. I’m starting to get recognized as the MM romance reader. I wanted something Halloween-y so I read Hallelujah by Kim Fielding and F.E. Feeley. I’m still in the opening chapters but this story is already giving me the creeps.
This is the second month of the Desert Island Castaway. It’s where we ask authors which books, playlist and luxury item they will take to a desert island. As you all know, books and music are my jam so this is a series I’ve been wanting to do for the longest time. I’m happy that several MM romance authors have responded. V.L. Locey joined us for October with her fabulous selection of books and songs. You can find her answers here. Our first Castaway was Natalina Reis. Read her answers here. Our November Castaway will be revealed on the second Tuesday of the month. Don’t forget to check it out!
And because I’m a major doofus, I only realized recently that I haven’t made my playlists pubic. *facepalm* I’m so sorry!!! Everything’s public now so don’t forget to follow neverhollowed on Spotify
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Check out the songs for October. We got perennial fave White Lies, electropop band Metronomy collaborating with Biig Piig, and The War On Drugs featuring Lucius. New discoveries this month include the super chill Mauve, the ethereal Lydia Kaye, singer-songwriter Andy Grammer and new-wave wonders Actors. Rounding out the list are folk rock singer Lucinda Williams and Bauhaus legend Peter Murphy.
It’s my annual tradition to create a playlist for this season. Give it a listen below:
Better The Devil You Know – Bey Deckard (4.5 Stars) horror, paranormal, mystery, gore, torture, serial killer, devil, incest, rape, erotica
Exposed – H.L. Day (4.5 Stars) dystopian, adventure, on the run, stalker, assassin, grumpy, sunshine, fugitive,
Swat Ed.: Fox & Bull – A.E. Via (4 Stars) contemporary romance, law enforcement, crime, cowboy, humor, opposites attract, action, mystery, family
Unhinged – Onley James (4.5 Stars) crime, dark, serial killer, psychopath, abuse, paedophilia, mystery, hurt comfort, found family, bdsm, suspense
Origin – A.J. Sherwood & Jocelynn Drake (4 Stars) urban fantasy, shifters, dragons, mages, magic, fated mates, humor, mystery, family
Another great reading month for me. I couldn’t decide which one’s my favorite book for October so I’ll go with a triple tie.
Better The Devil You Know is gory and horrific yet oddly compelling. Exposed is gritty and fast-paced but also surprisingly sweet and tender. Unhinged is dark and devastating and oh so delicious.
Runners up for this month are the most awaited coming together of the stubborn and the persistent in Fox & Bull and the so cute-it’s-criminal, dragon-tastic, fated mates romance, Origin.
Kokoro To Karada No Hazama – Minase Masara
Midara Na Sasayaki – Minase Masara
Inoue-kun Hajimemasen ka? – Fujitobi
Only Mine – Katou Setsuko
Loveless – Penguin Frontier
Two favorite manga this month from the opposite ends of the emotional spectrum. We got the floofy floof, date me date me date me please, Inoue-kun Hajimemasen ka? and heart-breaking but still looking very gorgeous oneshot, Loveless.
Short Films
Strangers (2021)
Masquerade: A Story Of The Old South
Supernatural Boys Village
FAVORITE COVERS: September 2021
LAST YEAR I WAS READING…(October 6, 2021)
LAST YEAR I WAS READING…(October 13, 2021)
LAST YEAR I WAS READING…(October 20, 2021)
This brings October to a close. I hope you had a great month. Don’t forget to get vaxxed if you haven’t yet. Stay safe and healthy, everyone!
Thank for reading!