RELEASE TOUR: Enchanter of Dragons by Zarina Aston (Excerpt & Giveaway)
Release Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Enchanter of Dragons
By Ariella Zoelle Writing as Zarina Aston
Bonded Hearts, Prequel
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Chapter 1: Jaega Ariake
The naked man standing in front of Jaega was fearful but defiant. “You may as well kill me. I’d rather be dead than be your whore.”
He was dirty and shackled, with both his hands and feet bound with heavy chains. His long white hair was badly matted. There was the faintest trace of shifter markings on his pale skin, but they were a dull silver and not vibrant like they should be. Even under the filth, he appeared to be very handsome. What was strange was that Jaega could smell the taint of neglect on him, but there was no hint of the man’s scent. It was an oddity, considering dragon shifters were renowned for their powerful sense of smell.
“I did not save you from one beast to inflict myself upon you in such a dishonorable way.” Jaega sheathed his sword to put the man at ease. “I am Jaega Ariake, the head general of Valzerna’s army, under the command of my oldest brother, King Tatsuki Ariake. You have nothing to fear from me.”
The man watched him warily. “So you say. Everyone knows military men rape and pillage as they please.”
“Not in my army. I would sooner strike one of my men down than allow that.” Jaega held his hands out in surrender. “Will you let me help free you? Now that King Decius of Shadron has been dethroned, you can return home.”
The man’s brow wrinkled with distrust. “You’re not going to keep me for yourself as a war trophy?”
Jaega shook his head. “I have never claimed any person as a war trophy, and I am certainly not about to start doing that now.” He sensed the man wavering in his resolve to stay distrustful. “What is your name?”
The man hesitated for a moment. “Fersen Rohesia.”
“Please allow me to undo the grievous wrong that has been done to you by a cruel king.”
“You can’t.” The despair in his voice tugged at Jaega’s heart. “These are enchanted to electrocute me if anyone tries to use magic on them.”
“Then I will not use magic.” Jaega took a step closer to Fersen, who stood his ground.
The chains between the wrist shackles were also connected to the ankle ones. Jaega made quick work of breaking off the adjoined chains and the ones that bound Fersen to the wall. However, the cuffs themselves were impossible to pull apart, even with Jaega’s considerable brute strength. He frowned with frustration as he came up with a different plan.
“Since I cannot remove these, I would suggest you come back to camp with me so that one of our lock pickers can free you from these.”
“So you are taking me as a war trophy,” Fersen said in a flat voice.
“No, I am merely suggesting that you accompany me as a guest to my quarters. You will be fed, clothed, and you can bathe. After a good night of rest, you will be better prepared to start your journey home tomorrow.” When Fersen still didn’t seem convinced, Jaega spoke more directly. “On the honor of my royal family, I will not lay a hand on you, nor will I allow anyone else to. You will be treated the same as any honored guest of the royal clan of Ariake.”
“Why would you do that for me, though? You don’t know me or owe me anything.”
Jaega took off his jacket and draped it over Fersen’s thin shoulders. It dwarfed his smaller body, but it at least covered his dignity. “Because it is the right thing to do. No one deserves to be kept like a caged animal, especially not you.”
Enter the Giveaway:
To celebrate the release of Enchanter of Dragons, Zarina is giving away copies of the release!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57885/?
About the Author:
With a pen as her wand and a heart full of mischief, Zarina Aston conjures up fantasy worlds where queer love knows no bounds. Her stories are like a kaleidoscope of emotions, filled with passionate encounters and heart-stopping adventures with shifters. From the first page to the last, Zarina’s books are a whirlwind of dramatic twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat, turning pages long into the night.
But sometimes Zarina’s in the mood for something with a little less angst and drama. If you’re craving light-hearted fluffy works of heart, then check out her Ariella Zoelle books as well.
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