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    REVIEW: Freckles by Amy Lane

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    Freckles – Amy Lane

    Carter Embree has always hoped to be rescued from his productive, tragically boring, and (slightly) ethically compromised life. But when an urchin at a grocery store shoves a bundle of fluff into his hands, Carter goes from rescuee to rescuer—and he needs a little help.

    Sandy Corrigan, the vet tech who helps ease Carter into the world of dog ownership, first assumes that Carter is a crazy-pants client who just needs to relax. But as Sandy gets a glimpse into the funny, kind, sexy man under Carter’s mild-mannered exterior, he sees that with a little care and feeding, Carter might be Super-Pet Owner—and decent boyfriend material to boot.

    But Carter needs to see himself as a hero first. As he says good-bye to his pristine house and hello to carpet treatments and dog walkers, he finds that there really is more to himself than a researching drudge without a backbone. A Carter Embree can rate a Sandy Corrigan. He can be supportive, he can be a hero, he can be a man who stands up for his principles!

    He can be the owner of a small dog.

    Freckles was a tiny fluff of a pup when she was thrust into the hands of Carter Embree who fell in love at first sight and became her human. Carter was a nervous wreck of a dog owner. She was his first dog and he immediately sought the aid of professionals like Sandy Corrigan.

    Thus begins this adorkable tale written by a dog lover for dog lovers. Freckles is undoubtedly the star of the show and everybody loved her, poop bombs and all. The humans were not so far behind.

    Carter is an introverted, average-looking in a good way lawyer whose do-gooding, right-the-wrong ways were too good for his asshat boss. His superpowers were drawing airtight contracts and fighting for oppressed pet owners. It’s just, he hasn’t fully grown into them yet. He was unlucky in love but he lucked out on Freckles. She rescued him from the soul-sucking corporate life and gave him something to look forward to at the end of the day.

    Sandy was a vet tech who went back to college in his late 20s to earn his degree as a veterinarian. When he first met Carter, he thought he was well-dressed. And crazy. But he could tell right away that the man loved the little puppy and decided to help him through the process of dog ownership. Along the way, he discovered the brilliant, passionate person hiding behind the unassuming lawyer. Wisely, he grabbed on and didn’t let go.

    The blurb delivered everything it promised. The story is about how these two humans came together because of a tiny dog. It had a nice warm, laid-back feel with humor-laced writing that makes reading a breeze. It is a short book, around 170 pages, and I liked how everything was paced just right. A major part of the story happened in the span of a few days, most of it involving Carter’s struggles and triumphs as a dog owner while struggling with his job and his boss from hell.

    The romance was insta-attraction but its development didn’t feel rushed to me. The two men started with friendship. They discovered they liked hanging out with each other. I loved how Sandy smoothly turned a simple dog walk into a real date. Which turned into study dates, movies dates and cuddling. It was an easy, comfortable companionship that blossomed into something more deep and permanent.

    What I’m really trying to say in a such a roundabout way is that, they were so cute together!

    Freckles was beyond cute!

    The entire thing was fluff and cute!!!

    But in no way shallow or superficial because Amy Lane was able to give the story substance. There were some interesting points that I would love to see on more books. I totally loved the idea of a lawyer with a pure heart or one dedicated to animal advocacy.

    While not exactly exactly the blow-me-away away variety, Freckles the story won me over same way Freckles the dog won everyone else, including Carter’s very intelligent, very organized, no-nonsense mother. Even if this is a holiday read, it’s a good book to pick up anytime your soul needs a dose of cute.


    Amy Lane books here

    4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits

    Soundtrack: The World is Watching
    Artist: Two Door Cinema Club
    Album: Beacon

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    SERIES REVIEW: Nothing Special Books 2-6 by A.E. Via

    The tail end of last year had me binge reading on Nothing Special because A.E. Via knows her business and she had me buying all of them.

    This, even if on close inspection, most plots don’t hold much water, police detectives spend more time fucking each other than working on their cases, disbelief needs to be suspended more often than not, many lines were cheesy AF and inconsistencies and editing slips were present.

    But who cares?! This series is pure escapist fun. And hella funny especially every time Day opens his mouth. I live for the characters! I love their bonds. These people were real to me and I wanted updates on each one of them on every book.

    This is a review of books 2 to 6. Review of book 1, Nothing Special can be found here.

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    Nothing Special: Embracing His Syn – A.E. Via

    Sergeant Corbin ‘Syn’ Sydney had dedicated his life to becoming the best detective. So when he heard there was an opening on the notorious Atlanta Narcotics Task Force, he jumped at the chance. But, what he wasn’t ready for was realizing just how lonely he’d made himself, when he observed the loving and dedicated relationship between the two men he served under: Lieutenant Cashel ‘God’ Godfrey and Lieutenant Leonidis Day.

    Syn prepared himself to accept his lonely fate until he walked into a small pub and met the long-haired, tattooed bartender, Furious Barkley. Before Syn can even understand why, he’s overcome with feelings he barely recognizes: passion, yearning, craving. And if the dark, lustful gazes are anything to go by, Furious might be feeling the same things for him.

    Just two thing needs to happen before Syn and Furi can give each other what’s been missing from their lives for so long… Syn needs to find the evidence that proves Furi’s innocence of murder, as well as protect him from a past that refuses to let go.

    God, Day, Ronowski, and Johnson are still as entertaining as ever…

    You’ll swoon over God’s massive take-charge attitude…

    You’ll laugh hysterically at Day’s never-ending wit…

    You’ll fall in love with Furious’ mysterious, sexy demeanor…


    You’ll embrace Syn…

    Disclaimer: The main characters of this book DO NOT participate in polygamous sexual pairings.

    First of all, I love the name Furious. I think I should name a pet Furi.

    Furi is on the run from his abusive husband and is currently working in his uncle’s bar while doing adult videos on the side so he could finish school and open his own garage. Syn was at the bar one night, spotted the long haired tattooed porn puppy (Day’s words) and was quickly smitten. It was very much the insta-lust romance the author is known for.

    I love how the team rallied behind their sergeant to protect Furi. There’s the strong camaraderie at play that first drew me to the series and made me stay. I loved how Furi became part of the family.

    The infamous polyamory was still present here with Syn noticing how God, Day, Ronowski and Johnson were all staring at each other like “pieces of prime USDA beef“. Him and Furi breaking in on the foursome was the best scene in the book. Thankfully, they declined to join in because a sixsome is too much.

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Heaven or Hell
    Album: Digital Daggers
    Artist: Mixed Emotions

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    Nothing Special: Here Comes Trouble – A.E. Via

    Detectives Mark Ruxsberg and Chris Green are very good at their jobs. Being the enforcers for God and Day’s notorious Atlanta PD Narcotics Task Force causes the crazy duo to get into more trouble than they can often get out of. The pair never misses out on an opportunity to drive their Lieutenants crazy with their dangerous, reckless, and costly stunts, landing them in the hot seat in front God… often.

    Ruxs and Green love their jobs and they don’t mind the very demanding schedule that leaves them little time for socializing or dating. It was fine with them, they enjoyed hanging out with each other anyway.

    However, most of the men in their close circle of friends and colleagues are pairing off and settling down. God has Day, Ro has Johnson, and their Sergeant Syn has Furious.

    For the past several years, Ruxs has only sought out the advice and company of one person, his partner and best friend Green, and vice versa. Both of these alpha males are presumed straight, but neither can deny the heat that’s building in their once ‘just friends’ relationship.

    Ruxs and Green are my favorite couple in the series next to Ro and Johnson (who needs their own book please!). But I did feel their book was a missed opportunity to wreck the chaos and mayhem these two were known for. I was really looking forward to all that fun. Sadly it was not to be. Happily, there were more goodness in store.

    Their story focused on their realization of feelings and gradual coming together as lovers. I enjoyed this friends-to-lovers development which was done well and did not feel rushed like the other stories. I loved their special connection to Curtis and how their little family came together with all the other guys’ support.

    Also super cute side story featuring Curtis and Genesis, God’s little bro who’s not so little at all. Dads Ruxs and Green had their protective dad modes on but there’s no stopping the young ‘uns.

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Troublemaker
    Artist: Green Day
    Soundtrack: Uno!

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    Nothing Special: Don’t Judge – A.E. Via


    Detective Austin Michaels didn’t think life could get any better after he was accepted into the most notorious narcotics task force on the East Coast, headed up by two of the baddest’ Lieutenants with the Atlanta Police Department – Cashel Godfrey and Leonidis Day.

    Michaels knew he would fit right in as the team’s sniper, having received his fair share of commendations for marksmanship. He was just as badass as the rest of the twenty brothers that made up their team. But when Michaels lets their prime suspect get away from a huge bust with over a quarter of a million dollars in drugs, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make it right.

    Left with no other options, God chooses to bring in outside help, calling on his long-time friend and bounty hunter, Judge Josephson.

    Judge was considered one of the best trackers during his enlistment in the United States Marine Corps. After retiring, he used those skills to become one of the most sought out fugitive trackers in the country. When Judge gets a call from his old friend needing his help, he quickly tells God, yes.

    Still embarrassed, and intent to prove himself, Michaels immediately volunteers to partner up with Judge to get their suspect back quickly and quietly. Neither man wanted or needed a partner. But, after Judge and Michaels get on the road, the hate/lust relationship they quickly develop between them will either make them heroes… Or get them killed.

    The fourth book brought in a character from the spin-off series, The Bounty Hunters. Judge was God’s bounty hunting friend and occasional bed partner of Duke from Promises Part 1. He’s as tough and alpha as the most of the characters, all leathers, long hair and big guns. Of course my favorite character here was his Great Dane, Bookem.

    Michaels is the team sniper who thought he fucked up a mission and felt that he had to make amends. He’s a bit of a hot head who likes to brawl but got along splendidly with Judge’s dad who was terminally ill. The last conversation he had with Judge’s dad was one of the best scenes in the book.

    This is probably the book I was least looking forward to reading because I was itching to go to Tech’s book already. But I’m glad this one had some great highlights. I especially liked the dramatic ending where Judge ran away and Michaels was a mess. Then, the all-knowing Day in a rare moment of seriousness said that the bounty hunter will be back. He was right. Judge came back groveling.

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Expectations
    Artist: Huntar
    Album: Bitter

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    Nothing Special V – A.E. Via

    The boys are back and fiercer than ever!

    “We were a unit tonight, moving as one.Even apart, we are deadly, but when combined – we are f**kin’ unstoppable.”~~ God ~~

    Atlanta’s notorious narcotics task force is at it again. They are stronger, bigger, and better than ever. Especially when a city councilman sends RECON Marine, Edwin Steele – who’s been blacklisted from his Oakland department – to join the team. God and Day weren’t recruiting. They have a lot on their plates, like the fact they’re supposed to be getting married soon. They don’t have the time or the patience to integrate a decorated war hero with a slight chip on his shoulder into their well-oiled machine.

    A hothead that’s uncontrollable and terrible with authority… but wasn’t that their team motto?

    Steele was ready to hang up his shield. He was done fighting with bigoted bastards that couldn’t respect the job. He was good at fighting; he just needed the right team to fight with. When his uncle – City Councilman, Rasmus Steele – shows him a video of God’s team in action, he knows right away, it’s where his nephew belongs in order to restore his faith.

    Steele pointed to the driver, a behemoth of a man wielding those massive firearms like a true beast… like a soldier.“And him. Who the hell is he?”

    “That’s your new boss. Lieutenant Cashel Godfrey… they call him… God.”

    Steele was skeptical about his new placement, but when he meets God’s technology specialist/computer genius, “Tech,” he’s willing to give it his all, and he definitely shows and proves.

    Tech is stunning. His sweater vest and khakis, a stark contrast to the blue-jeaned roughnecks he works with. A beautiful sheep amongst the wolves. Steel thinks there’s no way the brilliant man would be interested in a hardhead like him, but Tech has a few badass hidden talents of his own and manages to fool him… fool all of them.

    This story is a part of a series but can stand alone.It does not end on a cliffhanger and has a HEA.There are no multiple pairings in this novel.

    The fifth book had four POVs, God, Day, Tech and Steele. I’m happy to be inside God’s and Day’s heads once again. It’s all about the wedding with these two with a rather silly argument between them because God had a hard time explaining why he’s avoiding the topic of weddings. The reason is very much in keeping with the big man’s character and I agree with him. LOLing at Day’s angsty-ings <–this is a word I swear (ノ≧ڡ≦).

    Tech is the team’s tech specialist dreaming to get out in the field. I like hackers so I was immediately drawn to him. I wished he stayed where he was because he’s good at what he does but a nerdy, bow tie+sweater vest wearing enforcer has its appeal too.

    Steele rubbed everybody the wrong way and nearly fucked up first day on the job but then proceeded to fit right in. Him and Michaels were probably the two characters that were the least memorable for me.

    Tech and Steele’s romance was not really something to write home about but the book as a whole moved the series forward. One highlight was the introduction of the new tech specialist, Free who had a rather dramatic first appearance.

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Handsome Man
    Artist: Matt Alber
    Album: Wind Sand Stars

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    Nothing Special VII: His Hart’s Command – A.E. Via

    Lennox Freeman (Free) is one of the best hackers in the world which has caused him to spend most of his life on the run. Never able to put down roots, he couldn’t trust anyone not to take advantage of him, even his own family. If it wasn’t for his best friend, Tech, shielding him, Free’s father would’ve sold him and his skills to the highest bidding crime family when he was still a student at MIT. Free owed Tech his life; so when his friend called for him to come to Atlanta to work with him, he couldn’t say no. However, he wasn’t expecting the overprotective group of detectives that made up Atlanta PD’s most notorious task force. And he certainly wasn’t prepared for the large-and-in-charge SWAT Captain that was responsible for their safety.

    Ivan Hart has lived and bled one creed all of his life: To Serve and Protect. His intense focus and determination in law enforcement has led him to finally commanding his own team. He’d worked hard to put together a squad of badasses capable of backing up a very dangerous team of detectives. Being God and Day’s last line of defense came with a lot of responsibility that he took very seriously.

    After his divorce was final Hart turned right around and remarried his job. He had his good friends there in the office with him every day, so it was easier to ignore the few quiet hours he spent at home alone each night. He’d settled well into his new routine and was comfortable with it. Then God decided to disrupt everything by hiring another tech specialist for his department. A man whose brains, trendy looks, and voice would leave Hart tongue-tied and captivated at their first introduction.

    Free quickly awakens a passion in Hart that he long thought was dead. An attraction he didn’t know existed. He couldn’t fathom that the sexy cyber genius could be interested in an over-sized, big-bearded brute that served criminals the bottom line for a living. No matter what his best friend, God said.

    A future with Hart could be potentially dangerous and often times full of terrifyingly close calls; but little did he know that so could falling for the most hunted hacker in the world. All Lennox Freeman wants in life is security, love and protection… Hart had all that to give and more.

    This novel is a part of a series and contains previously mentioned characters, but CAN BE read as a standalone. No cliffhangers.

    The most improved installment in terms of diversity, action and deployment of sex scenes. It’s to be noted that the series so far is a mostly white, testosterone overload with female characters barely making it on page. This one had the welcome addition of a female POC sergeant in Hart’s team who was actually doing something significant. And if I remember right, the mayor was black too.

    The story is still romance-centric as with the other books but had more scenes showing Hart in the field as oppose to just paying lipservice to a case. Also, the smexy times came at a more appropriate moments rather than just being put there to make the book steamy.

    This is a tender, hurt/comfort love story between Hart, SWAT Captain and big teddy bear, and Free, Tech’s best friend and genius inventor. Hart is a victim of domestic abuse. His ex-wife hated practically everything about him. He zoomed in on Free the first time they met and wonder of wonders, the hacker loved everything his wife hated!

    This one also had a very intriguing bonus side story of Fox, Hart’s lieutenant and Bull, the farmer Free and Hart befriended. Will the silver fox catch the big bull?

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Beautiful to Me
    Artist: Curt Smith
    Album: Soul on Board

    Do I recommend this series? Well, if you don’t mind the messy parts and just looking for something purely entertaining, I say go for it. Reading the books in order is the best way to deal with these boys. God said so.


    Review of book 1, Nothing Special here.
    Review of Promises Part 1 here.
    A.E. Via books here.

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    AUDIO REVIEW: Promises Part 1 by A.E. Via

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    The Bounty Hunters: Promises Part 1 – A.E. Via

    Duke Morgan owns and operates one of the largest bail bond companies in Atlanta. Not only does he bond criminals out of jail, he and his notorious group of bounty hunters will also track them down and ensure they show up for court.

    Roman ‘Quick’ Webb is Duke’s business partner and best friend. Both men are in their forties and have given up on the happily ever after with the ranch-style home, and white picket fence. They’d both tried it and failed miserably. But they have their friendship and they have the business.

    When Quick’s son, Vaughan Webb returns – after seven years – from studying abroad with his law degree in hand, he’s back to claim what he’s always wanted…his fathers’ best friend… Duke Morgan. Vaughan has always claimed to be a classic gentleman with an old soul. He didn’t party and screw up in school like his buddies. He was focused and dedicated to becoming the man worthy of Duke’s love.

    It’s a complex and messy situation as Duke and Quick figure out how to still be best friends when one of them is sleeping with his friend’s one and only son. But when Duke is hurt on the job, all the unimportant trivialities fall to the wayside and Vaughan and Quick put their heads together to save Duke.

    Part I of the Promises story is about Duke and Vaughan. Part II will be about Quick and his realization that it’s not too late for any of them to find love.

    You got to hand it to Vaughan. He really knew how to woo a man.

    The lawyer fell in love with his father’s bestfriend, Duke when he was 16 and since then, he embarked on a single-minded pursuit of the bounty hunter. But before he can make his move, he had to grow up and make Duke see him as a man.

    I love Vaughan’s determination and devotion! He literally gave a piece of himself to the one he loves just so they could be together. He’s my favorite character here.

    Duke was this big bad bounty hunting boss. Is really a big, needy softie. Nothing against him. He’s alright, I suppose.

    Quick is Duke’s bestfriend and Vaughan’s father. He has long since accepted his son’s crush and is very supportive of his son and his bestfriend’s romance. He has some potential romance of his own with a handsome doctor if only he admits the attraction to himself before it’s too late.

    I loved the first parts. It was more dramatic especially when Duke was injured and he only had weeks or months to live unless he undergoes an operation. This is where Vaughan went above and beyond the usual love declarations and made a sacrifice without telling Duke. He swore the doctor and his father to secrecy knowing Duke would refuse if he knew.

    There is little conflict between the characters, apart from initial reactions. I wouldn’t mind it if the story revolved around Duke’s job and his recovery. However, as with most of A.E. Via‘s works, it is very romance-centric. Which means a lot of cheesy lines and couple downtime that I usually skip to make the story go faster. The plot is thin and the latter part where Duke and his friends went after the man who injured him seemed like rushed attempt to wrap up a loose thread.

    Aiden Snow, who narrated Via‘s Nothing Special series, also did the reading for The Bounty Hunters. He is one of the reasons I stuck with the author’s works. He voices alpha males to perfection. Nothing Special has a big cast and I had no problems distinguishing the voices of the characters. Same with The Bounty Hunters. The voices were very apt for each character and emoted well. I recommend getting The Bounty Hunters in audio because Snow is eargasm!

    All in all, this is a book you go for if you want steamy, entertaining stories about alpha males getting in touch with their emotions. Suspension of disbelief may be necessary but the author certainly knew how to hook her readers because I’m eagerly awaiting Quick and Doc’s story.


    A.E. Via books here.

    Thank you to Signal Boost Promotions and Audible for providing the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: For Your Love
    Artist: Josh Record
    Album: Pillars

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    REVIEW: Unbreakable by Colette Davison

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    Heaven and Hell Club: Unbreakable – Colette Davison

    Mac’s life isn’t perfect, but he likes it the way it is: safe and predictable.

    Mac works in a struggling pole dancing club at night, and a gym during the day. He’s tired and cash strapped, but content, until a confident twink walks into the club and turns his life upside down. It’s hard to resist when Russel asks him to be his fake boyfriend for one night, in return for double his normal take-home pay.

    One date turns into more, as Mac helps Russel get an exclusive that will secure him the job he’s always wanted. But the rich playboy who holds Russel’s career in his hands isn’t going to give him the scoop so easily.

    As Mac and Russel spend more time together, the lines between fake and real begin to get blurred, but can their relationship become strong enough to be unbreakable in the face of adversity?

    Unbreakable is a fake boyfriend MM romance, with a buff pole dancer who swears like a trooper, a twink who likes to take charge, some spanking, light bondage, and a happy ever after. It’s a prequel story to Broken, but can be read as a standalone romance.

    I love myself some fake boyfriend story and Mac and Russel did it for me.

    Unbreakable is the prequel to the Heaven and Hell series by Colette Davison. She’s a new to me author and this is my first book from her. She certainly didn’t disappoint.

    Before the club was Heaven and Hell, it was called Horns, a pole dancing club barely making a profit. Mac, Michael and his boyfriend, Edward were dancers at the club. Michael and Edward were already making plans to buy the club and they were trying to convince their best friend Mac to invest. Mac lacked the funds and the courage, choosing instead to play it safe. However his days as a dancer might be numbered. He’s not getting any younger.

    Russel works at a fashion magazine as a layout artist itching for a chance to be a proper journalist. One day he was given that chance. He is going to cover a party hosted by a famous gay celebrity. The catch is that, it’s for couples only.

    This is where Russel propositioned Mac to be his boyfriend for the night after seeing him dance.

    The story featured an opposites attract trope with a bit of My Fair Lady thrown in for good measure. It also broke stereotypes regarding the dynamics between couples with size differences. Mac is buff, gruff and butch while Russel is lithe, femme and sassy. Mac likes to let others handle things in the bedroom while Russel likes to take charge.

    Russel is the type who knew what he wanted and he was quick to grab it. Mac doesn’t hesitate to give Russel anything he wants. He also remained loyal and stood up for him when the sleazoid celebrity was trying to break them apart. And that was even before they were real boyfriends. Definitely a keeper.

    I loved watching their relationship evolve. At first they seemed like the worst possible match but as they slowly learn things about each other, they discover they fit perfectly. I loved the interaction between the two men. I loved the trust and respect that developed and how they embraced each other’s vulnerabilities. The chemistry was palpable even from the beginning. The banters were amusing. They were a lot of fun together.

    One thing that stood out for me is that the author gave Russel scars. Not the cutesy it-makes-me-looks-like-a-badass scar but honest to goodness small pox scars. As a person with bad skin, I appreciate that.

    Unbreakable is a great prequel. It also stands perfectly well as a standalone. It’s a great blend of fluff, angst and humor with likable characters, great execution and engaging writing. You couldn’t ask for a more beautiful ending. I also enjoyed meeting Michael and Edward and I am looking forward to reading Michael’s book.

    4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits

    Soundtrack: Quiet
    Artist: Lights
    Album: The Listening

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    REVIEW: Christmas Homecoming by L.A. Witt

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    The Christmas Angel: Christmas Homecoming by L.A. Witt

    August 1939. Roger Miller and Jack O’Brien have been close since childhood. By the time they realize there’s more between them than friendship, Jack is leaving their sleepy Iowa town for college. But they console themselves knowing he’ll be home for Christmas. Right?

    It is Christmas before they see each other again, but that Christmas comes six years and a world war later. Aged, beaten, and shaken by combat, they’re not the boys they were back then, but their feelings for each other are stronger than ever.

    Neither know the words to say everything they’ve carried since that peacetime summer kiss, though. Even as they stand in the same room, there’s a thousand miles between them.

    But maybe that’s some distance the little angel in Roger’s rucksack can cross.

    The Christmas Angel series books are standalones and can be read in any order.

    I love historical MM stories set during the wartime periods. They are especially poignant and bittersweet usually ending with me blinking back tears.

    Christmas Homecoming is part of The Christmas Angel series, where a carved wooden angel worked its magic to bring people together throughout the years. This novella is the only one in the series I’ve read so far.

    The story starts in 1939 when Germany was about to invade Poland. Roger and Jack were two childhood friends. Jack was about to leave town for the city. Roger was doesn’t know what to do with his life yet but he is sure that he doesn’t want to be a farmer and marry a girl.

    On the day before Jack was about to leave, the two friends decided to take a swim together for the last time. That was when they realized the feelings between the two of them evolved into something else. They shared a kiss. They didn’t see each other again for 6 years.

    This is a beautiful love story between two men at a time when such love was not yet accepted. It is full of yearnings and sweet stolen moments made more precious because it’s taboo. I wanted to hug them and give them their safe space.

    The war tore the two men apart. L.A. Witt deftly inserted details that portrayed the life of soldiers at war-time and after. It made what would otherwise be a sweet but simplistic fairytale more complex and nuanced. The survivors had to deal with PTSD. Roger and Jack were not spared. They each carry with them complicated memories of bombs and the men who kept them company in the lonely nights. My heart went out to Oskar, the spy and Floyd, the pilot. The story did a good job drawing me to these two secondary characters who existed only in memories. I wanted their stories too.

    Admittedly, the middle part did drag a bit but as the story slowly eased its way to the resolution I found myself enjoying it even more. I liked how the author gave Roger a way out of the prescribed path his parents laid out for him. I liked how they found a way to be together. I even found myself interested in the two old codgers who inspired the boys that it’s possible.

    Christmas Homecoming is a touching holiday story I recommend. For a book its length, it’s filled with many interesting characters and intense emotions. It captured the small-town atmosphere, the post-war melancholy and the fervent longings of forbidden lovers. It didn’t make me cry but it did warm my heart.


    L.A. Witt books here

    4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits

    Soundtrack: You’d Be So Nice To Come Home To
    Artist: Dinah Shore

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    REVIEW: Nothing Special by A.E. Via

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    Nothing Special – A.E. Via

    Detective Cashel ‘Cash’ Godfrey is big, tattooed and angry so people typically keep their distance. He’s fresh out of the police academy, however, no one is looking to partner with the six foot four beast with a huge chip on his shoulder and an inability to trust. When Cash scans the orientation room he wasn’t expecting to find sexy hazel eyes locked onto him. Eyes of the handsome Detective Leonidis ‘Leo’ Day.

    Leo is charming, witty, hilariously sarcastic and the only one that can make Cash smile. He’s proud, out and one bad-ass detective.

    Together Cash and Leo become the most revered and successful narcotics detectives Atlanta’s ever seen. Able to communicate and understand each other, without even having to voice it, they quickly climb up the promotional ranks.

    When Cash saves Leo’s life in a raid that turns deadly, Leo begins to see something in the big man that no one else does…something special. But Leo fears he’ll never break through the impenetrable wall that protects Cash’s heart.

    Nothing Special takes the reader through various emotions throughout the richly fulfilling plot that’s full of erotic gay romance, heartache, passion, trials and tribulations, police action scenes, and an intriguing twist that comes to an amazing ending that’s impossible to see coming.

    Well, what do you know! Turns out I liked the controversial poly hookup.

    Just a heads, up, MCs God and Day had some fun with their co-workers Johnson and Ronowski. The two supporting characters got together through God’s matchmaking skills. The 4 men made it work! The chemistry was fantastic! Also, the homophobe Ronowski turned out to be my favorite character after he saw the light and stepped out of his closet.

    Prior to that, God and his out and proud partner, Day were the best detectives in the precinct. They were also attracted to each other but God is, for all appearances, straight. It took a big fight and judicious use of the Find Your Lover app for God to realize his feelings. After four years of stoicism, he flipped just liked that.

    I was rolling my eyes out of their sockets at how ALPHA God and Day were. They were so alpha, any more they would start howling at the moon. There was so much OTT posturing and testosterone it was hard to take seriously.

    And there was too much sex. I understand smexy times are vital to most couples but inserting a sex scene almost every other chapter when these pages could have been used to bolster the barely there plot, the suspense and the investigation just kills the momentum for me. I was bored at some points.

    BUT, I also found the book entertaining overall. There were many scenes and lines that were genuinely funny. Usually courtesy of Day’s inappropriate humor and his banters with God and Ro. I was drawn to most of the characters, even the two main numbnuts, God and Day. Though what I really want is more of Johnson and Ronowski.

    In many way, the book reminded me of cheesy buddy cop movies except the characters were gay. It’s not going to win any Oscars but it’s sure as hell fun to watch. You could just shut your brain and enjoy the ride. Then you come back for more.

    Which is why at the time of this writing, I’m already done with book two.

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Gotta Know the Rules
    Artist: Social Distortion
    Album: White Light White Heat White Trash

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    REVIEW: Is It Over Yet? by L.A. Witt

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    Is It Over Yet? – L.A. Witt

    Rhys Powell and Derek Scott are divorcing. Mistakes have been made, lines have been crossed, and there’s no going back. Both men are exhausted and ready to move on.

    But their daughter is getting married soon. In the name of not putting a damper on her wedding, Derek and Rhys agree to keep the divorce on the down-low and show up as the happy couple everyone still believes they are.

    And between a roller coaster of a road trip and the love and joy surrounding the wedding… Derek and Rhys just might remember why they fell for each other in the first place.

    Are they only kidding themselves? Or can a rekindled spark really light the way to forgiveness?

    Most romance novels I’ve read go out of their way to avoid cheating. I automatically DNF a book when there’s cheating involving the main couple. So a story that revolved around the issue of cheating and divorce? I don’t think so.

    But this is L.A. Witt we’re talking about here and she specializes in making her MCs go through rings of fire before giving them their HEAs. This is as tough a hurdle as it can get. Despite myself, I was really intrigued. How is she going to convincingly pull off a happy ending for a premise like this?

    Is It Over yet? is about two married men about to split up but hesitated to tell their daughter because they don’t want to ruin her upcoming wedding. The cheating part is off-page and happened months before the story started. I appreciated that the author spared us the details. We only know that this happened when Rhys was at a low point and their marriage was on a rocky patch at that time.

    My knee-jerk reaction to this was to hate the cheater. I was even prepared to do so. But I couldn’t hate Rhys. He didn’t justify his actions. Derek didn’t catch him or even suspected. He confessed voluntarily. Since then, he was beating himself up for his mistake. It was very significantly pointed out that he was sorry for what he did, not because he was caught. I knew his heartfelt apologies were sincere.

    Derek was hurt and angry as to be expected but it was pretty obvious that they still love each other. The ‘romance’ here is certainly different. The USTs have a different vibe from what I’m used to. Not exactly love/hate because I didn’t feel they hated each other. So how do you describe that thing where you want nothing more than to separate from your cheating husband because if not you will end up killing each other but you still find him attractive as fuck?

    The story is a journey to forgiveness. Witt takes us on this very bumpy, highly emotional road trip complete with a playlist and drunken motel sex. I liked both MCs and I was rooting hard for them. They didn’t make it easy for themselves though. They tried truces after truces but always end up at each other’s throats.

    How they finally reach their destination, that of forgiveness and a new beginning, was satisfying and more importantly, convincingly done. I liked that the epilogue was a realistic portrayal of lessons learned and making it work.

    Cheating is still a hard line for me but Is It Over Yet? did a great job making me not only read a book about a broken relationship but also making me enjoy the story. It made me sympathized with the characters. I felt each heightened emotion. I was cheering when they finally danced at the wedding. I have no doubts Rhys and Derek will eventually have their HEA.

    I wouldn’t say I recommend this because this might not be everyone’s cup of tea but do give it a try if you are looking for a second chance romance where the head wants to go but the heart wants to stay.


    L.A. Witt books here

    4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits

    Soundtrack: Everything Else Has Gone Wrong
    Artist: Bombay Bicycle Club
    Album: Everything Else Has Gone Wrong

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    REVIEW: Sadistic Sherlock by Jocelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott

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    Ward Security: Sadistic Sherlock – Jocelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott

    Ten years ago, Dominic Walsh faked his own death. With no true identity, it wasn’t hard. But if he’d stayed, he would have been drawn further into a life he’d never chosen. He has friends and family at Ward Security now and has managed to escape his dark past. There is only one thing he truly wants.

    Abraham Stephens.

    When Dom was first tasked with watching over his friend’s father, he didn’t expect to fall so hard for the gorgeous silver fox. But Abe is interested in friendship only. He’s at a point in his life where he wants something permanent, not a romp with the sexy redhead who happens to be the same age as his son.

    But Abe finds himself drawn deeper into Dom’s life when cryptic messages start appearing—ones that frighten the skilled security specialist. The more Dom tries to hide what’s happening, the more Abe wants to help him.

    And maybe, just maybe, he’ll find a way to trust the strength of the bond Dom understood from the start.

    Ward Security is the spin-off series of Unbreakable Bonds. This features Ward Security employees from the bodyguards like Dom to the tech specialists like Quinn. Ward Security is like a family to many of them

    I think Ward Security rule #1 should be: At the first sign of trouble, tell Rowe.

    Yet another Ward Security employee is neck-deep in trouble and failed to tell the boss. Dom, whose cheeky personality reminded me of Rowe, saved an A-list movie star from a stalker. His heroic act was caught on cam and became a viral video. This led people he ran away from and who thought he was dead to track his whereabouts. And then, these people threatened him and Abe via ciphers.

    At first he tried to handle it himself. But he was caught and had to be rescued. Stupid, stupid move, Dom.

    I enjoyed the unveiling of Dom’s mysterious past. Because of his goofy personality, you would think he had it easy but his childhood was spent thieving and conning. I especially liked the meeting with the last of his family. His brother was a ruthless psycho, though I’m kind of interested in him and his boyfriend. Too bad he was almost 100% evil so it’s a no go on more appearances.

    Abe and Dom’s slow-burn romance began in book one. Abe was the mysterious person the bodyguard was so hang up on. And Dom, who was normally a playboy, had been pursuing him for a year.

    I pictured Abe as a Henry Rollins lookalike because the punker is THE silver fox. Abe had known he was bi since his younger days but had never really acted on his attraction to men. Until Dom.

    Truth be told, this is the book I’m least looking forward to read. The romance had the age-gap, silver fox trope. It’s not really something I go for. I find it kind of awkward that Dom is same age as Abe’s son, Shane. I’m ok with mature MCs. I just prefer them with love interests close to their age.

    Still, I rate this a notch higher than the previous book, Deadly Dorian. Even if the romance was not my cup of tea, I liked Dom and Abe individually. Also, the troubled past had been done in the series before with Royce’s story, but, Sadistic Sherlock was able to offer a different take while still having the usual elements we love, like the missions, the humor and the OTT action scenes. This was also a more fun story with more involvement from the other guys.

    This series has been hits and misses so far, but I’m pretty much committed to it. The characters feel like old friends and I love catching up with each of them every time there’s a new story. Here’s hoping the next one would be better.


    Ward Security is best read in order. WS books here
    Unbreakable Bonds here

    3 Stars – not exactly setting my world on fire but I liked it

    Soundtrack: Bury It
    Artist: CHVRCHES
    Album: Every Open Eye

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    REVIEW: Prophesy Book II: Bringer of Wrath by A.E. Via

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    King & Alpha: Prophesy Book II: Bringer of Wrath – A.E. Via

    Shifter and Vampire True Mates story.

    Alek’s older brother, Justice—the Alpha Zenith—was the first shifter to mate with a vampire in many generations, and it was believed the rare, fated pairing would stop at him. But, it hadn’t. Aleksei ‘Alek’ Volkov was second beta, next in succession to the most powerful shifter in the world. He was proud of his title and he took his duties seriously. It was all he had. Until his true mate literally showed up on his doorstep.

    While his brother—the overachiever—excelled at having a vampire as a mate, Alek wasn’t that optimistic he would. He wasn’t averse to love, and he’d often thought of how different his life could’ve turned out if he’d ever experienced the emotion. His life was a mess and he’d worn a mask of stability for a majority of that time, only showing his siblings and pack what they needed to see—a strong Volkov alpha. Not the damaged man he was, with a tortured soul and a rogue wolf.

    Alek dropped his heavy head in his hands.Now, for some reason, I’ve been granted a true vampire mate.And not just any vampire.The intimidating Belleron Liatos.Lord High to the King and the leader of his army.

    Belleron ‘Bell’ Liatos had come to the states for one reason—his best friend and Vampire King, Chadwick Bentley. He certainly didn’t come to be pounced on by a wolf that could act independently of its master. Not only was his destined cherished a complicated and confused man; but he was also unaware of the powerful presence that lurked in the shadows of his soul. Bell didn’t know he’d be the key to unlocking an exceptional triad that would play a critical role in fulfilling the prophesy.

    This story DOES NOT contain or even mention MPREG.
    No multiple pairings. No cliffhangers. Ends with a very HFN.

    Warning:This book is M/M paranormal:If you DO NOT like alpha men shifting into large wolves, or vampires feeding from their destined beloveds, than this may not be the novel for you.

    I liked this better. I wanted to like it more.

    The second book of the King & Alpha series brought together the second-in-commands. Belleron is the bestfriend of King Bentley and Lord High of the Vampires. He is always impeccably dressed and strove to excel at all things. Aleksei was the second beta and next in line to the Alpha Zenith. He’s a genuine, down to earth guy who has a lot of inner conflict. Their story had more things happening compared to the first book, starting with Alek having multiple personalities.

    Alek has his human self, his wolf self and something much darker within him. He can transition seamlessly between all three if they so willed. This created an interesting dynamic with his mate. It was, in a way, an MMMM love story involving two individuals. I totally loved how Bell embraced all of Alek’s selves unconditionally. Though, I kind of suspect his favorite is the dark one because that’s my favorite too.

    Back in book one, Prophesy, Alek lost control of his wolf and latched on to Bell when the vampire showed up at their doorstep. Alek was filled with shame and was too embarrassed to meet Bell again. The second book started with Alek and Bell trying to get to know each other.

    The first quarter of Bringer of Wrath was the exciting part. Bell had to go on a mission to London to apprehend rogue vampires raiding their tombs. His troops were overwhelmed and he was captured. Alek decided to go rescue him despite his natural shifter fear of flying. His younger brother and sister went with him. Things were pretty intense here.

    I liked that this first quarter brought focus to bigger issues in the vampire/shifter world. But sadly, the rest of the book fell short. I wasn’t exactly bored but I wasn’t that excited either. It wasn’t a Mating 101 thing, like Wick and Justice. The romance was actually sweet and enjoyable but it took over the book and completely overshadowed the politics and the world-building.

    Some work could have done to make the world-building much more solid, like providing more details on what exactly are these antagonists fighting for? Because for all appearances, Wick was a good king and so is Justice as the AZ. What is the say of humans in this scenario? Since gods were mentioned, what kinds of pantheons exist and how do they influence the world? And that damn prophesy. The book only paid lip service to it. You can take it out of the story and it would still work just fine. I’m guessing there’s a huge endgame in store so here’s hoping the prophesy aspect will be put to good use.

    The strength of this series lies on the characters. Many characters stood out. I liked them all enough to make me want to follow their stories. The villains were throwaways though but I’m okay with that.

    I was disappointed with the ending. I wanted Bell to have his moment but sadly his much awaited revenge was pre-empted by the introduction of a new character. Said character had the third brother, Mac’s hackles up. Their butting of heads almost made up for Bell’s lost moment.

    Overall, Bringer of Wrath is a much improved sequel to Prophesy. It has similar issues when it comes to balancing the elements of the plot but it has more substance and more developments. I do wish the author strengthen the plots and the overarching threads because the backbones of the series is interesting. I want to find out more about what’s happening in the King & Alpha world so I’m still here for the next one.


    Prophesy review here

    3 Stars – not exactly setting my world on fire but I liked it

    Soundtrack: You Belong To Me
    Artist: Cat Pierce
    Album: CP1