FLICKer: Gay Baby
Featuring LGBT short films I found around the interwebz a.k.a Youtube. Okay sucky intro, but yeah, that’s it.
What if you found out your unborn son is GAY? An expectant couple learns their unborn son is gay. Can a young gay store clerk change the father’s reaction from disappointment to excitement?
RELEASE BLITZ: Venerably Daray by Jessamyn Kingley (Excerpt)
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Healing Their Wounds by Hayden West (Excerpt & Giveaway)
LAST YEAR I WAS READING…(March 30, 2022)
Here are the rules:
Take your current read and compare it to what you reading this exact time last year. Which one do you like better? What is different about the books? Any special facts/things you want to make note of or bring attention to?
One Line Reviews Of Some Books I Read This Year (January – March 2022)
This is a round up of the books I read on the 1st quarter of this year that I’m too lazy to do a full review.
RELEASE BLITZ: Definitely Deacon by Vawn Cassidy (Excerpt & Giveaway)
RELEASE BLITZ: Beasts Of Burden by J.K. Hogan (Excerpt & Giveaway)
You pick a song that you really like and share it on Monday.
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Torn by Mickie B. Ashling (Excerpt & Giveaway)
VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR: The Chase & Daniels Series by L.S. Johnson (Giveaway)