I’m very sorry for not posting some of my scheduled post these past two weeks. My internet service provider has not been providing proper internet for two going on three weeks. The wifi has been super intermittent. They say there’s been problems with the cable and such. This has affected many other customers. It also makes WFH tough.
Round these parts, we are not particularly known for having a great internet connection. We only have 2 other ISPs and I’m not keen on the other competitors because they’re much worse.
Once we get some signal, I’ve prioritized the release blitzes and tours because I have committed to posting those. Today, we hardly got any signal and I’m posting this by hotspotting with my mobile.
Crossing my fingers they fix the issue before this week ends. I hope to get back on track as soon as possible.

One Comment
I’m so sorry you’re having such internet woes. It’s so frustrating, even for just a few hours, but for 2 weeks!?
Poor you, I do so hope they resolve the problems soon.