They’re so beautiful, I was teary-eyed and breathless when I first saw these couple of years ago.
What Your Favorite Kids Book Then Says About You Now
Just finished:
*will post reviews soon
Will start on:
which I will finish in one sitting. not good. i hate running out of books to read. i need a new book. preferably a really thick one T_T
Tarantino’s Letter to a Fan
aww! he’s really nice. maybe i should write my favorite artists too.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w06zvM2x_lw?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]
People think that our bodies have limitations,
but just imagine if we had organs that don’t exist,
and could control that new body?We created new human organs that use a brainwave sensor.
Necomimi is the new communication tool
that augments the human bodies and abilities.This cat’s ear shaped machine utilizes brainwaves
and expresses your emotional state before you start talkingJust put on Necomimi and if you are concentrating,
this cat’s ear shaped machine will rise.
When you are relaxed, your new ears lie down.If you are concentrating and relaxing at the same time,
your new ears will rise and actively move.
In general, professional sports players demonstrate this ability the most.What will happen when people show their feelings
even when they don’t express them?
Interesting? Ashamed? Scared?In the beginning, people may feel strange,
however people quickly become accustomed to controlling their new ears
with their brainwaves. Right now, Necomimi can become a part of your body.もえ!
Sweetheart,: I think about suicide a lot. And because of this I contemplate all the…
I think about suicide a lot. And because of this I contemplate all the ways it can be done, and things you should or shouldn’t say before doing so. Lately I’ve been thinking about the time that I last tried to kill myself, and I really don’t think it was such a great hour for such things. Whn an…
happens to me most of the time. i wish when i go to bed, i will fall asleep really quick so i don’t have to think
Sweetheart,: I think about suicide a lot. And because of this I contemplate all the…
The True Meaning of Smekday by Adam Rex
It all starts with a school essay.
When twelve-year-old Gratuity (“Tip”) Tucci is assigned to write five pages on “The True Meaning of Smekday” for the National Time Capsule contest, she’s not sure where to begin. When her mom started telling everyone about the messages aliens were sending through a mole on the back of her neck? Maybe on Christmas Eve, when huge, bizarre spaceships descended on the Earth and the aliens – called Boov – abducted her mother? Or when the Boov declared Earth a colony, renamed it “Smekland” (in honor of glorious Captain Smek), and forced all Americans to relocate to Florida via rocketpod?
In any case, Gratuity’s story is much, much bigger than the assignment. It involves her unlikely friendship with a renegade Boov mechanic named J.Lo.; a futile journey south to find Gratuity’s mother at the Happy Mouse Kingdom; a cross-country road trip in a hovercar called Slushious; and an outrageous plan to save the Earth from yet another alien invasion.
Fully illustrated with “photos,” drawings, newspaper clippings, and comics sequences, this is a hilarious, perceptive, genre-bending novel by a remarkable new talent.
I gave this book a 4.5 out of 5. this was a book i picked up at random from a sale and bought because it has pictures. i’m alway wary about reading books with teenage girls (american ones particularly) as the main character because of the usual pitfalls (e.g girl said to be feisty but ends up being rescued anyway, sappy love angles, crass teen language passed on as witty). one thing I like about this is that I can forget that gratuity is a girl. I guess it helps that she is 11 and not 16. and she did end up saving the world herself. i am not that big of a fan of sci-fi and this being a book about alien invasion, I expected it to be really cheesy and campy and it is, but the tongue in cheek humor works because it the same stuff I cringe at in the sci-fi cliches that i always cringe at in the sci-fi stuff i come across with.
I like how Tip and JLo the Boov started from this uneasy truce between human and alien invader to a friendship that lasted a lifetime (which here lasted a 100 years). The quiet thoughts between all the running around, hiding and dodging alien guns in a levitating car where I always picture Tip looking up the sky were poignant in that simplistic childlike way that for me always cuts deeper than cloying words of so-called inspirational novels (major reason why i don’t read coelho, et al.). One such instance was when Tip started to realize that the Boov are also a people.
Invasion being the running theme here, there’s the white man stealing land from the indians. the boov stealing the planet from humans. the gorgs taking the planet from the boov. even within the boov, the water dweling boovs grabbed the land from the forgotten boovs, those who lived in the land after being exiled. Coming from a colonized country, this struck a chord. Invaders always refer to the action as “discovering”. Conquered people are always thought of as inferior and looked upon as savages. In a few simple word, the author Adam Rex sum it all up via JLo’s comic: “the forgotten are kindly asked to leave, because the forgotten are needed elsewhere”.
And most of all, I like that part about the cat. As Tip herself puts it, “And as far as pets go, a cat is a nice thing to have”. And as far as friends go, a Boov can be a nice thing to have.
Finished reading:
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*will post reviews soon
One thing I like about these guys is that they are so touchy-feely with each other.
They should do this more often.(>v<)