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    REVIEW: The Starving Years by Jordan Castillo Price

    The Starving Years – Jordan Castillo Price

    The chemistry between these three men is undeniable, but is it enough to save New York?

    Imagine a world without hunger.-

    In 1960, a superfood was invented that made starvation a thing of the past. Manna, the cheaply manufactured staple food, is now as ubiquitous as salt in the world’s cupboards, pantries and larders.

    Nelson Oliver knows plenty about manna. He’s a food scientist—according to his diploma, that is. Lately, he’s been running the register at the local video rental dive to scrape together the cash for his outrageously priced migraine medication.

    In a job fair gone bad, Nelson hooks up with copywriter Javier and his computer-geek pal Tim, who whisks them away from the worst of the fiasco in his repurposed moving truck. At least, Nelson thinks those two are acquainted, but they’re acting so evasive about it, he’s not sure how they know each other, exactly. Javier is impervious to Nelson’s flirting, and Tim’s name could appear in the dictionary under the entry for “awkward.” And with a riot raging through Manhattan and yet another headache coming on, it doesn’t seem like Nelson will get an answer anytime soon.

    One thing’s for sure, the tension between the three of them is thick enough to cut with a knife…even one of those dull plastic dealies that come in the package with Mannariffic EZ-Mealz.

    The Starving Years is a must-read for fans of dystopian romance looking for scorching M/M/M chemistry in a fast-paced, page-turning adventure.

    I remember my Austrian cousin visiting our hometown with her baby. While here, she fed her child boiled fresh squash or potatoes rather than the instant baby food local mothers typically buy.

    And I thought how ironic. Here we are, an agricultural country, so brainwashed by multinational corporate ads that we keep feeding our families artificial foods when we could easily pick organic vegetables growing wild in our backyards.

    The Starving Years by Jordan Castillo Price has a brilliant premise that reminded me of that. A superfood, manna, is produced by corporations and distributed worldwide. This is a very convenient food supply that can be heated and eaten. The superfood mimics the flavors of most foods or is as close as chemically possible.

    Some countries, usually those considered backward, still have their traditional foods. The immigrants of New York also insist on their traditional foods. The general population looks upon this with askance since preparing these usually takes time, effort, and money.

    Then, our MCs discovered that the food corporations substituted a certain protein in the formula. The more people ate, the more hungry they became. Children are most affected. They became so hungry they started eating each other. It’s up to our heroes to reveal the truth before the powers that be catch them.

    The story is in three POVs. It opens with Nelson Oliver bored out of his mind at a job fair. You wouldn’t know it if you look at him, shabby clothes and long hair, but the man has a double master’s and a Ph D in food science. He’s a genius, really, but is currently working the register at a video rental shop.

    Nelson, our boy, is the ray of sunshine in the chaos and mayhem. Equal parts easy-going and cynical, he’s also a shameless flirt, an enthusiastic vers, a doting father, a resourceful patcher of wounds, and the best friend any woman could have. He’s a serial do-gooder with a matter-of-fact way of handling things that takes the awkwardness out of any situation.

    Javier De La Rosa is the eye-patched undercover reporter Nelson met at the job fair. Our boy was hell-bent on getting Javier’s number. When chaos descended upon the job fair, they were stuck together, along with two other applicants, Mary Anne and Randy.

    Javier is the most enigmatic character here. He used his connections and resources to help their cause. Little is known about him because the man hardly speaks about himself. Dominant and hella toppy, he can easily command a room. Later, we learn that he came from a wealthy Cuban family and is divorced. He has a 6-year-old daughter but is estranged from his family for running away to the Middle East with a man.

    Tim Foster is the blogger behind Voice of Reason. His secret identity is tightly guarded since he’s blogging about the corruption of the big food corporations. His posts were highly incendiary. Javier got in touch with him because of his posts. Soon their interactions in the chat room also became incendiary for different reasons.

    Tim is adorkable, awkward, sensitive, and wears his heart on his sleeves. He’s a computer genius, a shy bottom, a designated driver since he owns the moving truck, and a friend to Nelson’s son who he and Randy saved from the pits of hell a.k.a. prison. The children of the city were rounded up and locked in the Tombs since many were infected.

    The two other characters are Mary Anne and Randy. Their POVs were not shown but they were important parts of the rag-tag group who saved New York.

    Mary Anne is the peppy woman sitting next to Nelson at the job fair and she was swept along with Randy and Nelson when they escaped the riots. She was instantly a staunch ally though she was kept in the dark for most part of the story about Tim’s secret identity. And she was a huge fan of VOR. Mary Anne has her secrets but she held the group together through thick and thin.

    Randy is a frat boy, a mansplaining, douchey person. In movies, this is usually a cannon-fodder type of character so I was curious to see how long he will last. The thing with Randy, he went from douche to not so bad to did the right thing, attaboy! He won me over and I ended up rooting for him.

    The plot is unpredictable. Not because there are particularly clever twists but because the execution is all over the place. It didn’t feel smooth. You could really feel the forced proximity because most of the scenes are the five of them cooped up in a room.

    The claustrophobic scenes also shut out the rest of the world so it felt like the riots were happening somewhere far away and not in their very city. Also, the story would be more compelling and exciting if it went all the way horror or at least more action-packed, with the affected people going feral in the streets.

    The world-building is practically non-existent, and mentions of technology or certain customs is done through dialogues, like it’s assume the reader knows already. This style worked exceptionally well in the author’s sci fi series, Mnevermind Trilogy (a top fave!). Here, it was just confusing.

    Also, the blurb mentioned 1960s but the setting felt more late 90s to early 2000s.

    Despite the execution, I was completely riveted and heavily invested in the fate of our rag-tag heroes. The romance was passable, but what I loved most was watching how these five people formed deep connections forged by the desire to save the world.

    The Starving Years is rated between like and love. It has an intriguing premise and fantastic characters but needed better execution. Overall, could have gone down smoother but still a satisfying piece.

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Hunger Strike
    Artist: Temple of the Dog
    Album: Temple of the Dog

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of The Starving Years. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

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    REVIEW: Gloam by Lily Mayne

    Monstrous: Gloam – Lily Mayne

    When a strange woman shows up outside our camp in the Wastes with monsters chained up to her RV, it feels like I’m the only one who actually wants to help them.

    That big, grey-skinned monster with the cage on his head and the chain hanging from his back—something is telling me I need to help him. I need to free him. But I have absolutely no idea how I’m supposed to do that, especially when he can’t even talk to me to tell me how.

    Collector Mary is finally leaving our camp to head back to her monster menagerie, so I do the only thing I can think of to help him. I go with her.

    Now, this big beastie and I are traveling companions for the foreseeable future. Now I just have to think of a way to get that cage off his head, which seems like an impossible task. But I’m not giving up. He has no one else, and when I start to discover who he is beneath the cage, my motivation to free him becomes far more than just a desire to help.

    This is so dangerous. The military is lurking. Vicious monsters are lurking. And when Mary turns out to be even worse than we could have ever imagined, my desperate bid to save this monster turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse.

    I’m pretty sure I’m going to die out here.

    Gloam is Book Four of the Monstrous series, a post-apocalyptic m/m fantasy series that features monsters and human men falling in love. It is best to read the series in order. Warning: This m/m love story contains explicit sexual content and is not suitable for young readers. It also contains graphic depictions of torture and violence.

    Monstrous, Lily Mayne‘s brilliant post-apocalyptic series continues the trek through the monster-ridden wastelands of America with Book 4, Gloam.

    Gloam started with a thirsty young raider, Rig, lusting over the muscles of a huge, grey-skinned monster chained to an RV with a cage over his head. The antoran, along with two other beasties, were captives of a sinister human named Collector Mary. Feeling sorry for the big guy, Rig set out to free the beastie, and he was prepared to take all the risks, including leaving the raider camp and going with Collector Mary.

    We know Rig from Book 3, The Rycke, as Ghost’s impulsive best friend. He’s the camp’s mechanic, good at fixing stuff, hence the name. Rig is also naive and doesn’t have much experience outside the camp, so I was looking forward to see how our boy survives the Wastes.

    Risking his life, limb, and sanity, Rig’s pursuit to free Gloam took him through the Wastes, cannibal cults, the military, Mary’s vile thoughts, and more monsters. It was an adventure as exciting and suspenseful as the others, if a bit less action-packed. The story focused more on building Gloam and Rig’s relationship, which developed beautifully.

    At the heart of it all is a pure-hearted young man who is very determined to do the right thing because nobody, not even beasties, deserves to be abused. What gripped me the most was that Rig broke down, bawled like a baby, and blubbered like an idiot, but never, ever stopped trying to free Gloam. Even before Gloam could talk to him, and even before falling in love with the beastie! Our boy is a fluffy marshmallow with a core of steel!

    Gloam spent most of the story unable to speak, but Rig deviced a clever way for them to communicate. The big beastie might be super brawny, but he’s also surprisingly cultured and scholarly. His voice really showed off that gentle side of him! I recommend audiobooking this and the other books because Michael Lesley is giving us his best voices in this series!

    I loved the big guy! Gloam is one of the sweetest characters in the entire series who kept his innate goodness intact despite being betrayed by his own family, and forced to do the worst, most stomach-churning tasks by his captors, like impaling people in spits while still alive. He didn’t even seek revenge! Gloam has a calming energy that grounds Rig. They are a perfect match!

    There are some loose threads that I hope the author will pick up in future books. Something needs to be done about the cannibal cult! These are the assholes who forced Gloam to do the above-mentioned crime. I hope Samson, the reluctant cult member, gets his own book or will be able to escape. He’s another good guy trapped in a hellish situation. I hope we meet the intriguing beasties from Mary’s menagerie again.

    Gloam is an emotional tale of determination and kindness, a rousing dystopian adventure, and a tender romance that beat the odds. Overall, a moving portrait of the worst and best of humans and monsters.

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: Run Wild
    Artist: John Tibbs
    Album: Dead Man Walking


    Monstrous should be read in order. Fall in love with the cinnamon roll monster and their adorable humans.
    Soul Eater
    The Rycke

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of Monstrous. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

    SOUL EATERKindle | Audiobook
    EDINKindle | Audiobook
    THE RYCKEKindle | Audiobook
    WYNKindle | Audiobook
    GLOAM: Kindle | Audiobook

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    One Line Reviews Of Some Books I Read This Year (January – June 2023)

    This is a round up of the books I read on the 1st half of this year that I’m too lazy to do a full review.

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    REVIEW: The Rycke by Lily Mayne

    Monstrous: The Rycke – Lily Mayne

    Life as a raider in the Wastes, where monsters roam and the military lurks, is as easy as it sounds.

    I’ve been out here for a long time, and the fear that courses through my blood every time I have to step outside our camp walls to scavenge never fades. No matter how many monsters you face—and have to run for your life from—it doesn’t ever get easier.

    But when I come across a bound and injured monster in an abandoned military base, I can’t leave him behind. His presence in our camp is causing tension, but I can’t bring myself to care when I get to see a different side to him—when he starts to show me who he is, beneath the pain and lingering trauma.

    But despite his gentle nature, I soon discover why others are so desperate to own him. Why the military, and now this stranger lurking outside our camp, want to put him back in chains and take him away from me.

    There’s something hiding under his skin. Something that threatens to upend my entire life, the one I’ve spent my years carefully protecting out here.

    There’s a reason why all other monsters fear him.

    The Rycke is Book Three of the Monstrous series, a post-apocalyptic m/m fantasy series that features monsters and human men falling in love. It is best to read the series in order. Warning: This m/m love story contains explicit sexual content and is not suitable for young readers. It also contains graphic depictions of torture and violence, and deals with PTSD.

    I wish I read this series sooner because three book in, it’s pretty obvious Monstrous is one of the best MM fantasy series out there! The books should be read in order because each monster/human couple has been a delight so far.

    The series is set in post-apocalyptic America, where twenty years ago, a rift allowed monsters to come to earth. The only safe places for humans were the coastlines. The military controlled everything, and those who disobeyed were left to die in the Wastes. However, some chose to live there. Raiders built isolated camps, wore masks and used code names so the military couldn’t identify them.

    The third book, The Rycke, is told from the POV of Gage, raider name: Ghost. He and his best friend, Rig, were scavenging through the wrecked army base from Book 1, Soul Eater. They found a chained, injured monster, Aury, who they quickly set free and took their raider camp to heal. To their surprise, Aury is the rycke, a monster so fearsome that even his fellow monsters avoid him.

    It was hard to believe because Aury has such a gentle, shy nature. How this kind-hearted, soft-spoken individual turned into a maelstrom of death and destruction was one of the most jaw-dropping scenes in the entire series!

    The writing brilliantly lulled me with its fluffy, angst-tinged romantic development akin to the swooniest YA romance. We learned more about the other denizens of the Wastes, the raiders, a mysterious woman with monsters for pets, a rare monster-human hybrid and asshole extraordinaire named Moth who has his own book, and another enigmatic but deadly character named Lilac whose book I’m super excited to read.

    Gage is the camp scout, always tasked to make forays to many dangerous places to scavenge or find clues to the whereabout of the camp’s other leader, Cat, who is missing. He hates doing this but feels it’s the only way to make himself useful. It led to antagonistic encounters with the camp’s other leader Anchor, and another nay-saying raider, Cutter.

    In one of these missions, Aury snapped! And holy shit, it was beast-mode gone nuclear!

    This forced Gage to make life-altering decisions. These were also some of the most heartbreaking scenes where Gage learned how much of a martyr ryckes actually are. Aury and Gage’s story was intensely emotional, and narrator Michael Lesley wrung every emotion out of those scenes. I found myself holding my breath through these pivotal moments. Nearly cried at the part where beast Aury was trying to say Gage’s name.

    This book would have been a 5, but the separation scene in the last parts didn’t make much sense to me given that they quickly reunited just because Moth took it upon himself to fetch Aury. The ending was also bittersweet and not as satisfying as, say, Wyn, the Soul Eater making it his mission to have his human, Danny, be with him forever (from Wyn the novella).

    The Rycke is another brilliant monster romance. A story of self-sacrifice, friendship, and survival sweeping me away in a whirlwind of tears and feels!

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: Black Moon
    Artist: Greg Dully
    Album: Random Desire


    Meet the other monster+human couples in Soul Eater and Edin.

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of Monstrous. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

    SOUL EATERKindle | Audiobook
    EDINKindle | Audiobook
    THE RYCKE: Kindle | Audiobook

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    REVIEW: Exposed by H.L. Day

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    Exposed – H.L. Day

    A survival gay romance

    Sometimes salvation comes from the most unlikely hero.

    When Tate Gillespie is marked for death for a crime he didn’t commit, his life crumbles. In a world where ‘justice’ is meted out by a relentless military force, he’s going to need more than a mythical guardian angel. His life down to seconds, he’s saved by the mysterious X, a knife-wielding man he’s never even met before. But who is X? Is he the man who threatens and kills without a second thought? Or the strangely gentle man who only seems to act that way around Tate?

    X is a shadow. A wraith. A man who flits through the city virtually unseen. He’s got no time for people when knives are far more reliable. X does have one weakness though—the man he’s been keeping safe for years who doesn’t even know it. He’d burn the whole world to keep him alive. But what he won’t do is stake his claim. Tate’s not his and he needs to remember that, no matter how close they might become.

    With the military in hot pursuit, they’re going to need to rely on X’s skills to keep them both alive. Tate’s feelings are growing with every hour they spend together, but X is a tough nut to crack. Can two people from very different backgrounds really find common ground? Or will one of the many perils they face throughout their long journey drive them apart?

    It’s all about survival. Not love. Isn’t it?

    Exposed is a 132k action/adventure story featuring two men who couldn’t be more opposite.

    Exposed is a book where everything came together fabulously. Starting with the model on the cover who is spot-on as X. I was also thrilled to hear that not only was the narrator fantastic at bringing the characters to life, he delivered the story with an Australian accent. It’s such a rare treat!

    When I first read the blurb, I was super intrigued by the shadowy figure lurking in the dark. My guts told me this is going to be so good. It turned out to be one heck of an adventure and a touching chronicle of one man’s unconditional love and devotion.

    The book immediately pulled me into a dystopian world in what was supposedly the former Australian continent. The world-building is straightforward but detailed enough to set the vibe properly. The more affluent citizens lived in cities ruled by martial law. The rest lived in slums.

    There are talks of other cities, some underground, others, probably nothing more than myths. There is one somewhere in the north, past the desert, said to be a utopia for all. Nobody could verify its existence because none came back to do so. Either they did find the place or more likely, they died trying.

    Tate blissfully carries on with his life as a pharmaceutical employee in the city, unaware of the guardian shadow watching over him. One day, he was set up for a crime punishable by death. Just as he was about to be executed by the military police, he was saved by a mysterious knife-wielding man. The two quickly set off to find a haven and freedom, with the military hot on their heels.

    X is an assassin from the slums. This is a man who loves his knives so much he doesn’t let anyone touch them and live. He’s very anti-social, very taciturn, very broody. He is a hard man living a hard life. His sole purpose was to protect Tate, whether or not the man knew of his existence. Ask him how long he has been stalking him. That is how long he has been hopelessly in love with Tate.

    X!!! The name is perfect! I love him!!! X’s strength as a character was what carried me through the story. I’m happy the story is told in dual 1st person POVs because being inside X’s head was everything!

    The man is soft for Tate and only for Tate. He was a badass through and through. He’s tough even to himself. He doesn’t believe he is worthy of being loved. Not even when Tate already said he liked him.

    “It’s possible to want something but to not let yourself have it.”

    My heart went out to X during these moments. The man has a habit of talking himself into believing nobody’s going to love a killer like him. Mind you, he’s still very butch about it. The part that hit me the hardest was how X never, ever expects anything in return from Tate. He would have been okay with just escorting Tate to the underground city. Then, he would go off to the desert and die happy knowing the love of his life was safe.

    Tate took some time winning me over. He’s chatty, naïve, and occasionally bratty. He was slightly annoying at some points. But to give Tate his due, he was smart enough to figure X out. Also, he accepted X for who he is, dark past and all. The part where I appreciated Tate the most was where he truly understood how much the knives meant to X.

    The romance was both intense and gentle. The connection between X and Tate was a palpable, slow-burning energy, building heat until it went nuclear. It was a beautiful rendering of unrequited love getting requited.

    The characters and the romance developed over the course of their adventure. I don’t really go for stories where a long journey is involved because the traveling part bores me. Here, I did feel a very slight drag.

    However, the author skillfully kept the momentum going. I loved how she balanced the action scenes with the more emotional ones. I enjoyed how one moment we get crazy ninja moves and throat-slitting, then we get some downtime of X cleaning Tate’s wound with excruciating tenderness. And then it’s back to adrenaline-pumping chases and explosions. And a LOT of walking!

    Exposed is my first H.L. Day and definitely won’t be the last. It’s a brilliantly executed dystopian action/adventure love story driven by compelling characters that leave their mark. Gritty, suspenseful, thrilling, and deeply moving, it is two men’s mad dash to freedom and a hard-fought journey towards a lifetime together.

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: I’ll Fall With Your Knife
    Artist: Peter Murphy
    Album: Cascade

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