BLOG TOUR: Seer Quest Covenant: Legend of the Ancients by Deonne Dane (Excerpt & Giveaway)
Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Seer Quest Covenant: Legend of the Ancients
By Deonne Dane
The Books of Locurnia, Book 3
A fledgling seer. A cataclysmic vision. Can he convince the fated warrior to stand between their people and impending doom?
Meran Durante is on a knife’s edge. Tormented by the visions of Locurnia burning, and the horrific fate of Patrice, his beloved sister, Meran confronts the one man destined to stop the slaughter. Yet facing the fascinating, but ruthless, Leon Ricci, a perilous attraction sparking between them morphs to dangerous contention, bringing all Meran’s plans crashing down.
Fear laces Lord Marshal Leon Ricci’s rage. His rising interest for the handsome Durante withers at the youth’s blatant attempt to suborn him with knowledge no man should possess. Secrets that would leave his clan, and all he cares for, in jeopardy.
With time running short before Lord Ricci returns to his stronghold, Meran fears he’ll be unable to alter the magnetic man’s misconceptions before the future’s deadly events overwhelm them all.
Can Meran bring the implacable Ricci to heel or will his mistake force Leon to reject taking that first step on the quest destined to save their world?
Seer Quest Covenant is the action-packed first book in the LGBTQ Seer Quest Tetralogy: Legend of the Ancients, Books of Locurnia Fantasy series. If you like epic quests, fantasy laced with high heat romance, and clashing protagonists then you’ll love this magic-filled adventure.
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With every breath, Meran tasted the metallic tang of blood and sweat. It tainted the air and set the small arena abuzz with anticipation. He surged to his feet with the rest of the audience, all eyes affixed on the downwards arc of the fighter’s blood-stained sword.
“He’s going to kill him!”
The phrase echoed through the throng like threads of fate.
Meran’s fascination pulled up short at the expressions on his companions’ faces. Ellom’s grey eyes haunted, Jon’s lips pressed together tightly. At the arena’s centre, the felled combatant staggered to his knees, the colour rapidly draining from his features. His shield dropped from his grasp as he clutched at the spurting stump of his mutilated sword arm.
With a thud, the mail-clad champion released his own shield and knocked the helm from his opponent’s head. Winding fingers through the defeated man’s sweat-slick hair, the victor jerked his hand back, his sword grazing the man’s exposed throat.
Meran’s dismay echoed Ellom’s gasp and Jon’s stunned expletive.
“Don’t do it,” Meran shouted, his words consumed by the noise of thumping feet, pounding hands, and voices that roared their desire to see the vanquished man slaughtered. The light of the berserker burned bright in the victor’s eyes, as if poised on the precipice of giving in to his nature.
The black-cloaked enforcers drew their weapons and stepped from the shadows.
“The Mavish. The Mavish. The Mavish.” The crowd roared the warrior’s name over and over as if demanding he finish what he had begun.
Meran swallowed, his mouth dry.
“Stand down.” One of the surrounding enforcers advanced on the Mavish.
The warrior ignored them and, with a wicked grin, caressed the edge of his blade against the vulnerable flesh beneath his opponent’s jaw. His intense gaze challenged the crowd, incited them, playing them until they bayed for the blood that only he could give them.
Meran pushed forwards, his heart hammering. “Mercy!” he yelled.
The enforcers’ bows pulled tautly. The crowd’s excitement ratcheted higher.
“Mercy!” His shouts were as effective as a whisper in the face of a gale…until a warning arrow whistled, and blood bloomed across the Mavish’s cheek.
Meran’s shout reverberated across the arena as all else turned to silence.
Enter the Giveaway:
To celebrate Deonne’s new release, we are giving an eset of the Books of Locurnia series!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57670/?
About the Author:
Born in New Zealand, Deonne grew up on a diet of genie’s and witches and space adventure. Not vampires, not then anyway, they were too scary. Back in that day they definitely didn’t sparkle.
She spent hours scribbling her version of fanfic in exercise books, on lined refill and coloured notepaper. But then she discovered epic fantasy; Eddings, Kerr, Donaldson & Brooks and felt she had come home.
Later, as happens with most people, she let herself be diverted by the mundanity of adulthood; marriage, widowhood, remarriage, children, separation and even earthquakes, until she remembered the thing she was missing. Thus began her journey into the world of Locurnia.
With family in the queer community and her developing passion for all things MM she decided to marry these two loves together.