RELEASE TOUR: My December Daddy by Leta Blake (Excerpt & Giveaway)
Release Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
My December Daddy
By Leta Blake
A Boy for All Seasons Novel
Matthew Angel is stuck. He’s 41 and spent his life denying who he is and what he truly wants—until he stumbles upon a unique offering at a specialty charity auction:
A Christmas Daddy experience.
Erik Garner has given up on relationships. After his last boy left, he decided it’s better to skip the heartache and stick with casual, short-term contracts. His offer of an exclusive, one-night-only Christmas encounter is all he’s willing to give.
Matthew’s older than expected, but his shy smile and eager surrender charm Erik. What starts out as a business transaction quickly gives way to a wild, thrilling intensity neither expected.
One night isn’t enough.
Good thing there’s a blizzard on the way…
Universal Link
Fate is an odd thing, isn’t it?
If I hadn’t had too much to drink last night, sitting not only alone but lonely at the hotel bar after the dull-as-dishwater conference I’d attended on behalf of my accounting firm, I might not have accidentally set my alarm for seven p.m. instead of seven a.m. And if I’d set my alarm for the right time, I most certainly wouldn’t have missed my flight out of Asheville.
If I hadn’t missed my plane, I wouldn’t have returned to the hotel to book myself in for another night while I attempted to wrangle a new flight or a rental car for a non-exorbitant price the next day.
And if I hadn’t returned to the hotel, I never would have known it was hosting a very different crowd over the weekend for a fascinating special event.
And if…
Well, you get the point.
If it hadn’t been for all that, I wouldn’t be here now, in the middle of the Blue Ridge Kink Club’s Christmas Auction, having paid thirty dollars at the door for the privilege of sipping a watered-down drink and watching people in all kinds of bondage and kink gear getting their wild on. Nor would I be walking through the various kinky offerings for the auction.
For one thing, I’m not from around here, so a lot of this stuff—like the whipping, for example—would be hard to collect on, and for another thing, I’m not sure I’m even kinky.
I’ve only been out as a gay man for a few years, having waited until my parents died to be true to myself. During those long, dark years in the closet, I gave (more like endured) my share of quick and raunchy blowjobs, but those kinds of experiences aren’t what I want or need anymore.
That’s something I’m still trying to figure out. What do I want? What do I need?
Hookup apps have been informative. Actual hookups themselves would have been even more so—but so far the apps have mostly been helpful in terms of highlighting what I don’t want. Not that I can explain what that is in any detail either.
I just know of everything I’ve done to explore my sexuality—whether it’s the nasty furtive stuff of my youth or contemplating possible hookups—none of it has been fulfilling or right.
All I’ve ever wanted is to feel right.
During my stay for my business meeting, I’d already explored the hotel’s various amenities. All typical and not worth checking out again. I’d already walked around Asheville and enjoyed its offerings, though it’s always lonely being in a new place with no one to share it with.
So, after a solitary dinner at a local restaurant, when I returned to the hotel to see signs for the Blue Ridge Kink Club Christmas Charity Auction stating 18+ members of the general public were welcome to pay for entrance and even more welcome to bid, I decided to see what it was about. Because I still haven’t found what I’m looking for, and, who knows? Maybe it’s here.
Right about now, as I pause in front of one particular offering, I’m not sure how I feel about my choice to come to the auction tonight. It might have opened a Pandora’s Box for me.
Because I’m captivated.
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About the Author:
Author of the bestselling book Smoky Mountain Dreams and the fan favorite Training Season, Leta Blake’s educational and professional background is in psychology and finance, respectively. However, her passion has always been for writing. She enjoys crafting romance stories and exploring the psyches of made up people. At home in the Southern U.S., Leta works hard at achieving balance between her day job, her writing, and her family.
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