BLOG TOUR: Remnants Of Blood by H.F. Cunningham (Excerpt & Giveaway)
I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the REMNANTS OF BLOOD by H. F. Cunningham Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post
and make sure to enter the giveaway!
About The Book:
Author: H. F. Cunningham
Pub. Date: September 14, 2021
Publisher: H. F. Cunningham
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 482
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, B&N, Kobo, TBD, Bookshop.org
The Fair Folk are the stuff of myth. Stories of monsters and old magicks. But all myths carry a grain of truth. That truth is that remnants of this ancient power live on in the blood of their descendants.
When Tannin’s grandfather dies, he leaves her with a mountain of trouble. Between cryptic journals that warn of unknown foes lying in wait and a crippling debt owed to a cruel and formidable local Laird, Tannin is thrown into a cut-throat world where she is perilously out of her depth.
But her problems have only just begun. Secrets lurk in Tannin’s bloodstream – secrets not even she is aware of. And they want out.
A scheming princess with the offer of an alliance. A secret society with murderous intentions. A dark past that refuses to stay buried. Tannin’s life
will never be the same.
“If you are a fan of fantasy, court intrigues, queer characters and a good old enemy to lovers trope, I canonly urge you to put this on your TBR pile and read this book ASAP!” —Goodreads review
“Remnants of Blood is a must-read for any fan of the fantasy genre, and those interested in creative spins on folklore and legends. Cunningham’s writing style is sure to enrapture any reader and leave them wanting more.”— Goodreads review
” I would recommend this book to any lover of the fantasy genre, queer characters, action-packed fight scenes, and an overall amazing story! If you don’t already, then I would recommend adding Remnants of Blood to your TBR list immediately! “— Goodreads review
Book Trailer:
“You’re cutting it fine, Captain.” Ava quipped from where she stood at the table sorting through sheafs of parchment as Attilo stalked into the crypt, pulling off his wet outer garments and stuffing them in a trunk out of sight.
As Ava’s bodyguard he rarely left her side but the ancient stone crypt they used as their base of operations was secure from all sides and Ava wasn’t the type to wander off. It was one of the fundamental terms of their agreement. She got all the freedom she wanted to go into the city to do the work she needed to do if and only if he deemed it safe and he was with her. On days like today where he was tailing a target she was to stay put until he got back. She was fine being left with her books but he still didn’t like leaving her. It amazed him sometimes where she seemingly forgot how much of a target she would be if anyone realised she wasn’t safely behind the castle walls. Just because she didn’t want to be a princess didn’t mean she wasn’t one.
“Tannin took a wee detour,” he said as he shed his wet cloak. “Didnae even look about once. If anybody but me was following that lass she’d have led them right here the wee eejit. She might no be dangerous, but she just might be a liability.”
Ava was determined to bring Tannin into the fold. Once Ava got her teeth into a mystery there was no distracting her. She’d wheedle out the answers if it took her a day or a year and the wee bakery girl was her newest riddle.
Attilo had been trailing her since the night she’d caught Ava’s interest and today was no exception. She was by far the easiest target he’d ever trailed. She didn’t look around once. The closest he’d come to blowing his cover was when she suddenly changed direction to dart into the bakery and had rushed right past him. She’d come out after only a few seconds looking very guilty and Attilo was convinced she stole something. He’d keep that information to himself, he decided, until he knew more.
Ava seemed to be about to ask something when there came a pounding from the trapdoor.
Attilo looked at Ava incredulously.
Tannin wouldn’t seriously make that much noise at the secret entrance would she?
Ava rolled her eyes and gestured for Attilo to let her in.
“Open. Up. Arseholes!” Tannin bellowed from outside. “I’m freezin’ out here!”
Attilo scowled and opened up the trapdoor. It was immediately wrenched open full and a very soggy dishevelled Tannin dropped into the crypt.
“Finally!” She pushed strands of wet hair out of her face and gave him an offended look with her big brown eyes like he’d deliberately left her out in the rain.
“The whole point o’ a secret meetin’ place is that it’s a bloody secret,” Attilo growled. “Which means, no yellin’ yer head off at the door.”
Attilo knew he was an intimidating figure with his height, bulk and scar mangled face. Even at his age, his muscles were evident as were the weapons he carried but under his glare Tannin just shook water off her cloak as she shrugged out of it. “Well, let me in quicker then.”
“Were ye followed?”
Tannin hesitated. “I don’t think so.”
“Were you?”
“I dunno, I didn’t check.”
Attilo gave Ava a meaningful look. “This is what I was talkin’ about.”
“I’m new to this, remember.” Tannin reminded him.
He grumbled that she should still know better as she rubbed her hands together and blew on them to warm them up and stepped into the circle of light made by lanterns in the wrought iron sconces. The poor thing squelched as she walked.
“Tea?” Ava nodded to the canister perched on the sarcophagus that they used as a table.
“Oh please, aye,” Tannin said gratefully, helping herself to a steaming cup.
“Uh.” She reached into the satchel that was slung around her shoulder.
“This is for you.”
She fished a loaf of bread out from her bag and held it out awkwardly. Her eyes darted from it to Ava and then to Attilo, seemingly unsure.
So that’s what you were doing in the bakery.
His brain fired off all worse possible situations.
Hidden blades, poison, sedatives… or a simple gift.
But even gifts were rarely simple. To accept the bread would be a unspoken promise to observe the ancient rules of hospitality. In theory, it meant that they wouldn’t harm Tannin and she, in turn, wouldn’t harm them or bring trouble to their door. Of course, it was just an old custom. It didn’t guarantee a thing.
“It’s not much, but I couldn’t come with nothin’ if we’re going to work together so, uh, here.” Tannin mumbled, thrusting the loaf at Ava.
“Thank you,” Ava replied graciously if a little amusedly, a smile hiding behind her serious face. Compared to the gifts she was used to receiving the sad slightly damp bread must seem a little ridiculous. If it wasn’t a death trap that is…
“Wait.” Attilo stormed over, snatched the bread out of her hand and started squishing in the sides, cracking the crust and sending crumbs all over the table. He didn’t take chances. Not where Ava was concerned.
“Hey!” Tannin protested. “What are you doin’?”
Ava sighed. “He’s checking it for weapons. You can never be too careful.”
“He’s ruinin’ it is what he’s doin’! The crust is the best part!”
Attilo ignored them both and completed his inspection of the bread. It looked fine. He sniffed and inhaled only the scent of fresh baked bread. Gods, it smells good.
Final test. He held out the loaf to Tannin. He wouldn’t be satisfied until she ate some herself. She rolled her eyes as she tore off a chunk and stuffed it in her mouth without hesitation. Attilo watched her closely as she chewed and swallowed.
“Satisfied?” She asked mockingly.
He grunted in affirmation and took a tentative bite. Oh gods it was good. Still warm. Pity she’d felt the need to steal it. It wasn’t like her money troubles weren’t known to him and Ava – it was the reason she was so easy to bring in. A desperate wee lass with no options. But then she’d be easy to bribe into betraying them.
“It’s good, right?”
He gave another grunt as he took a second bite. With a grudging nod, he placed the loaf down in the middle of the table. No death trap today then.
About H. F. Cunningham:
Hello! I’m HFCunningham; a queer YA/NA fantasy author who likes puns!
My debut novel Remnants of Blood is launching 14th September 2021 and is perfect for lovers of fantasy, intruiging characters, enemies to lovers, monsters, scottish accents and witty banter!
Follow me on instagram hfcunningham.author or twitter hfcunningham or check out my website www.hfcunningham.com
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon
Giveaway Details:
2 winners will win a signed
finished copy of REMNANTS OF BLOOD & swag, US Only.
Tour Schedule:
Week One:
9/20/2021 |
Excerpt |
9/20/2021 |
Guest |
9/21/2021 |
Guest |
9/21/2021 |
IG |
9/22/2021 |
Excerpt |
9/22/2021 |
Guest |
9/23/2021 |
Review |
9/23/2021 |
Review |
9/24/2021 |
Review |
9/24/2021 |
Review |
Week Two:
9/27/2021 |
Review |
9/27/2021 |
Review |
9/28/2021 |
Review |
9/28/2021 |
Review |
9/29/2021 |
Excerpt |
9/29/2021 |
Excerpt |
9/30/2021 |
Excerpt |
9/30/2021 |
Review |
10/1/2021 |
Review |
10/1/2021 |
Excerpt |