RELEASE BLITZ: True Blue by Patricia Logan (Excerpt & Giveaway)
Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
True Blue by Patricia Logan

Prosper Woods Chronicles, Book 2
An ancient rival? A gay unicorn? A crusty old witch who should be in diapers? The dumbest progeny anyone could ever have? Shifters who come in herds?
Kill me, right effing now!
Vincent and Sheriff Romeo are my chance to find peace at last. I’ve been waiting for someone to notice I’m gone for a long time. Until the vampire showed up, I wasn’t sure anyone could help. All I want to do is move on to the next step… and I really need to rest.
Vincent and Romeo, you’re my only hope.
Strange things are happening in Prosper Woods, California. Ever since moving here, my life has turned upside down. Some things have been amazing, like falling head over heels for Vincent Lasco, a gorgeous vampire. Other things have been weirder than I could ever imagine. I’ve learned a truth about myself, and it came as a massive shock. Most of the town residents have quirks of their own. Let’s just say, nothing is boring about this bizarre place.
Supernaturals flourish here!
Sheriff, Romeo Harmon makes me happier than I’ve ever been. He’s kind, funny, and honest to the core, just the kind of man I used to be, centuries ago. I have a new lease on my long life. Things could go on just the way they are but there’s something I’ve been asked do before that happens. I need to help Romeo find a sweet little boy and finally lay him to rest.
Who knew ghosts could have broken hearts?
Universal Link
Special Release Blitz Excerpt:
“Are you going to call Precious and have her talk to Mary about the séance?” Vincent’s rumbling voice was a bit of a surprise in the dark room. I was at that stage in between consciousness when my body was trying to decide whether falling asleep or staying awake to try to converse with the man in my arms, was the better idea.
“I’ll talk to her at work tomorrow. It’s late and there’s no reason to wake either of them up unless you’re afraid Blue will be back tonight.”
Vincent’s low chuckle made me smile against his chest as his arms tightened around me. “He hasn’t been in touch for nearly two months. I don’t think it’s a five-alarm fire at this point. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to resolve this as quickly as we can.”
I heard his voice take on a sobering note.
“I think it’s important that we lay him to rest, don’t you?” Vincent asked.
“Of course, I do,” I replied, sleepily. “As soon as I get to work tomorrow, I’ll talk to Precious, and we’ll arrange a time in the next couple of days. I’ll talk to Sid too.”
“Okay, Romeo. Now, you should rest. I’m sure there will be another joyriding incident for you to investigate in the morning and you will need all your strength for the coming storm.”
I laughed and squeezed his waist, digging my fingers in. He let out a high-pitched giggle and twisted away from me. The girly sound coming out of the seven-hundred-year-old medieval knight, made me laugh even harder. I sat up and straddled him, reaching down to tickle him with both hands. He laughed and tried to squirm away from me, dropping his fangs as his lips stretched widely over his teeth. I’d never seen a vampire so ticklish before. Who was I kidding? Vincent was the only vampire I’d ever known but that didn’t matter. Seeing him laugh like that was hilarious and it just made me want to do it over and over again.
“Stop it! Stop it!” he cried. Then, he was out from under me, off the bed, and across the room, still laughing, in the blink of an eye. I sat back on my ass and held out my arms.
“I’ll stop. Come back to bed.”
“No more tickles,” he said, walking slowly over to me.
I chuckled and then sobered as my gaze slid down his beautiful body. The massive scar from his collar bone to his belly button was the most obvious of all. I wiggled my fingers and patted my belly.
“Cuddle with me. I promise no more unexpected tickling will occur tonight.”
He smiled and dropped down on the bed, cuddling up to my side and throwing a thigh over mine. I wrapped him in my arms and within minutes, my breathing had evened out and I drifted off to sleep.
Catch up on the series:
True Knight, (Prosper Woods Chronicles Prequel)
My name is Romeo Harmon and I’m the new sheriff of Prosper Woods, a small California town smack dab in the middle of the sequoia forest. People around here tell me the town hasn’t changed a whole hell of a lot since power lines and telephones were installed.
I think I’m gonna like it here.
My name is Vincent Lasco. I’ve searched a long time to find a new place to settle down. Because of what I am, I need to pull up stakes and start over every twenty years or so—before people realize that I don’t age anymore.
I think I’m gonna like it here.
There’s newcomers in town. Prosper Woods is a nice place as long as you’re passing through. I wonder how long these folks will stay once they find out what’s really going on here. Somehow…
I don’t think they’re gonna like it here.
Prequel: Universal Link
True Mate, (Prosper Woods Chronicles, Book 1)
When I moved to Prosper Woods, California a couple of weeks ago, I’d had big plans for a quiet life. I hadn’t planned on investigating a murder the day after my arrival and no one told me supernatural creatures existed. When Vincent Lasco suddenly smiled at me with a mouth full of fangs, things got interesting.
The moment I decided to take Sheriff Romeo Harmon home for a roll in the sheets, I knew hiding my true nature was a huge mistake. Then again, things never turn out the way I expect. Not only that, the guy isn’t even aware that he has secrets of his own.
The town of Prosper Woods has a couple of new residents who at first glance, seem very unsuited for small town life. Before long, though, I realized they were right for the town… probably the only right thing about this weird place. Surprisingly, they fit right in.
Book 1: Universal Link
Enter the Giveaway:
To celebrate Patricia’s new Release, we are giving away 3 audio codes of True Blue & True Mate (Book 1)!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57239/?
About the Author:
International bestselling author Patricia Logan, resides in Los Angeles, California. The author of several #1 bestselling erotic romances in English, Italian, French, and Spanish lives in a small house with a large family. When she’s not writing her next thriller romance, she’s watching her grandchildren grow up way too soon, and raising kids who make her proud every day. One of her favorite tasks is coaxing nose kisses from cats who insist on flopping on her keyboard while she tries to type. She counts herself lucky to be surrounded by people who love her and give her stories to tell every day.
Become a fan of Patricia at http://authorpatricialogan.com
Email her at patricialogan.author@yahoo.com. She loves to hear from readers more than anything and will respond to all emails.
Connect with Patricia:
Website: http://www.authorpatricialogan.com
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Email: patricialogan.author@yahoo.com