BOOK TOUR: London Calling by A.C. Merkel

London Calling by A.C. Merkel
2nd book in Lady Dreamscapes series
Genres: Fantasy, LGBT, Romance, Science-Fiction
Publication date: 26th October 2020
Pages: 282
Visions, it seems like everyone is having them.
Anne, Murder, and Levi all share a vision across the Atlantic Ocean and 485 years.
Time and space are crying out, London is Calling.
The future is in peril, Alice Noble…
An impossible structure…
New York is burning…
In the past?
Anne is facing her own execution and the peril of yet another stillborn child.
Only the Boleyn Triumvirate hold the power that could save her and the unborn Alice, But will Mary and George cooperate? Can Mary be trusted?
In the present?
Time traveler “Eustace Black” May very well be the mouthpiece of the Holy Roman Empire.
Tress is charged with figuring out his plan so The Nobles can go to London to meet the tragic and mysterious “watchmaker”. The only magic user who can help them get to the truth.
Murder must face her past once more, up close and in person, as she races the clock to find out what really happened to her mother.
London Calling yes I was there too, and you know what they said? Well, some of it was true.
Series Overview:
We have existed in the shadows of your world for all of history.
The blessed, the cursed, the mages and the witches.
Sometimes you choose to ignore us.
Sometimes we cover it up.
We keep our heads down, lest you lot make them roll.
Additional information/Trigger warning: religious history, domestic violence, miscarriage/stillbirth, mention of historical slavery, suicide and assisted suicide.
Purchase Link
Amazon US – https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086343C8T/
Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/London-Calling-Lady-Dreamscapes-Merkel/dp/B08L33WJZ5/
Author Bio

Author A.C. Merkel is a Mechanic in Birmingham Alabama.
Formerly lead Singer in local and regional bands.
Known to friends as Drew.
Drew uses his former experience as stage crew for concerts to bring a very real edge to the magical musical lead character in the Lady Dreamscapes Series. Fan of authors such as Anne Rice, Ray Bradbury, CS Lewis. And influenced by television creatives Joss Whedon (Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Firefly) and Joseph Mallozzi (Stargate SG-1/Atlantis- Dark Matter) he brings charming/sarcastic wit and found family to his magical musical books. Drew is a founding member of Queer Indie. https://queerindie.com
Media Links
Webiste – https://acmerkel.com/
Queer Indie – https://queerindie.com/
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19916587.A_C_Merkel
Twitter – https://twitter.com/Blink_Drive
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMerkel/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/acmerkel/