MANGA: Ezuke wa Yahan, Ano Heya De

Ezuke wa Yahan, Ano Heya de – Homerun Ken
A collection of interconnected stories ranging from cactus enthusiasts and compensated dating to vampires and zombies.
The Next Time We Meet, The Crimson Flowers Will Bloom: seemed more a friendship story than romance. I liked the seme’s blunt honesty.
Unable To Reach Neither Love Nor Friendship: they buy each other instead. That angsty search for connection and a place to belong to.
Midnight Feeding In That Room: A riff on the master-servant trope. Was going for dark but the interaction with the two couples gave it a much needed touch of levity
Zombie Cycle + Daybreak: a very poignant story of friendship and love that survived, sort of, the zombie apocalypse. Best story of the collection
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