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RELEASE BLITZ: The Beautiful Mess by Aimee Nicole Walker (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
The Beautiful Mess
By Aimee Nicole Walker

The Beautiful Mess Cover

Redemption Ridge, Book 6

A heroic, sworn bachelor risks his neck to save lives, but his heart needs a daring rescue.

Kerry likes his beer cold, his coffee hot, and sex without strings. Running an emergency response crew takes up most of his time, and he reserves the rest for his family. Besides, he’s experienced enough heartache for two lifetimes and isn’t looking for more misery. Kerry’s carefully crafted peace shatters when he meets Keegan, a hazel-eyed hottie and his brother’s new friend.

Falling for Kerry is a collision waiting to happen, but Keegan can’t resist the heroic hunk’s charm. Smoldering eyes and wicked grins tempt Keegan to go flat-out, even when he’s barreling toward a dead end. Rejection is the last thing his newfound confidence needs, but the crash might be worth the risk if Kerry’s there to give him mouth-to-mouth.

A crowded bar. A slow song. Months of mutual pining reach a fever pitch, and the invitation is out of Kerry’s mouth before he can stop it. Three minutes. Two battered hearts. One dance that changes everything.

Brick by brick, Kerry and Keegan dismantle the walls around their hearts to build something beautiful together. But old habits die hard, and traumas are slow to heal. Their love will either be the most beautiful gift or the messiest mistake.

The Beautiful Mess is book six in the Redemption Ridge series. Though each story features a different couple, reading the series in order is essential. The Beautiful Mess contains mature themes and is intended for adults.

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“Oh! What about him?” Sven gestured to a tall, dark-haired guy approaching the bar. A pale blue Henley stretched across an impressive chest, and dark-wash jeans hugged a nice ass. “He has a gorgeous smile, and look at those dimples. Bet he has a matching set just above that fine ass.” Sven mimicked an alarm going off. “And I’m picking up big dick energy, even from this distance.” Keegan wasn’t sure what range Sven got with his big-dick detector, but he wasn’t about to question the master’s verdict. Sven waggled his brows at him and said, “I know you have a thing for dark-haired, brawny men.”

It was the closest his friend had come to calling out Keegan’s crush on Kerry, who also happened to be Sven’s stepbrother. Lately, Keegan detected a little push in Kerry’s direction from Sven and the rest of the Hart clan. The idea was ridiculous, especially since Sven had once cautioned him against falling for Kerry. Keegan would neither confirm nor deny his friend’s suspicions. He tilted his head and considered the hot guy who leaned against the bar while waiting for the bartender. The man was fit and fine, for sure. He wore his dark hair short and neat, but the gelled strands didn’t invite someone to touch them. Kerry was a few months past due for a haircut, but the longer curls framing his face were sexy and tempted Keegan to test their softness. Keegan usually loathed beards or facial hair, which should’ve been a point in the stranger’s favor since he rocked a clean-shaven look. But Kerry’s thick bristles made him look more like a plush-mouthed pirate and didn’t remind Keegan of the bearded Salvation Anew members who’d wielded crushing slurs as painful as physical blows.

“Ahh. Have we found a winner?” Sven asked.

He hummed as if considering the question. The guy turned and scanned the room, and Keegan saw that his eyes were light, not black as pitch. Miriam—he’d stopped thinking of her as his mother—had warned him about black-eyed demons and the chaos they could cause during her fanatical religious teachings. He’d grown up looking for soul-snatching beasts around every corner, but it had taken Keegan twenty-three years of abuse and nearly two years of intense therapy to recognize the real monster had given birth to him. Keegan had since witnessed the visual representation of the black-eyed demons Miriam mentioned while watching reruns of Supernatural. Kerry’s eyes weren’t anything like those portrayed on the show, but Keegan was sure the man was on a first-name basis with chaos.

“Well?” Sven prompted.

“He’s cute.”

Sven growled and briefly hung his head before meeting Keegan’s gaze. “Cute? Baby, no. We don’t throw that word around unless we want to insult someone. Cute is for kittens and puppies. Cute is the kiss of death for a romantic endeavor.”

“Oh.” Keegan mentally added that to the list of things he didn’t know or understand. Who the hell made up these dating rules, anyway? “Sorry.”

The Beautiful Mess Teaser 3

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of The Beautiful Mess, Aimee is giving away 3 e-copies of the release!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57945/?
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Redemption Ridge Series

See where it all began with Book 1 in the Redemption Ridge Series:
Guys Like Him

Guys Like Him Cover

Kieran Sullivan is broken when he arrives at Redemption Ridge. A wrongful conviction and twenty months in lockup will do that to a man. The ranch is a place for second chances and fresh starts, but for him, it’s an opportunity to discover who set him up. Get in, get answers, and get out. The plan sounds easy enough until Kieran meets an equine specialist whose sunny smile could warm the coldest heart.

Finley Ashe is a sucker for bruised spirits and sad eyes. The horse whisperer and broken-boy magnet is six months into a hiatus from love when Kieran, the king of emotionally unavailable men, gets assigned to work under his supervision. Mutual attraction is gasoline on proximity’s flame, testing Finley’s resistance in new ways.

Priorities shift, shields come down, and truths get exposed. Will the inevitable combustion redeem Kieran and Finley or consume them?

Guys Like Him is book one in the Redemption Ridge series. Though each story features a different couple, reading the series in order is essential. Guys Like Him contains mature themes and is intended for adults.

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About Aimee Nicole Walker:

Ever since she was a little girl, Aimee Nicole Walker entertained herself with stories that popped into her head. Now she makes a living by telling stories to others. She wears many titles—wife, mom, and grandma are just a few. Love inspires everything she does, podcasts keeps her sane, and coffee is the magic elixir that fuels her day.

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