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青空 太陽 今日は釣りに行こう
いつもの公園 大きな池がある

ねぇ神様 今日は特別な糸を使うよ


だけどね 世の中 そんなに甘くない

ため息をつく 諦めの早い
ああ僕だよ 今さら性格は変えれない

大丈夫平気さ これはいつも通り

トボトボと歩く帰り道 後ろから声をかけられた


Blue Sky Sun Let’s go fishing today
The usual park with a large pond
I’m not concentrating.
Hey God, I’m going to use a special thread today.
I want to believe in the red thread of fate
And I’m waiting for you here today
The magic of the future at the end of the thread
The pond is sparkling in the sun
But the world isn’t that sweet.
No matter how long you wait, there is no response to the thread

Sigh, quick to give up
Oh, it’s me, I can’t change my personality anymore
I don’t believe in the red thread of fate
So let’s clean up and go home today
It’s okay, it’s okay, this is business as usual
I really want someone to comfort me
On the way home walking with a tobotobo,
I was called out from behind “Did you drop it?”
The red thread passed “Is it a fishing line?
Smiling Girlfriend

I want to believe in the red thread of fate
And I’m waiting for you here today
The magic of the future at the end of the thread
The pond is sparkling in the sun
I want to believe in the red thread of fate…
I want to believe in the red thread of fate
And today I was a little hopeful about the future

季節は次々死んでいく 絶命の声が風になる
色めく街の 酔えない男 月を見上げるのはここじゃ無粋

泥に足もつれる生活に 雨はアルコールの味がした
アパシーな目で 彷徨う街で 挙動不審のイノセント 駅前にて

僕が僕と呼ぶには不確かな 半透明な影が生きてる風だ
雨に歌えば 雲は割れるか 賑やかな夏の干涸びた命だ

拝啓 忌まわしき過去に告ぐ 絶縁の詩
最低な日々の 最悪な夢の 残骸を捨てては行けず ここで息絶えようと
後世 花は咲き君に伝う 変遷の詩
苦悩にまみれて 嘆き悲しみ それでも途絶えぬ歌に 陽は射さずとも

明日は次々死んでいく 急いても追いつけず過去になる
生き急げ僕ら 灯る火はせつな 生きる意味などは後からつく

君が君でいるには不確かな 不安定な自我が 君を嫌おうと
せめて歌えば 闇は晴れるか 根腐れた夢に預かった命だ

拝啓 忌まわしき過去に告ぐ 絶縁の詩
最低な日々の 最悪な夢の 残骸を捨てては行けず ここで息絶えようと
後世 花は咲き君に伝う 変遷の詩
苦悩にまみれて 嘆き悲しみ それでも途絶えぬ歌に 陽は射さずとも

疲れた顔に足を引きずって 照り返す夕日に顔をしかめて
行こうか 戻ろうか 悩みはするけど しばらくすれば 歩き出す背中
そうだ行かねばならぬ 何はなくとも生きて行くのだ
僕らは どうせ拾った命だ ここに置いてくよ なけなしの

拝啓 今は亡き過去を想う 望郷の詩
最低な日々が 最悪な夢が 始まりだったと思えば 随分遠くだ
どうせ花は散り 輪廻の輪に還る命
苦悩にまみれて 嘆き悲しみ それでも途絶えぬ歌に 陽は射さずとも


The seasons die out, one after another; cries of annihilation howl in the wind…

A man not susceptible to the charms of the city looks up at the moon and notices how unrefined it all is.

Among an everyday life tripped up by the mud, the rain itself tastes of alcohol;

With eyes filled with apathy as they wander the city, innocents gather in front of the station, acting suspiciously.

In order to uphold the unsteady fact that I’m me, it’s like my half-transparent shadow is has come to life.

If I were to sing in the rain, would the clouds part? My life is all dried up in the midst of this bustling summer.

Dear My Loathsome Past, to you I offer this poem of farewell!

I have cast away the remains of these days that can’t get any worse, these most terrible dreams even if it kills me.

For in the next life, a flower will bloom to tell you a poem of transition;

A song filled with suffering, of which to grieve and moan, but never to die out… even if it is starved of sunlight.

Tomorrow’ dies out, one after another; even if you hurry, you’ll miss them as they become the past,

But to we who hurry through life, our flames are fickle, and we’re always adding meaning after the fact.

In order to uphold the unsteady fact that you’re you, your unstable ego ventures to despise you; I you were merely able to sing, would the darkness be dispelled? Your life has been left up to a dream rotten at the core.

Dear My Loathsome Past, to you I offer this poem of farewell!

I have cast away the remains of these days that can’t get any worse, these most terrible dreams even if it kills me.

For in the next life, a flower will bloom to tell you a poem of transition;

A song filled with suffering, of which to grieve and moan, but never to die out… even if it is starved of sunlight.

With a tired face, limping along; squinting at the reflected sunset..

We spend some time wondering if we should go or head on back. I’m sure we’ll face hardship… but after the slightest hesitation, we straighten up and head onward.

That’s right, we have to go! Even with nothing, we have to go on living!

After all, our lives were just picked up along the way – we’ll leave them here as we proceed, what little they are.

Dear My Loathsome Past, to you I offer this poem of farewell!

I have cast away the remains of these days that can’t get any worse, these most terrible dreams even if it kills me.

For in the next life, a flower will bloom to tell you a poem of transition;

A song filled with suffering, of which to grieve and moan, but never to die out… even if it is starved of sunlight.

Seasons revived, one after another

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