REVIEW: Elixir of Strife by Nazri Noor

Stolen Hearts: Elixir of Strife – Nazri Noor
Water, water, everywhere.
Leon Alcantara and Maximilian Drake have barely caught their breath after saving the city from an untimely fate. Now the Jade Spider has a new assignment. A local magical plant shop has requested a strange elixir, the liquid essence of purest water.
In pursuit of the ocean potion, Max stumbles upon a tormentor from his past. Leon faces the challenge of hosting a second dragon, a legend much closer to home. And the mysterious Masques are more watchful than ever, shadowing the boys at every turn.
But strangest of all is a fresh spate of elemental anomalies in Dos Lunas. Life or death, sink or swim, Leon and Max must rise to the challenge — or drown under a tide of wicked magic.
Nazri Noor’s stories are full of cocky but lovable magical boys and their misadventures. Stolen Hearts is another urban fantasy series featuring two witches, Max Drake of the prominent Brilliante clan and Leon Alcantara, son of a Filipino immigrant and last of the long line of Alcantara bruhas. They partnered to work as finders of magical artifacts in Dos Lunas.
In the second book, Elixir of Strife, the two witches were commissioned to find the Essence of Water. This magical elixir can be added to a potion, making it more potent while multiplying it infinite times. Their clients were Daniel de Lion from the de Lion clan and a demon hag who called herself Edelweiss. The two were agriculturists or, in Edel’s case, “hagriculturist.”
Dan de Lion is the more difficult of the two, arrogant and impatient. I thought he might be connected to Leon since their names are too similar. Edel turned out to be a potential ally. She’s growing the “evil olive,” a magical olive so potent that a drop of its oil could have some interesting, if dire, results.
This part piqued my interest, and I really thought the evil olive would have a more significant effect on the proceedings. Sadly, it was underutilized. I’m hoping it will reappear in future books because some events and characters from the first book were referenced or made their reappearance.
The humor is one of my favorite aspect of the writing. The internal dialogues, particularly Leon’s, amused me to no end. Leon, like many Filipinos, is extra scrappy and resourceful, able to repurpose any handy material for his magic. Most of his education came from his late bruha mother and, not born with a silver spoon, learned to be exceptionally creative with limited magical ingredients.
I loved how the author incorporated Filipino culture and lore into the story. There were moments when Leon would be reminded of his native country, and his reflections were often both nostalgic and humorous. It was also fitting for him to finally acquire a water dragon from the Philippines.
In the original Filipino lore, Bakunawa is a dragon who swallows the sun or moon, causing the eclipse. In this context, he becomes a powerful water dragon who swallowed the ocean. I’m excited to see more dragons in future books! I’m living for the anime vibes!
Max is no slouch either with his badass diamond-based magic. So far, he relies on his tried-and-tested spells, but I’d love to see his magic evolve. This rich boy knows he has looks, power, and resources, and while he’s not pretending to be humble, he isn’t one to brag unnecessarily. As one of the old magical families, Max has connections and friends he shares with Leon.
Guillotina is Max’s bodyguard and best friend. She packs one heck of a punch! Johnny Slivers is a bar owner and music geek. Loved his powers! He can manifest deadly pins, hence the name. Roscoe is Johnny’s boyfriend and is equally powerful, able to create hexes.
The most intriguing characters will always be the Jade Spider and the Mask. Spiders are information mongers, and there are several kinds. The ones we know are the Quartz Spider, who was a bad guy, and the Jade Spider, who is currently a sort of handler for Max and Leon. She may be allied to them now, but she pinged my “spidey senses.”
The Masks are magical police, seemingly omniscient and always mysterious. Their masks have a crescent design, and they appear and disappear like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. They have taken a particular interest in our boys. I want a book about the Masks!
I have always loved that the author’s works are action-packed, as they remind me of anime fight scenes. This installment is more subdued in terms of action and the plot was a bit too expected, but there was enough spells and sass to satisfy my otaku self.
Elixir of Strife explores the intriguing world of liquids, encompassing everything from water manipulation to perfumes, potions, cocktails, salt water, and even urine. While the author’s style is already recognizable, leading to a sense of predictability, one thing’s for sure: it’s hella fun and solidly entertaining!
4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits
Soundtrack: Something in the Water
Artist: Kami Kehoe
Album: Something in the Water
Even if each book has a different mission, Stolen Hearts should be read in order. Dos Lunas is where it’s at and Max and Leon’s (mis)adventures start in Hex and the City.
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