
RELEASE BLITZ: Aisle Be The Groom by Sage Abbott (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Aisle Be the Groom
By Sage Abbott

Aisle Be the Groom Cover

I always dreamed of a perfect wedding. But when my fiancé jets off to the Caribbean, leaving me stranded on a Colorado ranch to plan everything alone, that dream starts to crumble.

Then his father, Gray, steps in. He’s here to help, but with every moment we spend together, something shifts. Gray makes me feel wanted, desired, and sexy—the way every big boy dreams of feeling.

The pull between us is undeniable. How can I say cancel my wedding to my fiance when the one I’ve fallen for is his father?

My affair with Gray might be forbidden, but my heart is ready to risk it all.

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The faint light from dawn filtered into the barn, casting shadows over Ozzie’s features. After the whole blanket incident, we’d stayed as far from each other as the hay bed allowed without one of us ending up on the floor. But that was a few hours ago. During the night, we’d both shifted, and Ozzie now lay on his side with his head on my chest, an arm around my waist, and one leg thrown over mine.

It was pure agony having him pressed up against me. The blanket incident should have been enough warning to stay away from him, but when we were trapped together in a barn, sharing a bed, I didn’t have much choice. And apparently, Ozzie loved to cuddle.

His blanket had come partly undone, and he was practically under mine. How the fuck had that happened? I’d fallen asleep sometime after him. One naked leg was dangerously close to my groin.

He was so fucking soft. I liked it. I liked it a lot. The feeling of his body squishing against mine. I should have moved away, slipped quietly out of the barn, and forgotten about last night, but I savored the rise and fall of his chest against me.

I was tempted to hook my toes in the blanket and pull it down slowly to get a view of his ass, but I wasn’t that much of a pervert. Just enough to contemplate it.

All right, time to put a stop to this nonsense. It was dawn. Activities at the ranch would begin shortly. With the unexpected heavy rainfall last night, we had to check our infrastructure and the animals.

Moving as slowly as possible, I placed a hand on Ozzie’s naked thigh. My intention to casually slide his leg off me went haywire at the feel of warm, supple flesh beneath my palm.

“What are you doing?” Ozzie was staring at me. The look of confusion on his face cleared up, and color tinted his cheeks. “Gray, you shouldn’t touch me…like that.”

“No, it’s not what you think. I was trying to remove your leg so I could get up.”

“Oh. Shit. I’m lying on you. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to put all my weight on you.”

All his weight on me? What the hell was he rambling on about?

I tightened my hand on his thigh, preventing him from shifting away. “Ozzie, this has nothing to do with your weight.” I frowned. At times he seemed so confident and carefree, but then he became jittery and shy. Why was that? Wasn’t my son treating him right? He’d made quips about Ozzie, but I’d tried not to judge out of context. The more Ozzie reacted like this, though, the more concerned I was. Sometimes it sounded as if my son picked on him for his weight.

“Of course it does. Gray. Let me up. It’s stopped raining.”

“Ozzie, listen to me.”

“It’s okay. I get it. Not everyone wants to be pressed up on in bed by someone with all this extra weight. It’s not—”

“Jesus, Ozzie.” For want of anything better to do to prove him wrong, I slammed my lips to his. That shut him up fast. For a second or two, we stared at each other with our mouths together. Time froze as awareness filled the barn.

I wanted him.

He wanted me too.

I felt it.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Aisle Be the Groom, Sage is giving you a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57934/?

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Sage Abbott

Gianni Holmes writing as Sage Abbott:

Gianni Holmes is a former high school Spanish teacher who is fulfilling her dream of being an author. A mother of one, who hails from the Caribbean, she loves her romance with a bit of danger and intrigue. She loves old sitcoms, Chinese period dramas, and hoarding books for the inevitable apocalypse.

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