RELEASE BLITZ: Hold The Door by Vinni George (Excerpt & Giveaway)
Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Hold the Door By Vinni George
Open Doors, Book 1
One hidden crush.
One bunch of plastic mistletoe.
One alcohol-fueled kiss.
One set of taillights as Max Martino left town.
Sixteen years later…
Sam Addison hates change, and his company’s new merger is stretching him to his limit. When Sam finds out an older, hotter, and amazingly talented Max Martino is part of the acquisition, he knows the only way to keep his sanity is to avoid Max—and their history—at any cost.
Max never planned to settle down, but recently he’s been pining for roots. A new job, a new city, and a second chance with Sam makes the thought of staying in one place exciting for the first time ever.
But the harder Max pushes, the farther Sam runs, sometimes literally, and Max begins to wonder if Sam can ever let go of the biggest mistake Max ever made—leaving.
But maybe a second chance at forever is as simple as holding the door open for love.
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“You’ve probably already figured it out, but this is the Museum of Photographic Arts. I thought you’d like it because, you know, you’re a photographer and everything. And I don’t know if you know this, but this museum is one of only three in the whole country specifically dedicated to photography. I thought that was pretty cool.” Sam took a breath and turned to look at me as we walked into the lobby.
I hadn’t actually figured out where we were. I had been busy snapping pictures in the park as I walked from the parking lot, and I hadn’t noticed the signs until he’d mentioned the name. “I didn’t know that. That’s so cool.” The fact that Sam had thought of this particular outing for us with me in mind was more than cool. So much more than cool, actually. I was oddly verklempt over it, but I swallowed the emotion and turned, beaming at Sam.
“I have to warn you about something, though,” he said, meeting my eyes.
That sounded ominous. “Um, okay…”“I’m a plaque reader,” he said, completely deadpan. His face was expressionless, and I actually couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, so I hedged.
“Okay. I think you need to explain.”
He smiled a little sheepishly. “I mean, people hate going to museums with me because I have to read every single museum label next to every single item. Every word. Like I almost can’t move on until I do. So, yeah.” He shuffled his feet on the shiny epoxy floor, his face lit by the blue lights of the MOPA welcome desk behind him. My hand twitched toward my bag, itching to grab my camera and capture his face in the moment. Instead, I moved my twitching hand to his shoulder.
“Oh no. That’s a really terrible affliction,” I said. I tried and failed to mimic his deadpan, but I couldn’t keep the laughter off my face or out of my voice.
“Are you teasing me right now? I’m serious, Max!” Sam huffed.
I shook my head, my smile getting wider. “Sam, I don’t mind. I like to read the labels too. It doesn’t bother me.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “You say that now but see how you feel in two hours when we’re still in the same room.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine. Let’s go.”
We made donations to the museum since they had a pay-what-you-like admission policy and made our way into the exhibition areas.
True to his word, Sam read every word of every label. Since I didn’t have anywhere else to be and I was with someone who was as into the exhibits as I was, we stood shoulder to shoulder and read together, taking way longer than we needed to in front of each piece.
The constant feel of Sam’s shoulder brushing mine had me desperate to reach for his hand, and as we moved into the special exhibition gallery, I couldn’t take it anymore. Sam came to a stop in front of the first image, a small black-and-white portrait of an older woman, and my hand again twitched toward my camera. I wanted the picture of Sam looking intently at a picture, but the No Cameras sign kept me from snapping the shot. The irony of being unable to take photos in a photography museum wasn’t lost on me.
I watched him for another second, my palms sweating and my heart flipping over in my chest. He was beautiful in profile, and then he twisted and shot a small smile my direction before turning back to the picture. I couldn’t resist anymore. I had to touch him. I walked up behind him and ran my hand from his shoulder to his wrist, eliciting a shiver, before I twined our fingers together.
Enter the Giveaway:
To celebrate the release of Hold the Door, Vinni is giving away e-copies of her debut novel. Three winners will be chosen.
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57187/?
About the Author
Vinni George has been a lover of romance novels (of all shapes, sizes, and colors) since she first got her hands on one of her grandmother’s Harlequins and has never looked back. She lives in Ohio with her two favorite guys (her husband and son) and, hopefully—one day—a dog. When not writing her own stories, she can be found helping to polish other people’s novels. In her spare time, Vinni dabbles in performance art, quilting, and various culinary pursuits and enjoys traveling.
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