MUSIC MONDAY: Protect My Heart by Hugh
Found this tag on Read Rant Rock & Roll. This meme was created by Drew @ The Tattooed Book Geek. You pick a song that you really like and share it on Monday.
Last week’s song: Feet by Fat White Family
This week’s song: Protect My Heart by Hugh
Blow me out of proportion, emotion
Ride on black and brown horses, oh-oh
But I got to protect my heart
Got to protect my heart
Got to protect my heart
Got to protect my heart
Get back into your boxes
Like you stepped out of with Jane Austen, oh
Don’t do anything stupid, precaution
Listen to mother’s voice here child
You’ve got to protect your heart
You’ve got to protect your heart
You must protect your heart
You’ve got to protect your heart
What a fool I was
What a fool I was
For who I imagined you to be
You’ve got to protect your heart
You’ve got to protect your heart
Play it, play it smart
To your chest, hold your cards
You’ve got to protect your heart
You’ve got to protect your heart
You’ve only ever got one heart
You’ve got to protect your heart
You’ve got to protect your heart
You must protect your heart
You’ve got to protect your heart
You’ve got to protect your heart
You’ve got to protect your heart
You must protect your heart
You’ve got to protect your heart

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