Happy Halloween, everyone!
In celebration of my favorite holiday and in a serious mood for trick or treating, I put together a list of my dream costumes for this special day. I’m too old to go begging for candies but you’re never too old for costumes so here goes…
The Gentleman With The Thistledown Hair
(Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell)

I always wanted to do a version of this guy ever since I’ve read Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. He reminds me of Jareth the Goblin King. Fae folks have the best costumes.
Percival Endicott Whyborne
(Whyborne & Griffin)

A Whyborne costume would be super easy to put together. All you need is a dark suit and a cravat. I love Whyborne’s messy untameable hair.
Luna Lovegood
(Harry Potter)

Luna’s my favorite! She has the best clothes. This one with the lion hat would be a really fun costume to do.

Like most readers, Steerpike was my favorite character in the trilogy. I’d jump at the chance to wear bowties and coattails.

Long before YA writers wrote better female characters, Sabriel was already doing her thing. And I love her costume because SWORD! BELLS!.
(The Black Tides of Heaven)

Because I want nothing more than to wear a hanfu, sit on a cloud and scowl at everyone.
Aziraphale & Crowley
(Good Omens)

I haven’t even read the book or seen the series but I love these two! Can’t make up my mind if I want to do the angel or the devil but definitely 100% on the wings.

This guy’s costume is a bitch to put together but it would be so pretty and so worth it!
Hoozuki & Hakutaku
(Hoozuki no Reitetsu)

These two frenemies should hook up go together so this would be a great idea when cosplaying with a friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/fellow boys love enthusiast. I’d do Hoozuki because he has a horn and pointy ears. Tho I’m giving Hakutaku’s feathery cap some serious thought.
Esther Blanchett
(Trinity Blood)

I really liked Esther’s plaid dress. I think it would be a beautiful dress to wear even in ordinary days.
This post is making me feel nostalgic. I kinda miss cosplaying. I stopped because adult responsibilities were piling up but I hope I could do it again someday.
Exciting activities for today:

We’re not big on the celebration here. Tomorrow’s the more important day for Catholic countries because it’s All Saints Day. Everybody will be hanging out in cemeteries. Yay!
Are you dressing up for today? What are you guys doing for Halloween?