I can’t do elegant eyebrow raises like the late, great Alan Rickman but I admit I’m a snob. How big of a snob? Let’s find out.

Adaptation Snob: Do you always read the book before you see the movie?
I don’t always read the books but I’m always the first one to know and announce that such and such movie is based on a book. I feel very smug about it.

Format Snob: You can only choose 1 format in which to read books for the rest of your life. Which one do you choose: physical books, ebooks, or audiobooks?
A very close fight between physical books and audiobooks. Paperbacks are so much more satisfying to collect and sniff. There’s less physical strain on the eyes compared to ebooks. Audiobooks make the stories more enjoyable especially in the hands of a talented narrator. And you can do your laundry while you’re at it.

Ship Snob: Would you date or marry a non-reader?
Actually, bad taste in music is more of a deal-breaker for me than being a non-reader. I know reading could be a chore and requires effort but for ffs, nobody is obligated to listen to Air Supply.

Genre Snob: You have to ditch one genre – never to be read again for the rest of your life. Which one do you ditch?
Non-fiction is always, always a struggle. l get my share of knowledge from Wikipedia and judicious research on the internet. Proof of which is me finishing my masters by befriending google.

Uber Genre Snob: You can only choose to read from one genre for the rest of your life. Which genre do you choose?
The answer to this changes every ten years or so. I started with mystery and M/F historical romances when I was in elementary, to general fiction and horror when I was in high school, to YA when I was older and now I’m in my MM phase. One thing that remains constant is my love for BL manga. So yeah, I could survive on boys love alone.

Community Snob: Which genre do you think receives the most snobbery from the bookish community?
Once upon a time ago, I was that person who turned my nose up on romance books. I found them trite and very trope-ish in the worst possible way. I think many people dismiss romance books too. Times and writing styles have changed, fortunately. And now it’s all I read.

Snobbery Recipient: Have you ever been snubbed for something that you have been reading or for reading in general?
I never talked about books to other people because I’m very sure they’re not interested. I know because nobody asks about my books when people drop by my house. I’m also very sure they will, to say it mildly, be weirded out if they find out that I read gay books. So the manga goes to the back of the shelves along with the BDSMs and the Clive Barkers.

Would I get into trouble if I say being a snob, within reason, is not necessarily a bad thing? I mean, you got to have standards. Have you ever been a snob about anything? What would your answers be to the tag questions?

I found this tag on Golden Books Girl. Feel free to tag yourselves.

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Love this post. I love watching movie adaptations. I would have a hard time picking only one format forever tho. Probably my kindle bc it also has text to speech so I’m kinda cheatinf
I love ebooks too. My tablet is like my security blanket whenever I’m out and about tho I don’t really read. I just like knowing I have my books with me.
I read a lot when I’m out and about, but I am also SO afraid of my kindle dying so sometimes I will carry a physical too. But my kindle rarely actually dies, I just wind up having a super heavy purse because of it LOL