Today’s not a day for words as we let the covers speak for themselves. Let’s put the spotlight on my favorite manga covers.
I found this tag on Jack’s Bedtime Reading.

- Thank the lovely person who tagged you, spread the love!
- Mention Tiana at The Book Raven as the creator of this book tag!
- Use the original tag image in your post. (However, feel free to add whatever other graphics your heart desires!)
- Tag at least 1 fellow blogger for this tag.
- List the rules
No Ideas but in Things: A book cover that perfectly expresses the novel inside it
Sugary Sweet: A cute cover that is so fluffy you want to give it a hug
L-R: Yamete Kudasai Mabushii Desu – Hiwatari Haruki, Gunjou No Subete – Furuya Nagisa & Sonna Me De Mitekura – Moudama Chokusen
The Simple Aesthetic: A book cover that stuns with the most minimalistic of design
L-R: Separation – Honojiro Towoji & Kimi Wa Natsu No Naka – Furuya Nagisa
Cover Envy: A book cover you wish you had on your shelves, but don’t yet
L-R: In These Words (Vol 1-3) & Maybe Someday – TogaQ & Kichikui Neko, Captive Prince (Vol 1-3) – C.S. Pacat, Coyote – Ranmaru Zariya, & New York Minute – TogaQ & Kichiku Neko
Travelling Abroad: A book cover featuring a country outside of your own
Tenju no Kuni – Ichimon Izumi
The Colour Wheel: A cover that showcases one of your favourite colours
Switching Gears: A cover change you absolutely adore
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation – Mo Dao Zu Shi
And the Winner is…Which book cover mentioned above is your favourite?
Sorry, can’t choose one.
Just discovered Guilt|Pleasure manga. The artworks are stunning! More stuff to put on my wishlist for Christmas.
Meanwhile, it’s a stormy September for us here in the topics. A friendly reminder to share an umbrella, win a friend.

Thank you for linking my blog on here! Glad it inspired you to try this tag out 🙂
it’s a great tag. I’ll probably do a book edition soon. Thanks for the follow!