

I’m not very good at this wrap-up thing. I started doing it January then promptly forgot for the rest of the year because I’m a lazy, lazy blogger.

I didn’t set reading goals for this year because reading goals is a sure-fire way to get into a reading slump for me. Like that currently reading shelf jinx in GR where putting a book on the currently reading list automatically assures that I will not be picking up that book again. I have 6 books stuck in that shelf for more than a year already. Anybody else ever experienced this jinx?


First, some updates:

I’ve finally gotten that coveted 80% badge in Netgalley. Yay!

I got quoted on the new cover of Darkness On The Horizon by Christopher Renna!!! I’m so thrilled to see my review on a book cover.

On a personal note, I’m finally finishing that masters degree. It took me four years but damn it was worth it!

Mid-Year Reads

As of June, I have read a total of 69 book, 17 of them graphic novels. Some of these books were posted on my other blog NIL DIVISION.

Non-fiction is always challenging for me and I am happy to say that I have read AND finished 4 non-fiction books:
River Queens by Alexander Watson – a boating adventures in the American heartland ( 4 Stars )
Ripe: Letters by Alan Semrow – an ode to relationships with men ( 3 Stars )
Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe – an honest and raw graphic novel on sexuality (4.5 Stars )
Waves by Ingrid Chabbert – a poignant story of two women trying to have a child ( 4 Stars )

What non-fiction books do you recommend?

Series I’ve finished:
Trouble Brewing by Layla Reyne – a highly enjoyable romantic suspense series about an FBI agent and a US Attorney ( 4 Stars )
Star Collector by Sophie Schonhammer & Anna Backhausen – a starry love story between a laid-back boy and an Astronomy geek ( 3 Stars )
Bad Valentine by Jesi Lea Ryan, Jordan Castillo Price, Clare London & Dev Bentham – an anthology with the theme of β€œNothing good ever came of a Valentine.”  ( 4 Stars )
Mnevermind by Jordan Castillo Price – a sci-fi trilogy steeped in realism ( 5 Stars )
Falling Sky by L.A. Witt – a sci-fi duology with vampires and body modification (4.5 Stars )

I am stingy with my stars and so far only very few has gotten that golden 5-star review:
The Ballad of Sang by Ed Brisson – a leave-no-man-standing revenge story starring a Filipino child assassin
Leo Love Aries by Anyta Sunday – a squee-tastic slow-burn friends-to-lovers romance
Mnevermind by Jordan Castillo Price – a solid 5-star trilogy on artificial memories and happiness with an MC on the Autistic spectrum

Are you guys generous or stingy with your stars?

Future Reads

Right now I’m focusing on finishing all my ARCs and review requests. Many of them are overdue already. I can’t read as much as I wanted to because my eyes are easily strained. The doctor advised me to read only for 1 hour, which sucks because that’s too short for me. So dear authors, I’m so sorry if it’s taking so long to post the reviews.

Here’s my TBR:

Audiobooks are the way to go for somebody like me who has weak eyes (gad, I’m OLD!). I wish they release the audiobooks sooner.

Are audiobooks yay or nay for you?

So that’s my midyear wrap-up for 2019. Here’s hoping the rest of the year treats us well!


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