ぎゅうにゅうが ある?
痛い! (>。≪)
nom nom nom (≧∇≦)/
Urban Gardening in Bottle Caps
This is one of the best ideas i have ever come across. They’re planting bean sprouts in bottle caps! Soo kawaii! A great way to help the environment and soo easy to do. You can use any PET bottle caps. I’m going to make some of these.
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Open to all Philippine residents only.How to join:
1. Follow Asianvogueshop
2. Reblog this post (A sweet note is appreciated <3)What to win:
1st Prize
-1 pair of shoes and 1 apparel of your choice
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-1 pair of shoes of your choice
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-1 apparel of your choiceDeadline will be on May 20, 2011 and winners will be announced on May 21, 2011.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLSpj7q6_mM?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]
Where the trailer is better than the movie.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8l-9nuXkDo?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]
finally figured out what was bothering me about The Wombats. Matthew Murphy’s singing sometimes sound like the the way vocalists from emo band sound. Not saying they’re emo but sometimes when he’s hitting the high-notes…>.<
ok, maybe it’s just me -_-
The BBC didn’t presume to look into the hearts of the royal couple. Mostly, Mr. Edwards and his colleagues provided historical background in the sotto voce of commentators at a golf tournament. They didn’t get very excited about the bridal gown or the hats, though the eminent historian Simon Schama did have thoughts on the wedding décor.
“Those trees in the abbey are of course an echo of gothic vaulting,” Mr. Schama said, noting that they brought to Westminster Abbey “a fresh note of dazzling springtime.” (Mr. Schama as a wedding commentator is a bit like William F. Buckley covering the red carpet on Oscar night.)
British Want Tradition, Americans Want Love
Nobody needs to hear anything more about the royal wedding, but this NYT television review – “In Royal Wedding TV Coverage, British and Americans Differ” is the long-form, less click-worthy headline on the article itself – is rather amusing. Especially as I mainly know of Simon Schama as a) a fairly conservative historian on the French Revolution and b) a somewhat pompous TV art historian; I’m actually kinda sad that I missed this part.
(via hardcorefornerds)
I was getting sick hearing “fairytale” over and over again, and people being dissapointed with the dress and laughing at the funny hats and william being half-bald. I guess it was not hollywood enough for them.
Thank heavens for british sensibilities.
So I can see the sky: This is interesting xD
Opera Mini
ooh firefox…