RELEASE BLITZ: Stolen Chances by Clio Evans
RELEASE BLITZ: I Saw Mommy Kissing the Nanny by Shannon O’Connor (Giveaway)
COVER REVEAL: I Saw Mommy Kissing the Nanny by Shannon O’Connor (Giveaway)
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Lady Troubles by Emily Carrington (Excerpt & Giveaway)
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: On The Square by Brenda Murphy (Excerpt & Giveaway)
REVIEW: Gotta Catch Her by Kelly Haworth
Gotta Catch Her – Kelly Haworth
Who says phone games are only for kids? Sometimes they give just the respite you need from a hectic life. At least, that’s the way Ann feels about Ani-min Move, an AR mobile game full of cartoon animals caught with nets. Legendary raids have just launched, and Ann arrives at a nearby park to find it full of people of all ages playing the game, including Rachael, a kind, attractive single mom. And sweet! Rachael is more than willing to teach Ann the proper way to spin her nets to snag the raid boss.
Back in reality, Ann has a lot on her plate: a full workload as a project manager, finding the energy to walk her dog, Franny, and now trying to figure out if Rachael is queer. And how does Ann converse with Rachael about her six-year-old son when she doesn’t know a thing about parenting?
Ann is lost as to how to proceed until Rachael takes the guesswork out of the equation by proclaiming she’s bi—right when Ann gets a massive work assignment that consumes way too much of her time. Life/work balance was never Ann’s forte, but between caring for her sweetheart dog and figuring out how to navigate a relationship with a single parent, Ann’s determined to make it work, especially before Rachael gets cold feet and leaves Ann playing by herself.
So, collect those ultra-nets, Ann. Can you catch her?
Remember Pokemon Go? Fun times!
I loved the anime but my ultra paranoid ass don’t want no GPS tracking my locations so I didn’t jump on the bandwagon. I settled for riding the secondhand high from people who lived for the game. Pathetic, I know.
Gotta Catch Her is a meet cute novella centered around Ani-min, a PokeGo-like game. The set-up is a dream! Two avid female gamers bonding over said game, one, an introverted accountant with an adorable dog and the other, a sweet, beautiful single mom. This would have been all quirky and fluffy and funny except that it felt flat.
I echo other reviewers who mentioned the lack of personality between the MCs. I couldn’t connect with either Ann or Rachel. The conversations lacked spark. Add to this Ann’s office woes which were dull and I ended up skimming.
However, I liked the way the game was incorporated in the story and how it shows you can be a responsible functioning adult while still indulging in hobbies other people consider immature. I also liked how dedicated Ann and Rachel were to the game. Who else but a fellow gamer can understand the itch to catch a few Ani-minis while on a date? Relationship goals right there!
All in All, I wanted to like this more so I’m kinda bummed Gotta Catch Her’s awesome premise didn’t quite live up to my expectations.
Thank you to IndiGo for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review.
2.5 Stars – far from hate but not quite a likeSoundtrack: Closer
Artist: Tegan and Sara
Album: Heartthrob