
RELEASE BLITZ: Perfect Night by Oliver Takely (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Perfect Night
By Oliver Takely

Perfect Night Cover

Soho Knights

In the vibrant streets of London, Charlie is struggling to make ends meet. To afford his mother’s care facility, he’s taken on a risky side job that forces him to sell his body. Life is tough, but Charlie remains resilient, finding solace in the camaraderie of his four best friends.

When a chance encounter brings him face-to-face with Sebastian, a wealthy businessman from New York fifteen years his senior, their connection ignites a passion that neither can ignore. After a perfect night together, they are drawn back into each other’s lives, their chemistry undeniable.

But as they navigate their growing feelings, Charlie’s desire for independence clashes with Sebastian’s longing for someone to nurture and care for. Just as they begin to explore their connection, Charlie’s life implodes, and Sebastian’s past trauma resurfaces, threatening to tear them apart.

Can they find a way to overcome the dangers from their pasts and embrace the love that’s blossoming between them, or will their tumultuous histories destroy their chance at happiness? Perfect Night is a gripping tale of love, desire, and the high stakes of opening your heart.

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The guy he’d crashed into was sex on a stick. A big, tall, muscular stick. He was another one wearing a suit and had to be six foot five. He towered over Charlie’s respectable five foot eleven. The black hair, slate-blue eyes and five o’clock shadow were checking more of Charlie’s boxes. After a few seconds of literally drooling, Charlie realised the guy had hold of his arms as he’d steadied him.

“Sorry,” he spluttered.

“No problem at all. Are you okay?”

He had a strange accent, a blend of American and British.

“Was that guy giving you trouble?”

Oh God, he’s nice as well. There had to be something wrong with him. Nobody was this perfect. He felt like a horny teenager again, wanting to get his hands and tongue all over that body. It took all his restraint to not start humping Spartacus’s leg. Until he had a name, ‘Spartacus’ was what he was going with. He had a gladiator vibe about him. Woof!

“It’s fine. He did me a favour by sending me your way.”

Oh my God, did I just say that? Kill me now!

“I’m Sebastian.” He smiled, holding out his hand.

Sebastian was an even hotter name than Spartacus. Charlie wasn’t sure why; it was just a fact. There was also something about Sebastian. He shook Charlie’s hand, which was formal, but didn’t seem out of place. The guy just oozed confidence. Charlie wondered if that confidence transferred to the bedroom. He needed to stop with those thoughts, or the leg-humping would be an embarrassing reality.

“Charlie,” he said, introducing himself.

“Are you here with anyone?”

“Just my flatmate, who was humping the leg of some bear when I left him.”

Sebastian laughed. It changed his face completely. This was a guy who was confident and controlled, yet when he let go, Charlie could see there was a fun side. Charlie wanted to know it all.

“Can I buy you a drink?” Sebastian asked.

Charlie would be stupid to say no. He didn’t know why a guy like this was giving him the time of day, but he’d had a shit week, so he was just going to go with it. Charlie agreed. Sebastian took his hand, which was sweet and possessive at the same time.

The crowd seemed to part, probably because of Sebastian’s size. A few twinks spotted their joined hands and glared with jealousy. It was a heady feeling, and Charlie was enjoying it while it lasted.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Perfect Night Oliver is giving away 3 e-copies of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57931/?

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About the Author:

Oliver Takely is a passionate MM romance author who revels in dark, edgy stories featuring complex, flawed characters. With years of writing experience and a creative day job, Oliver Takely is also an avid reader of MM romance, consuming 300 books in 2023. His favourite trope is enemies to lovers, but is also a sucker for a feel-good Christmas romance.

Originally from the north, Oliver now resides in the south of England with his husband and their beloved fur baby, who is treated like a princess, living their own happily-ever-after straight out of a romance novel. When not writing or reading, he enjoys holidays and indulging in lots of good food, because who doesn’t love a delicious combination?

Connect with Oliver:

Website – https://olivertakely.com/
Newsletter sign up with free book – https://olivertakely.com/knights-corner



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