
Book Addiction Tag

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1) What is the longest amount of time you can comfortably go without picking up a book?

A couple of days to a week when I am on a slump. The worst one was a 3 year-book slump in the early 2010s when every YA book seemed to feature special snowflake white girls, broody asshole love interests and the dreaded love triangles. Hooray for diversity!

2) How many books do you carry on your person (or kindle) at any one time?

I used to carry at least one small paperback but now I have my tablet so it packs A LOT. Funnily enough, I hardly read when I am out. Just the thought of all those books with me is a comfort though.

3) Do you keep every book you buy/receive or are you happy to pass them on to make space for more?

I hoard so no matter how bad the book is, it still has a place on my shelf. I even used to keep termite eaten books because I was so attached. I have reformed, somewhat.

4) How long would you spend in a bookshop on a standard visit?

We have only two sources of books in my town both of which are located inside major malls. One is a used book chain where I could browse as long as I want which can take 30 mins to a couple of hours. The other is a giant book store chain where the security guards seem to think I am a weirdo they need to constantly monitor which is not really conducive to leisurely browsing.

5) How much time per day do you actually spend reading?

An hour or two now that I have been warned by doctors after having dry eyes. Who knew dry eyes could cause serious migraines, vomiting and a stay in the hospital.

6) Where does the task ‘picking up a book’ appear on your daily to-do list?

Every time I step inside a mall, I have the urge to drop by the aforementioned bookstores so I really make a conscious effort to avoid them or else my budget is whacked!

7) How many books do you reckon you own in total (including e-books)?

More than a thousand is my guesstimate

8) Approximately how often do you bring up books in conversation?

I almost never do. Because hardly anybody reads around here. Also, I tend to keep my hobbies and interests to myself mostly because I know people are not interested in them.

9) What is the biggest book (page count) you have finished reading?

1110 pages of Caesar and Cleopatra by Colleen McCullugh. Gone were the days when I consider this light reading. Now, I’m all give me something short and gay

10) Is there a book you had to get your hands on against all odds (i.e searching bookshops, online digging, etc.)?

Still pining for that out of print edition of Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko. Also, I’m dying to get my hands on the Abarat books by Clive Barker and first editions of the Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman

11) A book you struggled to finish but refused to DNF?

There’s a bookmark stuck in the middle of The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch. It has been there for more than a year. I refuse to give up on Locke and Jean.

12) What are 3 of your main book goals for 2019?

  1. Take better care of my eyes so I can still read books when I’m old.
  2. Finish ARCs on time.
  3. Read more books from my TBR list rather than always starting randomly on any shiny new tome that catches my fancy. This is probably the most difficult goal of the three.

13) Have you ever had the privilege of converting someone into a reader (maybe via inspiration or incessant nagging)?

I am happy that my father and sister read some of my collection but like I said, hardly anybody around here is interested in reading. I have even offered to lend my Harry Potter books to younger relatives (something I never do under normal circumstances) but nobody budged.

14) Describe what books mean to you in five words.

It’s my cup of tea.

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