BOOK BLAST: And Hubby Makes Three: A Tragically Fabulous Love Story by Michael McHale (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Author: Michael McHale
Publisher: Hennessey House Publications
Cover Artist: MSM Graphics
Release Date: December 4, 2024
Pairing: MM
Tense/POV: Third person/past tense
Genres: LGBTQIA+ Romantic Comedy
Tropes: Gay best friend, family
Themes: Best friend saves friend’s wedding and makes her dreams come true
Length: 21 739 words/164 pages
It is a standalone book and does not end on a cliffhanger.
Heat Rating: 1 – 2 flames
Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Best gay friend saves his girlfriend’s wedding from becoming a disaster
while adding a lot of his own fabulous flare
When Wendy is horribly abandoned by her fiancé Bruce just days before her dream wedding, her fabulous gay best friend Mitch steps in to help save the day! What happens next is a plethora of comical miscommunications that lead to one of the most colorful weddings of our time that would make even Martha Stewart proud as Mitch, along with his life partner Kevin and bigger than life friend Bob, rush to make Wendy’s dreams come true. And maybe even some of Mitch’s dreams?
Chapter Twenty-Three: Divine Intervention
The elderly priest had been looking forward to his mid-morning snack with the kind of anticipation usually reserved for Christmas morning. He’d assembled the perfect array of treats on his tray, humming contentedly as he made his way down the cathedral aisle.
That’s when Wendy burst in, tears streaming down her face, and dove into the confessional.
The priest looked longingly at his snacks, then skyward with a resigned sigh. The Lord worked in mysterious ways, particularly when it came to interrupting a much needed snack
“Father, forgive me, for I have sinned.”
“You don’t mind if I eat, do you?”
“Excuse me?”
“I haven’t eaten all morning. I’m starving. Please, I
promise it won’t interfere.”
“Uh, okay… I mean, it is your house and all, so…”
“Thank you,” he managed around a mouthful of
sandwich. “So, tell me my child, what is troubling you?”
“Well, I believe I may have caused my fiancé to
“Hmmmm… How so?”
“By marrying my husband!”
The priest nearly choked on his snack. “By marrying your…? Wait! Didn’t you marry your fiancé?”
“No. I married my best friend.”
“Oh, that’s lovely. One should always marry their best friend.”
“But I was supposed to marry my fiancé.”
“What’s wrong with marrying your best friend?”
“Well, aside from the fact that he’s gay, and already has a life partner, nothing I guess.”
“Ah, so your fiancé is gay?”
“No, no. My husband is gay. My fiancé is straight.”
“I see.” (he didn’t) The priest set down his sandwich, sensing this might require his full attention.
“So, did you marry him to ummm… change him?”
“No, I married him because my fiancé told me to.”
“Does your fiancé know that he’s gay?”
“My fiancé isn’t gay! My husband is gay!”
“Okay, okay. So… what was the question again?”
“I believe that my marrying Mitch…”
“The gay best friend…”
The Priest was so proud of himself, “See, I’m catching on.”
“Good. Now, I’m afraid that my marrying Mitch may have caused my fiancé, Bruce, to stumble. It was a joke, you know? I just wanted to go through with the wedding, and when Bruce wouldn’t, Mitch said he would, so…”
“The stumbling part… let’s get to the stumbling part.” He picked up his sandwich with empty high hopes.
“Right. Well, I found him with another woman!”
“I thought you said he was gay?”
“No. My husband’s gay! Not my fiancé. Ya know, I thought you were catching on? Maybe you shouldn’t be eating while we do this…”
The priest set down his food with a heavy sigh that suggested he was reconsidering his vocation.
“So, what should I do?”
He took a fortifying gulp of milk before delivering his verdict. “Go to him.”
“Who? Which one?”
“Your gay husband. Your straight fiancé. Your second cousin’s lover! I don’t care! Just go! Go to one of them. Go to both of them! Go to none of them, but please, I beg you — just go! Oh, and you are forgiven! Say ten Hail Mary’s and five Our Fathers. Now Go! Go! Run like the wind!”
As Wendy left the confessional in a daze, the priest returned to his interrupted snack, making a mental note to suggest that the seminary add a course in modern relationship dynamics. Clearly, the traditional marriage counseling training wasn’t covering all the bases anymore. At least the sandwich was good.
Though he had a feeling he’d need something stronger than milk to process this particular confession.
About the Author

A storyteller across multiple mediums, Michael McHale has entertained and educated audiences for over three decades.
From writing for the iconic TV series Power Rangers to his LGBTQ+ web series The Queerburgs (on YouTube), to bringing his real-life story to life to the big screen with the short film Lena’s Dance to creating more than 100,000 riddles and clues for over 20,000 mysteries through his educational company Mysteries By Mike, his creative footprint spans television, film, education, and literature.
Known in Hollywood as the go-to party planner for celebrity children’s events, he’s authored multiple books including two children’s titles that includes an insider guide to Hollywood entertaining. His latest novel, adapted from a screenplay he wrote in 1997, was born from a conversation about marriage equality long before it became reality – a reality he now shares with his husband Bob, celebrating 21 years of marriage in Los Angeles.
With the upcoming YA series MURDER HIGH SCHOOL: DETENTION CAN BE MURDER! in development, McHale continues to expand his literary universe while infusing his work with the authenticity that comes from being a 35-year AIDS survivor (Victor) and dedicated LGBTQ+ activist. His storytelling celebrates life, love, and chosen family with equal measures of humor and heart.
When not writing or planning spectacular events, he can be found at home with Bob, their mischievous pug Gabby Rose, and their trio of cats – Princess Charlotte, Rascal, and Marley – plotting his next story or party, whichever comes first.
Early readers are already calling his latest novel ‘an instant gay classic’ with strong potential for adaptation as a Netflix limited series.
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