
RELEASE TOUR: Ready To Cash Out by K.L. Hiers (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Release Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Ready To Cash Out
By K.L. Hiers

Ready To Cash Out Cover

Trevanion Usher’s mother had always told him that beauty faded but stupid was forever, so he aimed high and set out to be beautiful for as long as he could and only let people think he was stupid.

Since her passing, he’s managed to navigate the perils of Perry City, a dangerous metropolis run by the mob and oozing with corruption. His sharp wits, good looks, and absolute lack of shame have served him well, and he’s almost ready to escape and start over somewhere with a tropical climate. When his landlord calls in a favor, Trev is suspicious but jumps at the chance to score big in exchange for one night of work.

Naturally, that’s when everything goes wrong.

Jupiter Prospero is a member of the city’s ruling mob family and he’s interested in sharing much more than Trev’s company for the evening. He’s gorgeous, powerful, and has secrets to reveal—like Trev’s relation to a powerful gangster in the city of Strassen Springs.

Trev finds himself trapped as an unwilling pawn in a deadly game between two long feuding criminal families and he’ll have to use all of his skills to survive, but does he stand a chance against Jupiter’s devastating charms?

Or will he succumb to even darker forces before he has a chance to cash out?

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“We’re not done yet,” Jupiter warned. “My family wants to have a little chat with you.”

“Sorry, really, but I’ve had enough chitchat and fucking around without actually being fucked around with for one night.” Trev narrowed his eyes, and his lean frame tensed for a fight. Jupiter was between him and the door, and that was a problem. “You paid for me to entertain you for the evening. That’s it. Your time went ding as soon as your little friends started banging on the fucking door. So, I’m leaving.”

“I’m afraid not. I have further need of your company.” Jupiter offered his hand. “Play nicely and—”

“Hate to be the one to break the tragic news to you, but tonight was the last fucking time I was ever gonna do this stupid ass bullshit. And wow, it was great to go out with a big bang and all, or not, but I’ll be going now.” Trev tried to step around Jupiter.

“No.” Jupiter grabbed Trev’s shoulder.

Trev had nothing on except for his heels, thong, and a growing sneer, but he glared at Jupiter without a shred of hesitation as he snapped, “Take your fucking hand off me or I will fucking kill you.”

“Yeah?” Jupiter reached now for Trev’s jaw. “How would you do it? Hmm? Tell me.”

Fear spiked inside of Trev’s very core because there was absolutely no way he could kill Jupiter. Other than the complex moralities involved with taking a life even in self-defense, he was practically fucking naked.

His odds were not great.

Trev hesitated. “You don’t want me to spoil the surprise, do you?”

Jupiter smirked. “Please. Try.”

“Well… Fuck you!” Trev tried to bolt around Jupiter. “Security! Hey! Code Peach! Fucking Code Peach!”

The only reply he heard on the other side of the door was those two men laughing. That couldn’t be good. The code phrase was meant to alert the bouncers to come in and end the evening in case of emergencies. Someone was always supposed to be listening to ensure a quick response.

Jupiter grabbed Trev’s arm. “They’re not coming, baby doll.”

Trev immediately went berserk, flailing like a wild animal as he snarled, “Hey! Let the fuck go of me!” He was deeply satisfied when his elbow caught Jupiter’s nose, but his victory was short-lived when Jupister scooped him up like a struggling kitten and then simply tossed him over his shoulder. “The fuck!”

“Settle down,” Jupiter scolded, carrying Trev back over toward the bed.

Trev tried to arch up and pull away, but he smacked his head on the ceiling. “Shit!”

“You’re going to help us negotiate a little deal with your brother. All I need you to do is—”

“You are fucking insane!” Trev kicked defiantly, wishing he could draw his knee up high enough to nail Jupiter’s groin. “Hello! I don’t have a fucking brother.”

“You really don’t know, do you?” Jupiter searched Trev’s face as if he was actually surprised.

“Know what?” Trev spat.

“Who your brother is.”

“Oh, ha ha! You’re just hilarious.” Trev rolled his eyes. “I already told you! I don’t have any brothers or sisters! Only child, remember?”

“That you know of.”

“Right.” Trev scoffed. “Tell me, genius. Who’s this mysterious brother of mine then?”

“Roderick Legrand,” Jupiter replied.

“Never heard of him.”

“Well, he is known by another name.”

“Yeah, and what’s that? The fuckin’ Easter Bunny?”

“Boss Cold.”

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Ready To Cash Out, Kat is giving away a $25 Amazon Voucher!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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Direct Link: https://bit.ly/RTCOGiveaway

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About the Author:

K.L. “Kat” Hiers is an embalmer, restorative artist, and queer writer. Licensed in both funeral directing and funeral service, they worked in the death industry for nearly a decade. Their first love was always telling stories, and they have been writing for over twenty years, penning their very first book at just eight years old. Publishers generally do not accept manuscripts in Hello Kitty notebooks, however, but they never gave up.

Following the success of their first novel, Cold Hard Cash, they now enjoy writing professionally, focusing on spinning tales of sultry passion, exotic worlds, and emotional journeys. They love attending horror movie conventions and indulging in cosplay of their favorite characters. They live in Zebulon, NC, with their family, including their children, some of whom have paws and a few that only pretend to because they think it’s cute.

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