
BLOG TOUR: Grabbing My Slyce! by Dann Hazel (Excerpt & Giveaway)

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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Grabbing My Slyce!
By Dann Hazel

Grabbing My Slyce Cover

Some Like It Haute! Book 4

How can you find your own slice of love when all the other business of life gets in your way?

Frank Slyce is an independent, well-educated and self-reliant gay man with a huge creative streak.

Now, at thirty-two, he feels thrown off-kilter by a career crisis and a proverbial “urge to merge.”

The career issue he can handle. But how does a man like Frank find love when he relates best to people older than he is?

Enter David Hawkins, a Unitarian minister who, while the same age as Frank, is an “old soul.” At first, they hit it off. But in their steamy pursuit of a relationship, they discover that they just don’t quite seem right as a couple.

Then, Frank seeks a business loan to open Slyce! Pies and Pasta. The hot, charming banker who approves the loan, Nicolas Beaumont, is eleven years older than Frank.

Both men feel the spark of attraction.

But something happens to make Nicolas retreat into silence at a time when Frank, for the first time in his life, feels head over heels in love.

A slow-burn, age-stratified, HEA gay romance.

Tropes: Forced Proximity; Hurt/Comfort; Slow Burn; Age-Stratified or May/December Romance

Themes: Family Strife; Dealing with the loss of a partner/spouse; Dealing with internalized homophobia
Possible Triggers: Occasional drug use; death of a spouse; mental health issues; multiple breakups.

Though Grabbing My Slyce! is part of the Some Like It Haute! Gay Romance Series, it may also be enjoyed as a stand-alone.

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Once they’d returned to the Round House dock, Frank helped Nick secure the boat all over again. There was, after their kiss, a certain timidity between them now. As though they had to process what had just happened at their own pace. As though speaking of it might somehow wipe what happened out of existence.

While they worked with the boat, Frank didn’t notice the arrival of a familiar car.

David’s car.

In was, after all, Nick who filled Frank’s consciousness. He could smell him. He could hear his rhythmic breaths. He could feel Nick’s body against his.

It was as though he walked toward the Round House on autopilot. It was as though he had no idea where he was, the magic still had such a blinding hold on him.

Then, from the familiar car, Frank heard his name.

A voice he recognized, shouting his name.

He looked up and saw David, a big smile on his face, a hand waving at him. More eager than ever to spend a day with his chef and their friends. As though those days of silence and isolation had never happened,.

Frank smiled and waved back.

Nick noticed. He noticed and took it all in. He didn’t know exactly what was going on between these two men, but from his forty-two years on this familiar planet, he had an idea.

He knew that the best move he could take now was to make himself scarce.

He bid farewell to Frank, asking him to convey his regrets to their hosts, before he headed back to his boat. He was no longer feeling well, he said, and needed to return the boat to the marina, then get himself home and into his bed.

Frank was speechless, though he managed to ask if Nick needed him to accompany him. To make sure he was okay.

“No. That’s not necessary, Frank,” Nick replied. “I’ll be fine. It’s just a—thing—that happens from time to time. It’s not serious. Just my body’s warning that it needs a little rest.”

Nick boarded his boat, then sped away with a perfunctory wave.

Then, Frank turned back to David.

But David, he saw, was already heading into the Round House.

David, he knew, was mad as hell.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Grabbing My Slyce!, Dann is giving away a paperback copy of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57888/?

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About the Author:

Dann Hazel has been writing both fiction and nonfiction for more than twenty years.

In addition to writing, he has taught on both the high school and college levels, and worked as a therapist in a psychiatric hospital. His fiction genre interests include thrillers, literary, science fiction and gay romance.

Dann’s personal interests include reading and writing, cinema, jogging, Broadway, current events and travel.

Currently, he lives in Central Florida with his husband, Josh, and their American Eskimo pup, Flurry.

The Some Like It Haute! Gay Romance Series includes Room for Dessert, My Own Private Biscuit, Lonely Diner and Grabbing My Slyce!

Connect with Dann:
Facebook: Some Like It Haute (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089831902829)
Twitter: @DHRomance
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dann.hazel/


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