BOOK TOUR: Cosmic Requiem Circle by Lucinda Wicked (Excerpt + Playlist)
Trailer: https://shorturl.at/eAHIN
Death was finally able to take a nap, she rested, moving to a beach in her dreams. As she sunbathed, she felt a ripple through her dream. An odious black thing streaking the sky. She felt a subtle tremor in the cosmic
threads, a disturbance that distrusted her sleep, bathing her dream world in darkness.“Oh for fuck’s sake.” She said, stretching her hand for her scythe. She got up and took off the sarong, slipping her arms through the sleeves of a satin robe.
With the sharp edge of her scythe, she ripped through the fabric of the dream world.
“I actually put a lot of work into creating this one. This better be worth it.” Death murmured, stepping out of the dream and entering a black void.
She found herself standing within the threading—a vast expanse where the fabric of existence intertwined.
Threads stretched in every direction, touching each other in a complex web of interconnections. Each thread was connected to another. They revolved around a small spool in the center.
She found herself, a small piece of black lopping around each thread.
“What is it this time?” She said into the endless void, her voice echoing.
Tainted threads manifested before her, the red threads had clumps of black glue choking it. Her face contorted in a grimace.
“Damn. That’s a lot of dirt. What has this soul done?” She asked. “Come. Let’s go find them. Someone has to die.” She sighed.
She stepped into Misery’s dream. She was lying awake in a dark space.
“Really? You have the ability to think of anything and this is what you choose?” She said, scoffing. “You’re unbelievable. I don’t know why I bother.” Death finished.
Deathless eyes stare back at her.
“The dark is comforting. You should know that better than anyone else. It is home to vile twisted things like us. Come lay with me.”
“Would love to but this is a bye bye text. I’m too lazy to reach for my phone. I’m killing two birds with one scythe.”“ That’s not how the saying goes.”
“Who cares.”
“Where are you headed?”
“Somewhere terrible. ” Death said.
Misery sat up, the shadows binding her to the black space falling away. “Where are you going?”
Death looked up, trying to convince her eyes to unsee Misery soft, white, naked, eyes open in ecstasy.
“To hunt a tainted thread.” Death said mindlessly.
“I’m coming with.” Misery said.
“You’re not. You’re busted up. Why are you naked?”
“I sleep naked.” Misery said, brows scrunching in confusion.
“I did not need to know that.” Death said, making a strangled noise. “Why do you insist on coming with me, Misery?” Death questioned, her mood souring. She looked at Misery with cold emotionless eyes.
Misery, undeterred, responded, “I’m connected to the balance as much as you are. I’m connected to you. It’s a roundabout thing. won’t stay idle when darkness threatens.”
“Everybody is connected to me, little psycho. Try again. I’ll be the last to leave this universe when it ceases endless existence. I’ll turn the lights out behind me. I’ll escort your soul to the after life too. Try again, Mise.”
“I have no soul.” Misery grinned, cracking open her chest to reveal a black empty space.
Death scowled. “You’re still not coming along.”
“Yes I am. I’m coming to cover your ass.”
“Literally or figuratively.” Said Death, her lids lowering. Misery flushed, disappearing into the shadows.
“Well. I’ll see you when I’m back.” Death said.
“I’ll be downstairs in five minutes. We both need to get dressed and you take ten years to change your clothes.” Misery said at the same time, wrinkling her nose.
They looked at each other, both frowning.
“I’m coming. The End.” Said Misery, disappearing into the shadows. Death cursed, opening her eyes.
She stood up, heading to her closet. She yanked out a long flowing lace vest and a pair of leather pants. She wore a silk shirt under the vest, the lace vest on it and a corset on the whole ensemble.
The lace looked like it was sewed to the corset. She slipped on a pair of black studded six inch stilettos and raced outside, sliding down the railing to the foyer.
She rushed outside, opening her Mercedes and taking a seat in the driver’s side. She pulled out of the castle, doing a victory dance.
She dialed Misery’s number, tapping her acrylics on the screen joyfully. The phone rang from inside the car.
She looked back to see a grinning Misery lounging in the back seat.
“You have to be shitting me.” Death said, shaking her head.
wish. You’re not supposed to leave people you’re going out with at home.” She said, laughing. She smoothly maneuvered herself from the back seat to the passenger’s side.
Book Playlist