RELEASE BLITZ: Yes, Captain by Ann Grech (Excerpt & Giveaway)
RELEASE BLITZ: Love Of The Hunter by V.L. Locey (Giveaway)
BLOG TOUR: Not So Sincerely, Yours by A.M. Johnson (Excerpt & Giveaway)
RELEASE BLITZ: Across The Sapphire Sea by Lee Colgin (Excerpt & Giveaway)
BLOG TOUR: Bounce by Becca Seymour (Excerpt & Giveaway)
BOOK RECS BY TROPE: Roommates To Lovers
Book Recs By Tropes is a series where I recommend books according to tropes.
RELEASE BLITZ: Unashamedly Us by Colette Davison (Excerpt & Giveaway)
BLOG TOUR: Confined Desires by Katherine McIntyre (Excerpt & Giveaway)
MUSIC MONDAY: This Is Our Life by Des Rocs
Found this tag on Read Rant Rock & Roll. This meme was created by Drew @ The Tattooed Book Geek. You pick a song that you really like and share it on Monday.
RELEASE BLITZ: Hit The Brakes by Beth Bolden (Excerpt & Giveaway)