

Totally judging books by their covers with another Dreamy Book Covers tag.

I found this tag on Jack’s Bedtime Reading.

dreamy book cover


  • Thank the lovely person who tagged you, spread the love!
  • Mention Tiana at The Book Raven as the creator of this book tag!
  • Use the original tag image in your post. (However, feel free to add whatever other graphics your heart desires!)
  • Tag at least 1 fellow blogger for this tag.
  • List the rules

No Ideas but in Things: A book cover that perfectly expresses the novel inside it

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Sugary Sweet: A cute cover that is so fluffy you want to give it a hug

The Simple Aesthetic: A book cover that stuns with the most minimalistic of design

Cover Envy: A book cover you wish you had on your shelves, but don’t yet

Travelling Abroad: A book cover featuring a country outside of your own

The Colour Wheel: A cover that showcases one of your favourite colours


Switching Gears: A cover change you absolutely adore

And the Winner is…Which book cover mentioned above is your favourite?

And yes, this tag is brought to you by the Thai editions of A Charm of Magpies because I just wanted to gush about them. Look at those gorgeous beauties!!! (´▽`ʃƪ)♡ ♡ ♡ I am BEGGING!!! KJC’s publishers to have this artist draw covers for her English editions.

Feel free to tag yourself. What book covers caught your eye recently?

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