BOOK TOUR: Happy Head by Josh Silver
BLOG TOUR: Crown of Bloom by R.C. Dickens (Giveaway & Playlist)
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: The Death of Rowan Copry by Elaine White (Excerpt & Giveaway)
BOOK TOUR: At the End of the River Styx by Michelle Kulwicki
BOOK TOUR: These Bodies Between Us by Sarah Van Name
BOOK TOUR: Emmett by L.C. Rosen
BOOK TOUR: Here Lies Olive by Kate Anderson
BOOK TOUR: Surrender Your Sons by Adam Sass
RELEASE BLITZ: All Hail The Underdogs by E.L. Massey (Excerpt & Giveaway)
BOOK TOUR: The Alchemy of Moonlight by David Ferraro