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    REVIEW: His Lethal Desire by Leighton Greene

    West Coast Mobsters: His Lethal Desire – Leighton Greene

    There’s nothing more lethal than a hitman in love.

    Johnny “Jack” Jacopo was once the Castellani Family’s top hitman, but one terrible mistake saw him kicked back down the ladder. So when the Boss orders him to look into the disappearance of a Hollywood starlet, Jack sees an opportunity to rise back up the Family ranks.

    His first move is to question the missing actress’s twin brother. Miller Beaumont is charming, gorgeous, flirty…and he’s the same guy who was hitting on Jack in a bar the night before.

    Jack tries to keep things strictly business, but Miller has access to inside information that Jack needs to solve the case. And it’s just too tempting when Miller proposes that they team up to find his sister.

    As their search leads them into danger, Jack finds he has more to lose than he ever expected. Someone is coming after Miller, and Jack finds himself torn between duty to his Family and his own foolish heart.

    Because despite himself, Jack is making one more mistake, the biggest of them all, the one dumb thing he swore he’d never do.

    He’s falling in love.


    His Lethal Desire is the first book in the West Coast Mobsters series. Follow the men of the Los Angeles underworld in this page-turning romantic suspense series as they find love, danger and mystery in the most unexpected places.

    Each book in West Coast Mobsters tells the love story of a different couple who find their happy ending, as well as a resolution to the mystery they’re investigating, but there are cliffhangers to the wider suspense plot for the series.

    I picked this up only because I was intrigued by the 5th Book’s premise about a virgin butler framed for murder. And since I always have the compulsion to read a series in order, I have to start here.

    His Lethal Desire, Book 1 of West Coast Mobsters, quickly made me realize it’s more than just a necessary hurdle. It has everything I love about mafia romance!

    The thrill of flirting with danger, the possessive smoldering passion, the intriguing mix of dark and good wrapped in a gorgeous bad boy persona. And if we’re lucky, there’d be a lot of bi-lingual sweet nothings and cusses, too.

    The story also has a bonus twist that caught my attention immediately. Johnny ‘Jack’ Jacopo, formerly top hitman for the Castellanis, was demoted to foot soldier and bar security. It’s rare for me to encounter a demoted mafioso, usually they don’t even get second chances when they fuck up.

    The WCM series is a spin-off of the Morelli Family, and in the last book, a Vegas mob boss put a hit on Jack. Don Ciro Castellani offered protection, so Jack is stuck in LA.

    Jack is in the unique position of being very good at what he used to do to just be thrown away. Also, he saved the Don’s son, Sandro’s life in a way that forced him to do something Sandro considers betrayal. The two used to be close friends, but Sandro has reserved the rights to kill Jack. He’s only alive because of the Don.

    Now, the Don is giving him a chance for a re-promotion. He’s tasked to find a missing actress, Anais Beaumont, and he’s given a lead, the actress’s twin, Miller. The same person Jack’s been eyeing across the bar for weeks. The person who shamelessly flirted and kissed him the night before.

    I’m not too familiar with the technicalities of a story, so I my reviews are just me squee-ing at stuff. But sometimes, I hear people say it’s a character-driven story. Not sure if this book is like that, but I could definitely say Jack is the main driving force for me here.

    He’s your typical mafioso, a bit jaded and too used to violence. But he’s internal dialogues are compelling, showing his vulnerable side, his fears, and sometimes, when he dare hope, his plans to get away from LA.

    And my favorite part about Jack is his loyalty. Even Ciro Castellani recognizes that Jack’s brand of loyalty is not something that could ever be bought by money. That’s why he wants him to guard Sandro, but sure as hell, the two will end up killing each other.

    The best part is when that loyalty shifted to Miller.

    We Jacopos only ever got one shot at love, my father had once told me. You won’t give a damn about anyone until suddenly you do, and that’ll be it. Forever. Even if they leave, even if they die. You’ll still love them, and you can try with someone else, even make it work for a while, but it won’t be the same.

    One shot at love, Johnny. It’s just the way things are for us Jacopos.

    Miller and his sister were child actors. But unlike his twin, who still a star, Miller is mostly forgotten, and he spends his time partying hard to fill the emptiness. He doesn’t do substance abuse, thankfully. Secretly, he’s a talented painter, but years of being belittled did a number on his confidence.

    I didn’t warm up to Miller immediately, but the more I knew about him, the more I learn that he has a big heart. He puts the people he loves first, and it is unfortunate that those people are narcissists. Miller doesn’t deserved how his family treated him.

    From their meet-cute at the bar to the very last page, Jack and Miller’s chemistry is DELICIOUS! Their romance developed organically, not too insta and not too slow-burn. And it’s just FANTASTIC all the way through! Jack’s world is Miller, and our boy Miller, with his selfless heart, deserves all the love in the world.

    Aside from the romance, the rest of the book was a solid read. The mystery was fascinating. There were a lot of clues and personalities involved, and I didn’t put it together until the part Miller saw the USB.

    The action and suspense were engaging, and I loved how the resolution left room for more Jack and Miller in the succeeding book. The only thing I didn’t like was how the thing with Annie was left open.

    There were plenty of secondary characters whom I’m super excited to read about, like Sandro and Teddy, Sandro’s half-brother and resident psycho Julian, as well as Miller’s friend Nate and Jack’s friend Freddy.

    And I really appreciated Leighton Greene‘s writing style. Aside from her well-executed storytelling, she writes in short paragraphs. I hope other writers would keep this in mind because most people read ebooks nowadays. Short paragraphs are easy on weak eyes if you’re reading from a screen.

    His Lethal Desire is a story of dysfunctional families, shifting loyalties and plans gone awry, where a demoted hitman falls in love with a washed up Hollywood star, and the powers that be lay claim to their bodies, their souls, and their lives.

    Overall, squee-tastic like butterflies in the stomach, lethal like arrow straight to the heart.

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: Arrow
    Artist: Teagan and Sara
    Album: Sainthood


    I wanted this so badly in audiobook. This deserves a Michael Ferraiuolo performance!

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of His Lethal Desire. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

    HIS LETHAL DESIREKindle | Paperback

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    REVIEW: King’s Virtuous Son by Ki Brightly & M.D. Gregory

    The Kings of Men MC: King’s Virtuous Son – Ki Brightly & M.D. Gregory

    The “Innocent” Twin
    Hunter Tanner is a prospect for the Kings of Men MC. The club president, King, shocked Hunter with the news that he is Hunter’s biological father. King was the only man who had ever kept Hunter safe, and he’d taken King’s attention the wrong way—only to be devastated to learn they were related. Now he’s pissed off. Hunter’s identical twin, Forrest, offers him a chance to get away from New Gothenburg, so Hunter takes a vacation to stay at the Exotic Virtue in New York City.

    The Irish Mobster
    Jamie Shannon is a simple Irishman. He enjoys working, and sometimes killing, for the Killough Company, and he believes in going after anything—or anyone—he wants. Jamie has long had his eye on a particular blond man who works at the Exotic Virtue, and an opportunity presents itself when he sees him looking down in the dumps next to the pool. Jamie doesn’t hesitate to swoop in and try to kiss him better.

    Two Blood-Spattered Worlds, One Heart
    An explosive night with Jamie leads to a fight that sends Hunter racing back to New Gothenburg. Jamie doesn’t hesitate to follow his man. To get Hunter back, he’ll have to navigate not only King’s temper when he shows up unannounced to talk to his upset son, but both Hunter and Jamie still have dangerous obligations. Is there any way they can truly be together, or were they doomed to only one hot night from the start?

    I picked up Kings of Men MC because I was curious about MC romance. I’m not a fan of motorcycle clubs because I don’t find the typical biker image appealing. In Kings Of Men, most characters are cardboard cut-outs of large bearded tough guys who drink and fuck too much and probably have questionable hygiene. So, not my thing.

    The only reason I chose this series is that it belongs in the same world as The Killough Company, a series I enjoyed. So far, most of my experience with the KOMMC books was meh, with some DNFs, except Book 1, King’s Killer.

    King’s Virtuous Son is a standout and the best book in the series. It’s the 7th book and best read after Book 6, King’s Undercover Fed, and The Killough Company Book 2, The Professional. The rest of the KOMMC can be read in any order.

    First, the main characters, Jamie Shannon and Hunter Tanner had fully fleshed-out personalities that I immediately liked. I also gave a big hoorah when it became apparent that their relationship was that of equals. For the majority of KOMMC, the power dynamics are mostly skewed towards the biker, the love interest relegated to the bitch seat so to speak. Jamie and Hunter switch! Always a bonus.

    Hunter is the virgin twin of Forest Broussard, the MC in The Professional. Hunter has daddy issues because not only did King abandon them years ago, he didn’t even bother to tell him he was his father. And that he has a twin. King is an idiot!

    Hunter’s a bit naïve and shy but brash enough to make some daring, if sometimes dumb decisions, and knows his way around guns. He’s always determined to earn his place, whether in an MC or the mob. No shortcuts, no sleeping his way to the top. Hunter was a quiet side character majority of the series, but when it’s his time to shine, he’s spectacular! Our boy’s pretty badass when he wants to.

    Jamie’s quite the charmer! He is in charge of negotiations for the Killough Company. I felt like he was some sort of a gallant knight sweeping the virgin biker prince off his feet. If this were anime, he would be surrounded by sparkles. I adore him and his exquisitely soft touch and infinite patience in handling Hunter’s inexperience.

    Theirs is my favorite first-time-sex scene because it perfectly captured the swirl of emotions, and that the virgin doesn’t always have to be the bottom. Compared to the other books where the connections don’t go far beyond the physical, Jamie and Hunter connections felt deeper and more convincing as they develop trust and partnership.

    The family drama, crime fiction, and action suspense mesh fabulously well with the romance. They don’t feel like afterthoughts, like in other installments, but solid storylines that continue the overarching thread of the series in a way that kept me interested in the New Gothenburg/Killough Company world. I’m picking up the next book, that’s for sure!

    King’s Virtuous Son is about a young man coming to terms with his family, his virginity, his life as a biker, his past mistakes, and his future at a crossroads. Part coming-of-age, part fairy tale, 100% biker badass, 100% Irish charm.

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: Ride
    Artist: Clans
    Album: Chapter Three

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of King’s Virtuous Son. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

    King’s Virtuous Son: US | UK

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    One Line Reviews Of Some Books I Read This Year (January – March 2022)

    This is a round up of the books I read on the 1st quarter of this year that I’m too lazy to do a full review.

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    REVIEW: Married To The Mobster by Leighton Greene

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    Morelli Family: Married To The Mobster – Leighton Greene

    The Mob sent him to kill me, but he owed me a debt…

    Years ago I saved his life, and we spent one hot night together before he disappeared. Now this bad boy’s all grown up, and living a dangerous life. But when his Family decides to send a message to my father, it’s my life on the line.

    Only he can’t bring himself to do it when he realizes who I am.

    He bargains for my life.

    He argues to keep me as a hostage instead of killing me.

    He even agrees to marry me, but not for love.

    Marrying me is the only way he can repay the debt he owes me.

    He tells me he’ll keep me alive only as long as his Boss allows it.

    What he doesn’t know is that I’ve loved him since the first moment I laid eyes on him. I’ll take him any way I can get him. Sleeping with the enemy never felt so good…

    But is there someone else who wants me dead?

    New-to-me author Leighton Greene delivers a highly enjoyable mafia-themed story about a sassy Irish mobster’s son who knew his shit and a flawed but ambitious Italian mobster who tried his hardest not to feel.

    Married to the Mobster opens with a meet cute that soon turned bloody. Finch spots Luca at the dance floor. The attraction was instant and mutual. Luca was later attacked outside the club. Finch found him, patched him up, spent the night with him then (reluctantly) went their separate ways.

    Fast forward 5 years later and their second meet cute also involved violence. Finch has a hit on him. He was abducted by the Morelli and Luca pleads for his life. Mob boss Tino grants pardon on the condition Luca marries Finch.

    These first parts is where the story really shines. The meetings played out wonderfully and I loved how the connection between Finch and Luca took root and grew into something inevitable.

    I love Finch! He’s a fascinating combination of a spoiled billionare’s son and a streetsmart survivor. He has quite a mouth on him but he’s got a good heart and sees a person’s true worth .

    Luca might be more difficult to like. In some ways, he’s your typical confident alpha male / tough bastard. As the story progressed, it becomes apparent that he lacks knowledge when it comes to the finer things in life because he grew up poor. He also lacks a certain kind of sophistication needed to move in higher circles. But all he ever wants is to keep Finch safe and give him everything he needs. So clearly, he knows his priorities.

    Married to the Mobster is, first and foremost, a romance so the mafia politics side of the story wasn’t as strongly delivered as I would have liked. Most of it was the looming threat on Finch’s life. It did provide some unexpected twists later on.

    My favorite part was Finch’s unwavering efforts to bring out the best in Luca. He truly believed in his man. Also, even if he is selfless, he knew when to put his foot down when he had enough of his husband’s hot and cold treatment.

    There was also a potentially intriguing part at the beginning when Finch had a death wish. It would have been nice if this was explored but it just fizzled out when he got involved with Luca.

    Sadly, the second part of the story lost some of its luster. Luca was being bullheaded in keeping his distance. All to stay in business and keep his husband alive. Finch was doing all he could to convince Luca that working together is going to do them both a world of good. The back and forth did dragged bit but it was something they had to go through while Luca struggled with his feelings and responsibilities.

    Well, Luca tried his damnedest to deny there are real feelings between them but Finch knew his man well. Knew that the husband who keeps him at arms length is a snuggle slut. Knew that the man who wears cheap polyester suits he claims are Armanis deserves the real thing. Knew the mobster who doesn’t know the proper silverware to use is going to rule New York City one day. Finch even told him so their first night together. And he is going to make it happened.


    I can’t wait when he does!

    The story ends in HFN and continues in Beloved by the Boss.

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Toi Et Moi
    Artist: Paradis
    Album: Recto Verso

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