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    SERIES REVIEW: RELIC by Maz Maddox

    RELIC – Maz Maddox

    Smash & Grab: My standard issued lab badge reads ‘Simon’ but it really should say ‘unexciting nerd with no social life’
    Don’t get me wrong — I love what I do with a passion, but it doesn’t leave a lot of time for much else.
    Especially romance.
    While chipping away at my work, I’m suddenly the person between hired cartel muscle and the fossil that will define my career.
    Which isn’t the most insane part of the story.
    My savior is a chaotic, bat-wielding punk with a bubble gum pink mohawk and a killer smile.
    In a mad dash to escape the thieves, my knight in studded armor sweeps me across the country while hitting every tourist trap along the way.
    While smuggling a fossil, might I add.
    Oh, and did I mention this pink punk can shift into a dinosaur?

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: Tonight, Tonight
    Artist: The Smashing Pumpkins
    Album: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

    Sink Or Swim: Trapped on a cruise ship with a man I absolutely hate is not how I wanted to spend this fake honeymoon. Especially when my “fiancé” has a deadly ex on the same boat.
    Jackson is everything I’m not: brash, careless and a former fossil thief. But he’s my ticket to getting what I want — the original Spinosaurus fossils that have been lost for decades. Now I have to play the part, win the fossils and try not to kill him in the process.
    The danger of being caught, tortured or killed isn’t what scares me.
    Navigating the waters of this fake relationship is threatening to pull me under.
    And I’m terrified of sinking.

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: You Were Right
    Artist: Rufus du Sol
    Album: Bloom

    King & Queen: Running into your one night stand is always awkward.
    It’s especially awkward when said hunky hookup pulls you into a secret war over fossils and a kidnapped, newly awakened Albertosaurus shifter.
    As if my life wasn’t already a mess (understatement), now I’m cruising through Canada hunting down an ancient monster who tried to kill us, attempting to get my social media career off the ground, and ignoring my feelings for my one time fling.
    Royal is hot as fire, funny, brilliant and has a thing for dinosaurs almost as much as I do.
    Probably because he is one.

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: Found Me
    Artist: Men I Trust
    Album: Oncle Jazz

    Lost In Amber: Being alive for millions of years means I’m rarely surprised.
    In the long expanse of my existence, I’ve been rescuing fossils for only a breath. During that time, my path has crossed with many different people — shifter and human alike.
    Some friendly, some nefarious.
    A hundred years ago, one such man graced me with his presence.
    He was one of the few to have almost killed me.
    Imagine my surprise when I see him again, buying the rarest amber fossil to have ever been discovered.
    Precious. Beautiful. Unique.
    A true treasure millions of years in the making.
    I won’t let him get away again.

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: Loon
    Artist: Bears and Lions
    Album: Wild and Free

    Gardens & Ghosts: For the past few years, I’ve been living with a ghost. My husband – my mate – was lost because of choices I made. As one of only a few tyrannosaur shifters on this planet, I have resigned myself to an immortality alone, married to my work. I am more than happy to keep my walls up, heart guarded, and my focus set on my missions. That was until a compassionate, plant obsessed man stomped into my life. Henry is everything I don’t have time young, reckless, eager to prove himself, and desperate to push all of my buttons. Some of those buttons he hits with expert precision. When we learn about a rare, and life changing shifter fossil being traded on the black market, Henry and I set out into the concrete jungle of Chicago to steal it back. The treasure is heavily guarded, worth a fortune, and sought after by all manner of deadly adversaries. If we can keep our heads down and maintain a professional relationship, we might make it through this alive. Henry has other plans.

    Gardens & Ghosts can be read as a standalone, but it is highly recommended you read King & Queen (RELIC #3) so you get all the story!

    4.5 Stars – perfection is only half a step away

    Soundtrack: Bloom
    Artist: The Paper Kites
    Album: Woodland

    I don’t even like Jurassic Park. Nothing against dinos; I just hate movies in which animals are the bad guys only because humans foolishly disturb them in their territory.

    Maz Maddox came this close to making me rewatch the damn movie for the sheer joy of watching the mighty beasts in all their fearsome glory.

    RELIC is a sci-fi/paranormal romance series featuring dinosaur shifters on their mission to retrieve stolen artifacts and find their mates along the way. As far as I know, this is the only MM dino-shifter romance series (if there’s another one, please let me know), and an outstanding specimen at that! I consider this a classic (if there’s a better word for this, let me know too), much like how Necessary Evils is a classic in the queer billionaire psycho-vigilantes niche.

    RELIC stands for Reclaiming Extinct Lineage from Illegal Collectors and currently has 5 members. The lore is that there are creatures since the beginning of time who can shift into many forms. For many, the form that spoke to them the most is their dinosaur form. These creatures slept for millions of years, only to wake as humans, and can now only shift to the one that resonated with them the most.

    The author created some of the most unforgettable, lovable characters in MM romance, and my only regret is not reading the series sooner. Every time the characters shifted, I was in awe. You can practically see the magnificent beasts wreaking havoc.

    The topic is well-researched, and the writing made it easy to digest the science and imagine the dinosaurs coming alive. The books are in dual, 1st person POVs. Although there are some violent scenes, the overall vibe is humorous

    Dalton “Utah” – chaotic knight in spikey jacket and doc martens with bubblegum pink mohawk, how could you resist this irreverent, child-like punk charming who rescued Simon and took him on a road trip (while dodging bad guys) to various dino park tourist attractions. He’s a utahraptor and that pink mohawk gets me all the time!

    Simon – a renowned paleontologist living a humdrum life who was suddenly caught up in the exciting if dangerous world of stolen artificts and dino shifters. He tends to be socially awkward and reserve but nonetheless a sweet guy. And with the patience of a saint to deal with Dalton’s ADHD. His secret weapon is his dimples that shot arrows straight to Dalton’s heart.

    Dalton and Simon starred in Smash & Grab, a road trip/on-the-run romance. This book introduces us to the secret world of shifters and fossil black market. Simon was ridiculously adorkable! The OTT antics, the thrilling adventure, and the swoony if chaotic way Dalton wooed his adored paleontologist made this one of the best books in the series.

    Baha “Egypt” – big, badass, grumpy and hella intelligent if a bit lonely, Baha is an Egyptian spinosaurus tasked to retrieve a precious spinosaurus fossil aboard a cruise ship. He was partnered with a Texan fossil thief (reformed) Jackson. Baha might be slow to unclench but when he’s in, he’ll give you the world. He’s also very devoted to his shifter family and tutored their newest member Henry in everything from self-defense to algebra.

    Jackson – the sunshine in Baha’s world, super laidback, snarky, unflappable with an extra inch in height that made his boyfriend’s eye twitch the first few times they met. Jackson is also a shifter but not a dinosaur. His other form is imposing enough to stand toe to toe with a spinosaurus. The courting scene where Jackson in shifted form was squee-ing at Baha’s shark offering was so adorbs!!

    Baha and Jackson starred in Sink or Swim, where they posed as fake fiances on a cruise ship hosting a black market auction. The USTs are chef’s kiss, and I loved that the author paired two mighty beasts. One is the ruler of the air, and the other is the ruler of the sea. Grumpy Baha won me over because who knew the man was a closet romantic, and Jackson was such a charmer!

    Royal “Calgari” – superhacker and mentor to Dalton, Royal is the calmer version of our favorite punk but just as bad a troublemaker if not more. He loves anime, movies, games and pop culture in general. This triceratops shifter considers YOI’s Victor his husbando. Normally working behind a computer, Royal was tasked to visit a new fossil site in case another of their kind would appear there. Along the way, he stopped at a club and had an anonymous encounter. To his surprise, he met the same individual, Blaise, in the fossil site live streaming his dino fight with two other dinosaurs.

    Blaise – a fabulous, sassy, science geek and sometimes drag queen hoping to make it big as a science communicator. Lucky to be at the right place at the right time, his (hopefully) big break came with his video of men shifting to dinosaurs then having a dino royal rumble. He and Royal went on a merry chase looking for the new shifter and dodging bad guys.

    Royal and Blaise starred in King & Queen, another road trip romance, but this time, in search of the missing artifact and a runaway shifter. The snark and sass were a riot! I loved how Royal’s colorful geeky wardrobe complemented Blaise’s creative clothes. The drag scene was so hilarious I wished there were more moments of the MCs in drag. This book introduced a new MC, Henry, who promptly latched on to Blaise.

    Yu – a free spirit and most mysterious member of RELIC, this yutyrannus is almost as old as Montana and had roamed the fields of Mongolia and China. His first meeting with Lance was 100 years prior as a bandit whom the smaller man shot for invading their fossil site. The kind-hearted Lance then nursed him back to health and gave him hard candy, a treat that Yu still enjoyed to the present day. Yu had many loves throughout his long lifetime, but he never forgot the first one who shot him.

    Lance – a shy, awkward man of multiple doctorates working as the geneticist for the rival group, Origin. His shifter form is a troodon and brace yourself for the cutest protect-my-boyfriend-against-the-bad-guys scene! He and Yu were on a mission to retrieve the most important fossil from the black market.

    Yu and Lance starred in Lost in Amber, a second-chance romance set primarily in China where Yu was to retrieve a rare artifact. I loved the idea of two nearly immortal creatures finding each other again after a century of pining. Lance is also adorkable, and his 1920s bowtie fashion gave me joy. Yu has such a wuxia prince-turned-fashion model vibe! Their candy connection is sweet in many ways. This book also revealed unlikely alliances and key elements that would shake the RELIC boys to their core.

    Montana – big daddy T. Rex a.k.a. Captain America, perpetually grieving his dead husband while running a tight ship in RELIC and being big bro to everyone. Montana has such a cowboy vibes that strangers assume he’s one. He’s the oldest shifter and has the biggest form, being a T. Rex. He’s intimidating and well-respected, even by his nemesis from Origin. His latest mission is to retrieve the very important stolen artifact connected to Yu’s mission and he reluctantly takes Henry with him.

    Henry “Horseshoe” – the newest member and an albertosaurus shifter still learning the ways of the human world under Baha’s strict tutelege. Henry is a plant daddy and has a child-like POV, a bit naive but also surprisingly knowledgeable too, and fervently in love with Montana. His problem is that Montana is spectacularly oblivious, seeing Henry only as their youngest brother. His initial attempts to woo the T. Rex were hilarious disasters and so he resolved to go with Montana on his mission.

    Montana and Henry starred in Gardens & Ghosts, the longest book in the series and has everything we love about RELIC. From the forced proximity trope and second chance romance, the heist and the car chases, the thrilling shifts and dinosaur rampages, and, of course, the determined and heart-melting way our albertosaurus won over his T. Rex, this is one heck of a series finale!

    A bit spoilerish, but I know some readers care about such things. The biggest elephant in the room is that while our shifters are practically immortal, their human mates will age. This part hit Dalton hard, and my heart went out to our favorite punk dinosaur. One of my favorite aspects of the story is that a question I had since the beginning was finally answered!

    RELIC is one of the funniest and most entertaining series I’ve ever read. I binged the entire series because I didn’t want the boys’ adventures to end. The author crafted a fascinating world, and I’m excited to learn that she has other shifter books.

    Overall, it’s a modern gem and a prehistoric delight!

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of RELIC. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

    RELICKindle | Audiobook

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    SOUNDTRACK: Tonight, Tonight by The Smashing Pumpkins, You Were Right by Rufus du Sol, Found Me by Men I Trust, Loon by Bears and Lions & Bloom by The Paper Kites

    Soundtrack to RELIC: Smash & Grab by Maz Maddox

    Tonight, Tonight by Smashing Pumpkins for a book where a punk convinces a scholar of the past to live in the present and enjoy the moment.

    And our lives are forever changed
    We will never be the same
    The more you change, the less you feel

    Believe in me
    Believe, believe

    That life can change
    That you’re not stuck in vain
    We’re not the same, we’re different

    Believe in me
    Believe, believe

    In the resolute urgency of now

    Soundtrack to RELIC: Sink or Swim by Maz Maddox

    You Were Right by Rufus du Sol for a book about a bet, a heist and a combustible chemistry in the middle of the sea.

    You were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you
    Leave it all bloom, you were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you, no
    The things that I would do

    Under the water, I’m sinking further down
    Floating I’m nothing, I’m nothing
    Arms are wide open, I’m calling out your name
    Sitting and waiting, I’m waiting

    Soundtrack to RELIC: King & Queen by Maz Maddox

    Found Me by Men I Trust for a book about a wandering queen finding a home among fearsome and the wild.

    Motion blurred dream visions and kindred faces
    Thoughts like bursts of youth taking me places
    Living the best outcome of myself
    ‘Cause I do remember where I come from

    I’m happy
    My home found me
    By which force I do not know
    I found my home and it grows by me in beauty

    Soundtrack to RELIC: Lost In Amber by Maz Maddox

    Loon by Bears and Lions for a book where raptors of the same feather find each other.

    he happiest bird is the one that is heard
    the happiest thing is the one that has wings
    the happiest voice is the one that has a choice

    so fly away and be free and make it on your own
    fly fly fly now you’re free
    will you find your way back to me

    Soundtrack to RELIC: Gardens & Ghosts by Maz Maddox

    Bloom by The Paper Kites for a book about a plant loving shifter, a cowboy T. Rex, lots of unrequited feels and Cotton-Eyed Joe.

    In the morning when I wake
    And the sun is coming through,
    Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness,
    And you fill my head with you.

    Shall I write it in a letter?
    Shall I try to get it down?
    Oh, you fill my head with pieces
    Of a song I can’t get out.

    Can I take you to a moment
    Where the fields are painted gold
    And the trees are filled with memories
    Of the feelings never told?

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    Time is never time at all
    You can never ever leave
    Without leaving a piece of youth

    And our lives are forever changed
    We will never be the same
    The more you change, the less you feel

    Believe in me
    Believe, believe

    That life can change
    That you’re not stuck in vain
    We’re not the same, we’re different

    Tonight, so bright

    And you know you’re never sure
    But you’re sure you could be right
    If you held yourself up to the light

    And the embers never fade
    In your city by the lake
    The place where you were born

    Believe in me
    Believe, believe

    In the resolute urgency of now
    And if you believe there’s not a chance

    Tonight, so bright

    We’ll crucify the insincere tonight
    We’ll make things right, we’ll feel it all tonight
    We’ll find a way to offer up the night
    The indescribable moments of your life
    The impossible is possible tonight

    Believe in me as I believe in you
    Tonight, tonight

    You were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you
    Leave it all bloom, you were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you, no
    The things that I would do

    Under the water, I’m sinking further down
    Floating I’m nothing, I’m nothing
    Arms are wide open, I’m calling out your name
    Sitting and waiting, I’m waiting

    You were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you
    Leave it all bloom, you were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you, no
    The things that I would do

    I’m cold in the river
    Lips moving there’s no sound
    Pulling me under, I’m under
    You’ve given me nothing
    Keep telling me I’ll be fine
    Keeping me kissing, out guessing

    You were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you
    Leave it all bloom, you were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you, no
    The things that I would do

    You were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you
    Leave it all bloom, you were right
    I know I can’t get enough of you, no
    The things that I would do

    Motion blurred dream visions and kindred faces
    Thoughts like bursts of youth taking me places
    Living the best outcome of myself
    ‘Cause I do remember where I come from

    I’m happy
    My home found me
    By which force I do not know
    I found my home and it grows by me in beauty

    I feel air from another planet akin
    Like a sense of truth that comes from within
    A budding sapling reaching through
    Giving rise to higher fruit and view

    I’m happy
    My home found me
    By which force I do not know
    I found my home and it grows by me in beauty

    I’m happy
    My home found me
    By which force I do not know
    I found my home and it grows by me in beauty

    the happiest bird is the one that is heard
    the happiest thing is the one that has wings
    the happiest voice is the one that has a choice

    so fly away and be free and make it on your own
    fly fly fly now you’re free
    will you find your way back to me
    back to me
    back to me
    back to me

    the happiest loon is the one that knows her way
    that loon’s gotta think about it every single day
    let her fly to the place that she wants to go
    bet she flown and coop yourself
    but you found your way back home

    fly fly fly now you’re free
    will you find your way back to me
    fly fly fly now you’re free

    will you find your way back to me
    back to me
    back to me
    back to me

    will you find your way back to me

    In the morning when I wake
    And the sun is coming through,
    Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness,
    And you fill my head with you.

    Shall I write it in a letter?
    Shall I try to get it down?
    Oh, you fill my head with pieces
    Of a song I can’t get out.

    Can I be close to you?
    Ooh-oo-oo-ooh, ooh
    Can I be close to you?
    Ooh, ooh.

    Can I take you to a moment
    Where the fields are painted gold
    And the trees are filled with memories
    Of the feelings never told?

    When the evening pulls the sun down,
    And the day is almost through,
    Oh, the whole world it is sleeping,
    But my world is you.

    Can I be close to you?
    (Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).
    Can I be close to you?
    (Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).

    Can I be close to you?
    (Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).
    Can I be close to you?
    (Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).

    Can I be close to you?
    Ooh, ooh.

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    SERIES REVIEW: Secrets and Scrabble Books 6-7 by Josh Lanyon

    Secrets and Scrabble: Lament at Loon Landing – Josh Lanyon

    Fakes, folk music, and ghost fires

    When legendary folk singer Lara Fairplay agrees to make her comeback appearance at Pirate Cove’s annual maritime music festival, everyone in the quaint seaside village is delighted—including mystery bookstore owner and sometimes amateur sleuth, Ellery Page.

    Lara is scheduled to perform a recently discovered piece of music attributed to “the father of American music,” Stephen Foster.

    Several mysterious accidents later, Ellery is less delighted—especially when it becomes clear to him that someone plans to silence the celebrity songbird forever.

    4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits

    Soundtrack: Loon
    Artist: Volody

    Secrets and Scrabble: Death at the Deep Dive – Josh Lanyon

    When Pirate Cove’s mystery bookstore owner and sometimes-amateur sleuth Ellery Page discovers a vintage diving collection bag full of antique gold coins tucked away for safe keeping in the stockroom of The Crow’s Nest, it sets off a series of increasingly dangerous events, culminating in meeting Police Chief Jack Carson’s parents. Er… Culminating in murder.

    4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits

    Soundtrack: Dive
    Artist: Olivia Dean

    Secrets and Scrabble is a charming cozy mystery set in small-town Pirates’ Cove starring former actor and now bookseller Ellery Page, and his boyfriend, Police Chief Jack Carson.

    At this point, the series is now more cozy than mysterious. The experience more a pleasant visit to old (very nosy) friends than an exercise at sleuthing. The books are highly entertaining, the characters are mostly septuagenarians running a very, very efficient gossip mill, and Ellery and Jack are uber-endearing as a couple.

    For Lament at Loon Landing, the island is graced by the presence of an ex-con folk singer and her colorful entourage. With death threats hanging over her head, Ellery is voluntold to find out if the threats are real. Our boy now has a reputation as a sleuth, and as much as it exasperates Jack, the chief is still the supportive boyfriend who helps Ellery with tips a.k.a. case notes here and there.

    Death at the Deep Dive circles back to the doubloons Ellery and Jack found during their diving date in Book 5, Body at Buccaneer’s Bay. The matriarch of one of the old families, the Shantys, hired Ellery to find out who killed her brother, the former owner of the doubloons.

    For both books, the culprits were very obvious. I’m not sure if author Josh Lanyon is mirroring the real world, where the main suspect is usually the criminal. It was all a matter of tagging along until Ellery connected the dots.

    Not to say the mysteries are not intriguing because they are. It’s how they weave through island life, moving Ellery through various peoples and locales of Pirate’s Cove. It makes everything more immersive.

    In Book 6, the conflict between the MCs is Jack torn between his duty as the police chief and his personal connections with the people involved in the case. I am Team Jack here because the Chief is really just doing his job.

    For Book 7, not much relationship conflict here. Things are getting more serious between Ellery and Jack. The ending was a super cute surprise!

    Lament at Loon Landing and Death at the Deep Dive kept Secrets and Scrabble‘s cozy small-town magic going strong. The mysteries might not be mindboggling, but overall, I’m eager for another exciting stay.

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of Secrets and Scrabble. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

    Secrets and Scrabble

    If you like my content, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi or PayPal. Your donations will help keep this website going. Thank you so much!

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    SOUNDTRACK: Loon by Volody & Dive by Olivia Dean

    Soundtrack to Secrets and Scrabble: Lament at Loon Landing by Josh Lanyon

    Loon by Volody for a book about a folk singer and her lying, cheating, stealing manager/husband.

    oh it’s a pity
    you gotta treat me this way
    I maybe crazy
    but darling you made me that way

    one day you say you love me and you never let go
    the next day I found my life on the block(?)
    voices in my head they say I ought to let you go

    perhaps some sleep might do me good
    I’ve been cockled at best
    but when I close my bloodshot eyes
    and rest my weary head

    Soundtrack to Secrets and Scrabble: Death at the Deep Dive by Josh Lanyon

    Dive by Olivia Dean for a book about a police chief taking the plunge and his amateur sleuth boyfriend who made it worth it.

    It’s so crazy
    Lately you just understand my feelings
    Make me see I’m capable and fine
    And feeling beautified
    Tonight, I’m ready to dive

    Maybe it’s the loving in your eyes (I’m here, see through)
    Maybe it’s the magic in the wine (I’m feeling loose)
    Maybe it’s the fact that every time I fall, I lose it all
    But you got me from my head to my feet
    And I’m ready to dive

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    oh it’s a pity
    you gotta treat me this way
    I maybe crazy
    but darling you made me that way

    one day you say you love me and you never let go
    the next day I found my life on the block(?)
    voices in my head they say I ought to let you go

    perhaps some sleep might do me good
    I’ve been cockled at best
    but when I close my bloodshot eyes
    and rest my weary head

    I dream of you and very soon
    I’m howling at the moon
    like a loonatic

    why must you tease me
    my love for you is just a game
    I’m cracking up now
    yes my mind could use a break

    so go ahead and lock me up
    and throw away the key
    some peace and quiet (?)
    where my thought can’t bother me

    I have to let you go
    but I just can’t get you off my brain

    ah it’s a pity
    you gotta treat me this way
    I maybe crazy
    well darling I have you to blame

    you got me talking knock knock
    (I maybe crazy)

    ***NOT THE OFFICIAL LYRICS (my own transcription)

    It isn’t working
    I’m a tidal wave of question marks
    And you’re just surfing
    Leaning into me like it’s an art

    It’s so crazy
    Lately you just understand my feelings
    Make me see I’m capable and fine
    And feeling beautified
    Tonight, I’m ready to dive

    Maybe it’s the loving in your eyes (I’m here, see through)
    Maybe it’s the magic in the wine (I’m feeling loose)
    Maybe it’s the fact that every time I fall, I lose it all
    But you got me from my head to my feet
    And I’m ready to dive

    ‘Cause the water’s warm
    And nothing is wrong, it’s all right, yeah
    I’m coming out and diving in tonight

    I feel like it’s crazy
    Lately you just understand my feelings
    Make me see I’m capable and fine
    And feeling beautified
    Tonight, I’m ready to dive

    Maybe it’s the loving in your eyes (I’m here, see through)
    Maybe it’s the magic in the wine (I’m feeling loose)
    Maybe it’s the fact that every time I fall, I lose it all
    But you got me from my head to my feet
    And I’m ready to dive

    Diving into you, diving into me
    Wanna swim good and I wanna swim deep
    I’m diving into you, diving into me
    Wanna swim good and I wanna swim deep
    I’m diving into you, diving into me
    Wanna swim good and I wanna swim deep
    I’m diving into you, diving into me

    Maybe it’s the loving in your eyes (I’m here, see through)
    Maybe it’s the magic in the wine (I’m feeling loose)
    Maybe it’s the fact that every time I fall, I lose it all
    But you got me from my head to my feet
    And I’m ready to dive

    Right into you
    I’m ready to dive (right into you)
    Maybe is the fact that every time I fall, I lose it all
    But you got me from my head to my feet
    And I’m ready to dive