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    REVIEW: Can’t Help Falling in Love with an Alien by Chloe Archer

    Tentacular Tales: Can’t Help Falling in Love with an Alien – Chloe Archer


    Working for the Alliance is a sci-fi nerd’s dream–aka mine–come true. I’ve even won the heart of my grumpy-sexy alien boyfriend. Nothing can bring me down, baby. I’m walking on freaking sunshine! Except now one of Kai’s douchey AF exes decides to turn up like a bad case of crabs. I don’t trust him one bit. But I’ve got even bigger problems to worry about. Like helping some awesome aliens in trouble, and maybe moving in with Kai, who’s totally going to propose any day now—right? Oh, and my shady relatives might be hiring an assassin to take me out. So, you know, a day in the life of River Sullivan. I’m sure everything’s going to be fine. Won’t it?


    We’ve finally got a new lead on the drug dealer targeting extraterrestrials on Earth. But the more we unravel in this investigation, the less I like it. Outside of work though, things are going amazingly well with my adorable mate–dear galactic gods, how did that happen? But with an ex back in my life and wanting to be friends, and the threat of a potential assassin looming, things are getting a little complicated. I love River with both my hearts—and all five tentacles—but even I’m worried I might not be able to protect him from the dangers ahead. Also, I need to figure out how the heck I’m going to propose to him. River deserves something “epic,” and I don’t want to let him down. Am I going to be able to deliver?

    Can’t Help Falling in Love with an Alien (Tentacular Tales #2) is a (116,000 words) M/M sci-fi rom com and the second book in the series. It should be read in chronological order. This installment features a pajama party date that will go down in infamy, inappropriate team t-shirts, a half-baked love poem, more Captain Starblade and Lord Vardox, drunken shenanigans courtesy of spaceship moonshine, unexpected mating instincts, plenty of new aliens with problems for River to solve, and tentacles galore. And possibly an epic proposal? This book has an HFN ending and no cheating. Never fear—there is a guaranteed HEA by the end of the series!

    Can’t Help Falling in Love with an Alien, Book 2 of Tentacular Tales, continues the tentacular shenanigans of interspecies couple River Sullivan and Captain Kai Genaro. It picks up after the events of the second book, where the Alliance is working on the case of drugs being smuggled and illegally used on the resident aliens of Las Vegas. It also moves Kai and River’s relationship forward.

    I’m on the fence with this second book. I understand why the author went with the direction the story went. It makes sense to follow River’s career in the Alliance, as well as clues to his alien heritage, not to mention the riveting, super epic love/hate affair between Captain Starblade and Lord Vardox. It takes a special kind of genius to make me more excited about a fictional couple written by a fictional character than the actual MCs of the story.

    And I enjoyed watching River deploy his crazy ideas to help aliens integrate better in human society. The fact that he genuinely wants to help the displaced aliens, and his ideas are ingenious and effective are points in his favor.

    But I also want the series to follow a different couple per installment. I am dying to read about the notorious playboy Mel winning over the demisexual Big Lebowsky, Uncle Benjie. And the petite but spicy twink, Evan, seducing the hulking blue virgin alien, Zion.

    I am sad to say the book was too long with a saggy middle I struggled to go through. And because I am extra bitter about recent anxiety-inducing events in my work-life, I am not happy with how Kai is frequently put in embarrassing situations supposedly in the name of love. I sympathized with Kai at how even his mother relishes her son’s humiliations. All because he’s the introvert of the family, and introverts are always being forced out of their shells.

    Kai is a grump but he’s a good guy. It was endearing how he wants to be a better person for River. Personally, I think it is River who should learn to reign it in sometimes. (Again, don’t mind me. I am just tired of loud people right now.)

    Happily, the story picked up at the third arc. The Magic Mike climax really brought the energy up several notches. Those multi-colored aliens sure knew how to bring the house down! This is why I love River’s wacky ideas!

    Can’t Help Falling in Love with an Alien is an entertaining sequel (especially when I am in a better frame of mind). I’m in it for Kai and the rest of the not-so-loud characters, humans and aliens alike. Most especially the hotter-than-blue-stars romance between Captain Starblade and Lord Vardox. It’s a book that needs to be written, and its going to be out of this world! So please, please, please write it, Chloe Archer!

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Alien Lover
    Artist: Luscious Jackson
    Album: Electric Honey


    Tentacular Tales must be read in order. Witness a relentless courtship, a sci-fi erotica gone viral, and an intergalactic Tom Jones in It’s Not Unusual To Be Loved by an Alien

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    SOUNDTRACK: Alien Lover by Luscious Jackson

    Soundtrack to Tentacular Tales: Can’t Help Falling in Love with an Alien by Chloe Archer

    Alien Lover by Luscious Jackson for a book about a grumpy, tentacled alien in heat and a twinky, super-extra mate fanning the flames.

    Lightship lover interplanetary other sci-fi brother
    If you are somewhere above us
    Air wave raver cybercrazed savior
    Pest resistant, optimistic, send me a sign
    I’m a low-meg rapper, fertile futuristic flapper
    Regenerating cells and sending out spells

    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover
    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover

    I’m lovesick baby for your saturnine behavior
    Heard your flavor makes you come off even stranger
    Hear my whisper when I tell you, I’m your sister
    Fly me first class over to your pad

  • quote,  Uncategorized

    Lightship lover interplanetary other sci-fi brother
    If you are somewhere above us
    Air wave raver cybercrazed savior
    Pest resistant, optimistic, send me a sign
    I’m a low-meg rapper, fertile futuristic flapper
    Regenerating cells and sending out spells

    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover
    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover

    I’m lovesick baby for your saturnine behavior
    Heard your flavor makes you come off even stranger
    Hear my whisper when I tell you, I’m your sister
    Fly me first class over to your pad

    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover
    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover

    We’re all rockin’, it you should be rockin’ it
    Bringin’ it on ’til the break of dawn
    If you’re diggin’ it, you should be singin’ it
    Keep, keep on, so we’re bringin’ you all the fine
    Ladies and we do like foolin’ around, so bring
    All your cats and your fanny packs, get up, get up, get down

    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover
    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover

    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover
    Hear me now, I’m an alien lover