
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Getting To Know You by Jennifer M.D. Cox (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Title: Getting to Know You

Author: Jennifer MD Cox

Publisher: NineStar Press

Release Date: 05/28/2024

Heat Level: 1 – No Sex

Pairing: Female/Female

Length: 98900

Genre: Contemporary, contemporary, romance, lesbian, actors, Los Angeles, stage theater/play production, Jewish culture, toxic ex, found family and community, following dreams, pets

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Maggie Fromm moved to LA to follow a dream: to become an actress and live happily ever after with her high school sweetheart. When her heart is broken after a year of eking out a living, Maggie finds herself fighting for her dream alone. Her luck may change when she meets Gwen Knowles, a talented and spirited director drawn to Maggie’s energy on stage.

As they work to bring an independent play to life, Maggie and Gwen face shadows from their past—but this time, they have each other.


Getting to Know You
Jennifer MD Cox © 2024
All Rights Reserved

The worst part about sitting in the waiting room was having to look at all the other girls.

Maggie tried to practice slow breathing, but she could feel her cheeks burning regardless. She couldn’t help it. She was in a room filled with dozens of attractive women. And most of them were redheads–but why?

Maggie’s own thick, curly, walnut-brown hair fell across her face as she jerked her head down to reread the posting clutched in her hands. Nothing in the casting call said anything about red hair; she was certain. Her headshot, paper-clipped to her short resumé, didn’t conflict with any of the listed requirements. She was between five and five and a half feet, she was light skinned, and she could do a believable Irish accent. She’d even googled “Irish fashion” and assembled an outfit of warm jeans with a long, flowing sweater to better look the part of “Irish girl in St. Patrick’s Day commercial.” When she left the apartment that morning, she was at least half convinced she had a shot at being chosen to sell beer on national television. Several hours later, as redhead after redhead had passed her in line, she felt what little optimism she had deflating.

The girl next to Maggie, who’d clearly added freckles with makeup, had been chattering to her in an exaggerated Irish accent for hours. She also noticed the red hair trend. “T’at’s silly o’ t’em,” she said. “Don’t t’ey know t’at t’e most common ’air color in Éire is dark brown or black?”

Maggie only nodded with a small “Mmhmm” in return.

“T’ey’re overdoing it,” said the freckled girl. “Pro’lly new to t’e scene. Not like you, now, you didnae over t’ink. Have you been doing t’is long?”

Maggie thought about the hours she had spent trying to choose a sweater and practicing her accent in the bathroom mirror. “Not really,” she said quietly. “Just about a year.”

Freckles beamed encouragingly. “A year? Wow, good for ye! Are you new to t’e area t’en?”

“Um…my girlfriend and I moved here together not long ago.”

“T’at’s good you had a friend wit’ya. It’s awful to move somewhere wit’ no friends. I was here six months ’fore I had any friends t’ang out wit’, and my first roommate was a nightmare. In fact, I’m looking fer a new roommate right now. She quit and moved back ’ome t’er folks in Mississippi. I better find someone soon, rent’s due next T’ursday.”

Maggie cringed and opened her mouth, debating whether it was worth correcting the stranger’s use of the word “friend,” but Freckles continued.

“If you’re new to t’e area, ye should join m’ group on Facebook. It’s fer girls like us, trying t’ make it. Never know when y’ might need advice on an audition or where the safest sushi t’eat is.”

Freckles scribbled the name of a group on the back of her copy of the audition advertisement, tore it off, and handed it to Maggie. “Thank you,” she said, and she meant it.

Freckles might be a chatterbox, but she was right. It was difficult being new to the area with no friends, even though Maggie was lucky enough to not be alone.

The door at the far end of the room opened, and a voice called, “Margaret Fromm?”

Freckles gave her a big thumbs-up. “Luck of t’e Irish, girl!”

Maggie gave her a small wave and walked into the audition room, knowing she wouldn’t get the part. She was fairly certain Freckles wouldn’t either.


NineStar Press | Books2Read

Meet the Author

Jennifer earned her minor in creative writing from Alfred University in 2016. As a pansexual genderflux individual and a trauma-informed mental health counselor, they’re passionate about representation in fiction. Each story she tells is an opportunity to explore the beauty in nonconformity, healing, and diversity. After a lifetime of putting imagination to paper, Jennifer’s debut novel, Getting to Know You, came into being as a promise kept to a friend. Jennifer lives in the Finger Lakes with her family, where they enjoy tabletop roleplaying games, sewing, and cuddling their cat.

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