
BOOK TOUR: Shadows of the Past by Drako (Giveaway + Guest Post)

Hidden pasts don’t stay in the shadows forever. What’s done in the dark has to come to light.

Shadows of the Past

Journeys Book 1

by Drako

Genre: LGBTQ M/M Fantasy Romance

Landon Auberon seems like a normal black gay male. He’s attractive and funny, a bit of a smartass, and is out and proud. He’s got a boyfriend, a girl best friend, and a kid almost like a younger brother to him. But he’s far more than he seems. A being from a magical race forced into the mortal life, his past isn’t too far behind him. His king has returned to call on his service, and old foes and new team up to break up the monotony of his mortal existence. Can Landon protect everyone he loves and keep them around as what was donne in the dark comes to light?

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Can you, for those who don’t know you already, tell something about yourself and how you

became an author?

I started writing for an assignment back in fifth grade. I wrote a very cheesy romance story that I then tried to expand into a book. Then started new books and just never really stopped. Now I’m publishing my 11 book, this one being the first in my third series.


What are some of your pet peeves?

I can’t stand people who use the word literally incorrectly. If you say something is literally on fire, I should see flames.


Where were you born/grew up at?

Born and raised in St Louis Missouri, which I use frequently as a setting throughout the course of my books. STL needs a little magic added to it.


If you knew you’d die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?

Honestly, I’d be utterly unhinged. Spend money that I clearly don’t have to pay back, let out every grievance I’ve previously had with someone that they haven’t heard personally.


What kind of world ruler would you be?

I would be chaotic.


What are you passionate about these days?

LGBT rights, fixing the foster care system, eliminating unnecessary stress from daily life.


What do you do to unwind and relax?

Videogames, especially when I just need to no longer stare at a computer screen and think too hard.


How to find time to write as a parent?

When my kids were in the home, I did my writing when they were busy with TV or games. I also did writing at my day jobs (surprising how much time you find to write when you work in a call center taking the same calls all the time) or when the kids were asleep and I haven’t fallen asleep yet.


When did you first consider yourself a writer?

Probably after I published the first two books. Didn’t label myself as a writer before then even though I was.


Do you have a favorite movie?

V for Vendetta


Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?

They’d be better as a TV series actually, and all of them. There’s a lot of drama and a large cast in each series.


As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

A dragon (my author name actually means dragon)


Drako was born in 1987 in St. Louis, Missouri. He is mainly a fantasy writer, though he also writes some poetry and general fiction. He is very active on both twitter and facebook and has his own website at www.drakosden.com which is frequently updated with news on his books and fun extras. When he isn’t writing, he’s busy taking care of his children, playing videogames, reading, promoting, and spending time with family.

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