This seems like a fun challenge to participate it. Let’s see how many letters I can get.
I is impetous, invasions and introspections.
Aside from Nancy Drew, historical romance novels were my go to reads when I was in elementary school, having given copies by a classmate whose mom was also our teacher. After a while, histrom stories all seemed the same. The Wallflower series by Lisa Kleypas stood out because it was so well-conceived and well-written. I love how the characters actually felt alive and distinct. Lillian and Marcus’ story was really funny and charming.
I think there’s an entire generation of shippers who had gone down in flames with Lestat+Louis ship. I was one of them.
I was a teenager when I read this book and it had a pretty huge impact, one of which was that, IMO, Barker triumphs King when it comes to horror. The sheer scope of this book alone could be overwhelming. Also love the fact it had a genderfluid character as one of the MCs and a gay couple way before LGBTQ books became mainstream.
I think this is one of Charlie Cochet’s most underrated works. Also one of the most delicious slow build romance ever.
The truth is a bicycle ride away.
Robert Cormier is an all-time favorite author whose books were way ahead of their time.
Super cute and totes adorbs! Also poignant and heartbreaking.
I love the Adam and Tork series. It’s one of Claire Davis & Al Stewart’s best work.
I hate myself and I want to die is a phase I went through as a surly adolescent listening to grunge and alternative. The book is a hilarious dissection of songs from Manilow to Metallica and why they’re depressing as fuck.