MANGA: Haikei, Niisan-sama
Haikei, Niisan-sama – Tagura Tohru
Yutaka gets his yearly letter from his beloved older brother.
Because brotherly love is the best thing in the world…
A story of pure hearts, innocence and things left unsaid. For those who like light, slow-paced summer stories. -
[vimeo 105741162 w=500 h=281]
Today’s the day. The day you help save the internet from being ruined.
Yes, you are, and we’re ready to help you.
(Long story short: The FCC is about to make a critical decision as to whether or not internet service providers have to treat all traffic equally. If they choose wrong, then the internet where anyone can start a website for any reason at all, the internet that’s been so momentous, funny, weird, and surprising—that internet could cease to exist. Here’s your chance to preserve a beautiful thing.)