BLOG TOUR: Vinny by Andy Siege (Excerpt + Q&A with Author)
12 TOUR DAYS OF CHRISTMAS: Deck The Hulls by Kat Cassidy
COVER REVEAL: Deck The Hulls by Kat Cassidy (Giveaway)
BLOG TOUR: Broken Mirror by Cody Sisco (Excerpt & Giveaway)
BLOG TOUR: Glitches of Gods by Jurgen “Jojo” Appelo (Excerpt & Giveaway)
RELEASE BLITZ: Oyster by Fearne Hill (Giveaway)
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Siphany and the Whale by Susan Jane Bigelow (Excerpt & Giveaway)
COVER & EXCERPT REVEAL: Oyster by Fearne Hill (Excerpt & Giveaway)
BOOK BLAST: The Witch Who Owned Time by Mia Story (Excerpt)
NEW RELEASE BLITZ: Shadow House by Joe Rielinger (Excerpt & Giveaway)