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    REVIEW: Like Father, Like Son by Quin Perin

    Like Father, Like Son by Quin Perin

    Surprise, it’s a boy!

    I never wanted to know him.

    Never even suspected his existence. But once I knew, I had to see him. Had to see if it was true.

    He has your eyes, your hair, your dimples.

    Timothee is everything I used to be, full of life, full of joy. He’s also a sassy little sh*t.

    He has me wrapped around his fingers, so damn easily.

    My son? He’s trouble.

    What we share is all kinds of wrong, even if it feels oh so right.

    ***LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON is a forbidden love romance, full of snark and k*nk. Please heed warning at the beginning of the book.

    A read inspired by those inbred dragon whisperers. Like Father, Like Son is a forbidden daddy kink romance where one boy’s daddy was his actual dad.

    Jobbing thief Devon receives a bombshell that he has a 17-year old son named Timothee. Setting out to the next town to meet him, Dev stops at a bar where a very attractive and barely legal young man grabs his interest. They had a hook up that ended with the little shit sneaking away after robbing Dev. Guess what happens when he arrives at his son’s house…

    Flesh and blood connections aside, this pretty much reads like the usual daddy/boy, age gap romance where the younger character is the active pursuer. Dev is the first to admit he’s no father figure. Meanwhile, Tim has no familial sentiments associated with Dev, which removes any major angsting over morality and fuck up-ness of what they’re doing.

    The recently homeless and penniless Tim had no qualms using sex to persuade the initially reluctant Dev to let him stay at his rundown apartment. The manipulative little shit even manage to finagle a non-sexual father/son bonding time. This part was a little bittersweet because it was obvious the young man wanted some fatherly affection and had to resort to tactics just to get it. I liked this part best because it was a what-could-have-been if the two had met under different circumstances. It also showed a softer side to these tough characters.

    The story is from both Dev’s and Tim’s 1st-person POVs. Most of the character development came from Dev’s side. He had to come to terms with having a son who is also his lover, while Tim was quick to get over it, blase even. I’m neutral about these two, they’re both compelling characters, but daddy-kink romance isn’t my cup of tea.

    There were a couple of characters who came in to stir the possessive sides of the two MCs. First is Jason, the son of the mobster to whom Dev owed money. Their high-stakes pool challenge had Dev biting his nails while sassy boy Tim put his ass on the line. Had a laugh at how skillfully Tim could wrap his dad around his little finger. Dev didn’t know what hit him!

    Brandon is Devon’s regular hook-up who came over because the dork was being cagey. Tim was in no way sharing his daddy and proceeded to mark his territory in the most explicit way possible right in front of the competition. After Tim made his point, had another laugh at the part where Brandon tells Dev he’s going to be the best daddy to Tim. Then gives him a wink. Dev’s a daddy, alright.

    No fairy tale endings for our deviant duo. Not much of an ending really, which is to be expected. Because how do you give an HEA for two lovers already bound by flesh and blood? Let them happily carry on, I guess.

    3.5 Stars – that place between like and love

    Soundtrack: Human
    Artist: Rumgold
    Album: Thicker Than Water

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