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    SERIES REVIEW: Lake Prophet Books 1 & 2 by Eli Easton & R.J. Scott

    Lake Prophet: Solstice – Eli Easton & R.J. Scott

    From the dramatic peaks of the Olympic mountain range to the small town of Prophet, murder is only a footstep away. Gabriel is a former undercover cop haunted by the things he’s seen and done. He returns to his small hometown of Prophet, taking on the role of sheriff, hoping to mend his fractured relationship with his estranged brother and rebuild his life. But when a chilling murder occurs at Sentinel Rocks, a sacred Makah site on Lake Prophet, Gabriel’s dreams of peace and reconciliation are shattered. Gabriel navigates a web of intrigue, where suspects abound; from local tribal elders to fervent Solstice worshippers and even those hunting the elusive Big Foot. When the brutal murder leaves Duke, a loyal Labrador retriever, as the sole witness, Gabriel stumbles upon an unexpected ally—a local animal behaviorist named Tiber. Tiber, a newcomer to Prophet, seeks refuge in this remote haven, attempting to escape his own inner demons. Armed with his extraordinary ability to communicate with animals, he offers his expertise through video consultations, helping pet owners with their beloved companions. While he attributes his skill to his academic background, his intuition and flashes of insight owe as much to his Navajo heritage as to science. With the relentless rain washing away sins and good intentions alike, Gabriel and Tiber must begin to confront their own vulnerabilities and unravel the truth.

    4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits

    Soundtrack: Solace
    Artist: Fyfe
    Album: Control

    Lake Prophet: Equinox – Eli Easton & R.J. Scott

    The tranquility of Prophet is shattered when a local trail rider is killed and whispers of wolf packs and murder spread like wildfire.

    Three months after the murder of Mike Bressett, the sleepy town of Prophet faces another tragedy—the death of Billy Odette, a well-liked Makah man who ran trail rides for the tourists. When Billy is discovered to have been the victim of a vicious animal attack, dragged right off a popular trail, angry locals are quick to blame a wolf pack that’s recently moved into the area. But Sheriff Gabriel Thompson learns that the death isn’t as simple as it seems when decades-long animosities and secrets come to light.

    A figure from Tiber Russo’s past cast a shadow over his blossoming friendship with Gabriel and dashed any hope for a meaningful relationship. However, as Tiber confronts the demon on his doorstep he turns to Gabriel for help, and all the reasons he has to stay apart become nothing at all.

    While Tiber and a local wildlife painter fight to protect the wolves, Gabriel has to unravel a tangled web of deception, betrayal, and long-held grudges and as the mystery unfolds, he discovers Billy’s death is part of a larger plot that threatens his town and beyond, and when Tiber’s life is threatened, will Gabriel lose everything?

    4 Stars – minor quibbles but I loved it to bits

    Soundtrack: Free Animals
    Artist: Foreign Air
    Album: For The Light

    Lake Prophet is a gritty, small-town mystery series by Eli Easton & R.J. Scott. Prophet is in Washington state and has a significant Native American population.

    It is an area so remote, it feels like the edge of the world. It’s frequently mentioned that Prophet is the kind of place you end up in if you are running away from something. I love how the covers captured the atmosphere of Prophet!

    Solstice opens the series with the murder of the newly hired deputy found in the middle of the woods. Sheriff Gabriel Thompson and his rookie deputy, Devin, plus their dispatcher, Hen, have to handle the case on their own. The government agency (forgot name) that was supposed to investigate was in the middle of another case and couldn’t spare an agent.

    Mysterious symbols carved on the body point to ritualistic killings. One complication is that the victim’s dog is roaming near the area of the crime scene but refuses to be caught. This led the sheriff to approach an animal behaviorist who just transferred to Prophet Tiber Russo.

    Gabriel was a former undercover cop in the big city. This stint not only gave him PTSD but also caused a rift between him and his brothers. Now back in his hometown as the sheriff, he’s welcomed by the locals. But he has yet to win over his brother, Sam. Their younger brother Ezra is also antagonistic towards Gabriel.

    Tiber is one of those people running away from something. He built himself a secluded life in Prophet with his family of fauna. He prefers the company of dogs, rabbits, cats, a turtle, and a spider. When he saw Duke, he knew immediately what the dog was going through.

    Tiber rubbed me the wrong way initially. He was so abrasive and such a know-it-all. Gabriel was trying a little too hard to woo the other man, but the good sheriff knew how to back off when he learned of Tiber’s reasons why he did not want a relationship. Unlike most MM romance mysteries, the two didn’t start dating in the first book.

    The humans did their thing, but there are no doubts that this is Duke’s show. The dog is grieving his human. According to Tiber, Duke saw the murder happen and could identify the killer. And Duke. the bestest boy, checked the suspects one by one in search of the killer.

    The mystery is intriguing because Duke was the sole witness, and we see his POV through Tiber. Also, it was fun tagging along with Gabriel and Tiber and seeing the town come alive through them. There were some secondary characters and some obviously suspicious people thrown in to make the proceedings even more exciting. How they connect to the case was interesting to unravel.

    Equinox picks up some overarching threads from the first book. The case is the death of a ranch worker who appeared to be bitten by an animal while riding along a known hiking trail. The victim was from Sam’s ranch, and Sam immediately called Tiber to help him find the horse.

    The sheriff and a group of men went searching for the worker, and when they found the body, a scaremonger among them immediately cried “wolf” and demanded they be eliminated. Tiber and the famed wildlife painter Libby Smith knew the wolves in their area weren’t the culprits and went on a mission to save them.

    Gabriel, as the sheriff, juggles investigating the case, training the rookie, reconciling with his family, appeasing the locals, saving the wolves, and avoiding antagonizing the Native Americans, especially since the victim was one of them. On top of that, he’s keeping an eye on a ghost from Tiber’s past.

    The mystery makes interesting use of animals and is very effective in utilizing Tiber’s character in the investigation even though he’s not law enforcement. The investigation was my favorite part, suspenseful with a dash of Tiber’s magic.

    I picked Free Animal by Foreign Air as the song for this book when I realized the parallels between the caged animals in the story and Tiber’s mental cages caused by the abusive ex he is running away from.

    The asshole didn’t have many scenes, but the ones he had, I hated the evil bastard. I expected I had to suffer his presence for most of the book. So, I was relieved the authors kept his appearances to a minimum and resolved his part quickly.

    The diner confrontation scene was well-executed. You can feel the negativity and manipulation affecting Tiber. Then, when he saw that Gabriel was in the next booth silently supporting him, like a switch, you could feel the moment Tiber’s perspective shifted.

    And with Tiber free from trauma, he was also free to fall into the waiting arms of Gabriel.

    Lake Prophet delivers solid noir-ish mysteries, uplifting romance, and the most adorable found family of humans and creatures. Overall, a page-turning blend of thrilling investigations, heartwarming hurt comfort, and cute animal antics.


    Lake Prophet should be read in order. Duke says so!

    If you like my content, please consider using my Amazon affiliate links below to buy your copy of Lake Prophet. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases at no additional cost to you.

    SOLSTICEKindle I Audiobook
    EQUINOXKindle I Audiobook

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  • song,  Uncategorized

    SOUNDTRACK: Solace by Fyfe & Free Animal by Foreign Air

    Soundtrack to Lake Prophet: Solstice by Eli Easton & R.J. Scott

    Solace by Fyfe for a book about a new town, old ghosts, and unexpected friends.

    I’m hardly known in this neighbourhood
    But I can’t help feeling like I’ve been misunderstood.
    Right to my bones, yes my sinew shook,
    I feel this ground is breaking, nothing is there underfoot

    Days on days, looking back I lay,
    I know I’m insecure but I’ve been wasting away.
    Solace comes like I hoped it would,
    Love has overcome things I didn’t know that it could.

    Soundtrack to Lake Prophet: Equinox by Eli Easton & R.J. Scott

    Free Animal by Foreign Air for a book about caged animals, caged minds, and hard won freedom.

    My heart beats in patters to the broken sound
    You’re the only one that can calm me down
    My head spins in circles so I’m dizzy now
    All of this time I should’ve figured it out

    I’m a free animal, free animal